“White Men Are a Danger to Society”: San Francisco Committee Member Labels White Men ‘Serial Killers and Menaces to Society

A member of San Francisco’s reparations committee recently made some controversial remarks, igniting discussion in comment sections across the web.

Cunningham Claimed White Men Are a Menace

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Nikcole Cunningham, a member of San Francisco’s reparations committee, has called White men a “menace to society”. She went on to explain that these men are “privileged” and accused them of being serial killers, justifying the accusation with the fact that most serial killers fall into their demographic.

Not All Men

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Cunningham went on to explain that White men are the group most commonly involved in school shootings, claiming this makes them a “danger to society”.

“Not all of them,” she promptly clarified.

She Argued White Men Don’t Show Support

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“If anything, they pose more of a harm than support and help,” Cunningham explained, suggesting that the demographic doesn’t support reparations for Black people. She called for White individuals to “want to be the change”.

The Past Is Relevant

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Cunningham turned to the past and discussed the ancestors of White men, perhaps suggesting an explanation of their alleged apathy towards her cause.

“Their ancestors are the ones who were standing out here in their Sunday best watching Black people hang and burn,” she said. “White supremacy is ingrained in the DNA in the country and definitely in this city.”

Support From California State Senator


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California State Senator, Scott Weiner, recently confirmed that he supports reparations for Black people. He believes it’s important “to make good on the harm that was done,” claiming “there’s always a way to afford [it].” He went on to refer to the state’s current budget as “disastrous” but argued it would change with time.

Reparations Are Nothing New

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Reparations aren’t new to the US; Japanese Americans received a formal apology from President Reagan for their incarceration during the Second World War. Those who were removed from the West Coast received payments for losses of property.

The Cost of Reparations Would Be Immense

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Reparations don’t come cheap. The Hoover Institution calculates that reparations in San Francisco would cost around $175 billion. Cunningham suggested taxing utilities such as water, internet, and Cable to raise this money.

“You add even $0.05 to these things,” she said, “you have millions and millions, if not billions, of dollars.”

While supporters say the compensation is justified and overdue, opponents say it would simply cost too much. San Francisco’s annual budget is $14 billion, significantly lower than the estimated cost.


The Committee Chairman Justified Reparations

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“When you consider all of the ways in which the systems and practices have been managed to exclude and steal the opportunities for financial mobility, families are hurting and have been for decades – if not longer. Financial repair is time sensitive. That is not one that can or should wait,” Eric McDonnell, reparations committee chairman, said.

The Task Force Released a Huge Report

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The task force recently released its final report, which is over 1,000 pages long. It gives more than 100 suggestions for ways to repair the harm slavery caused, including reparations for descendants of enslaved people.

“This book of truth will be a legacy, a testament to the full story,” said Lisa Holder, a civil rights attorney and task force member. “Anyone who says that we have solved the problem of anti-Black racism, I challenge you to read this document.”

They Did Their Research

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To complete the report, task force members had to look at input from hundreds of experts and figure out who would and wouldn’t qualify for reparations. They held fifteen public meetings over more than two years, where they gathered information and listened to expert testimony.

There’s a State-Wide Task Force Too

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California put together its task force at the end of September 2020. It was only afterward that, along with other cities like Boston and Detroit, San Francisco developed its own.

In June 2022, California’s task force released a 500-page report detailing 170 years of discrimination. “Atrocities in nearly every sector of civil society have inflicted harms, which cascade over a lifetime and compound over generations resulting in the current wealth gap between Black and White Americans,” the report concluded.

The Internet Had Thoughts

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Online commenters were divided, with one individual saying, “Ms. Cunningham’s grasp of economics is dubious,” and another claiming, “California is playing a dangerous game.”

Others defended Cunningham, arguing that White individuals can’t understand the pain and trauma Black Americans have been through.


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