“Worst. President. Ever”: Stephen King Ignites Social Media Storm With Latest Criticism of Donald Trump

In a social media storm, Stephen King ignited a fierce debate by labeling Donald Trump as the “Worst. President. Ever.” This simple remark garnered more than 4 million views and triggered a barrage of reactions, particularly from the former president’s fans. 

Stephen King Takes Aim at Trump

Donald Trump
Image Credit: Gino Santa Maria / Shutterstock.

Renowned author Stephen King, well-known for his horror novels, ventured into the realm of political commentary when he used social media to criticize former President Donald Trump. With a three-word jab, King branded Trump the “Worst. President. Ever.” This comment quickly made waves on social media, gaining significant attention and adding fuel to the ongoing discourse surrounding Trump’s presidency.


King’s Ongoing Feud With Trump

Editorial credit: Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock.

This recent occurrence is the second time in a month that King has gone viral for his remarks regarding Trump. He previously initiated a divisive discussion among his followers by sharing side-by-side images of the potential felon and President Joe Biden. 


King’s Previous Post

Editorial credit: Christian David Cooksey / Shutterstock.

The left image portrayed Biden gleefully riding a bike, while the right depicted Trump in a golf cart, sporting a “Make America Great Again” hat. King captioned the images with, “Biden looks pretty good. The guy on the right is your basic Great American Manslob.” This post racked up over 7 million views.


King’s Political Stance

Image Credit: George Koroneos / Shutterstock.

King’s foray into politics aligns with his long-standing affiliation with the Democratic Party, which he joined back in 1970. He has consistently voiced his criticism of Trump, as evidenced in his 2018 post condemning the former president’s funding demand for a border wall, urging him to allocate those funds to children and veterans. King swore at Trump, called the wall a “vanity project,” and told him to do something good “for once.”


Trump’s Praise of Kim Jong Un

Image Credit: Canva.

In 2019, King took aim at Trump once again. This time, it was over the potential felon’s praise for Kim Jong Un. King implied that the North Korean dictator was manipulating Trump’s naivety and referenced Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War,” emphasizing the tactic of “pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.”


The Internet’s Response

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Responses to King’s latest criticism of the controversial former president were mixed. Fans of Trump seemingly felt personally attacked and felt the need to insult King back. On the other hand, critics of the potential felon agreed with the author’s words.


An Obvious Understatement

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“Saying Donald Trump is the worst president ever is like saying the sun is warm,” one commenter said, implying that King’s criticism was both obvious and an understatement. “I’m totally with King on this but man, what an understatement,” another echoed. 


Support for King

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Plenty of people expressed their support for King. “Yeah, Stephen King! Who cares if the MAGA cult followers are mad? Worst. President. Ever,” one person said. “As always, Stephan King speaks the truth. The only thing that could make this man better would be if he was a tad more left-wing,” another said.


A Self-Made Millionaire

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Another person wrote: “Trump supporters blasting Stephen King is really rich given that King is an actual self-made millionaire and a true leader in his profession, whereas Trump inherited hundreds of millions of dollars and bankrupted casinos and a laundry list of businesses. Trump’s only success has come from money laundering and scamming people and businesses.”


The Loss of Democracy

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Others elaborated on King’s words. One such commenter wrote: “Trump is the worst president ever because he is openly anti-democracy. He has no respect for the rule of law or the Constitution, which he recommends suspending. If you are a person, a citizen, a member of the working class, or poor, or middle-class, or a member of a minority group, the loss of our democracy is the worst thing that can happen to you.”


What Fools These Mortals Be

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The commenter continued: “Without the Constitution, you have no rights unless the dictator and his one-party rule says you do. The only ones who will prosper under Trump’s rule are him and his greedy buddies. Once that happens, you will be very sorry that you didn’t appreciate what you had under our system of checks and balances. What fools these mortals be!”


Shame and Embarrassment

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Some people even thanked King for his post. “Thank you, Mr. King. However, Trump does not have any faculty for shame or embarrassment. So he needs to be handled differently. Jail,” one individual wrote.


Criticism of King

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Trump’s fans were less than happy with King’s remarks. “What would King know? He’s an overpriced author who hasn’t been relevant in years,” one person said. “King should stick to fiction and leave the real world for the experts,” another wrote.


A Horror Author

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Plenty of Trump’s supporters seemed to think that King’s profession was an adequate reason to disregard his opinion. “I’m supposed to make important decisions based on [what] a horror book writer tells me?  Yeah, that’s a no,” one individual said.


Worst President Ever

Image Credit: agilard / Shutterstock.

But, despite the criticism, most commenters seemed to agree with the author. “Trump is the worst president ever and I don’t give a damn what the MAGAs think. They can hit me up with their replies and call me names all they want,” one person wrote.


Trump and Jail

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Others discussed the potential for Trump to go to jail – and they celebrated it. One such commenter said: “Yes, America is finally getting rid of the worst president in our history. The traitor, insurrectionist, bigot, racist, criminal, conspiracy theorist, liar, con man is going to jail.”


Trump’s Failed Businesses

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One person pointed out that Trump can’t be trusted to run an entire country if he can’t run a business without it going bankrupt. “I agree with Stephen King. Most of Donnie’s business endeavors have gone belly up over the years! He can’t run his businesses, never mind a country,” they wrote.


King of the United States

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Another person used King’s name to make a pun about Trump’s desires. They said: “I’m a little disappointed in Mr. King. Surely he could come up with some epic nickname for the Orange One, who would really love to be the Mr. King of the U.S.”

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