“Child Abuse Needs to Stop”: Transgender Psychologist Expresses Concerns About Gender-Diverse Kids

A transgender psychologist has expressed concerns about how her fellow professionals are treating gender dysphoria in minors, describing it as “emotional blackmail.” 

Exploring All Factors

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Erica Anderson, the psychologist in question, has voiced worries about the prevailing approach to addressing gender dysphoria in children and teenagers in the United States. Anderson said that healthcare practitioners need to consider all potential factors contributing to a child’s situation. Instead of immediately reinforcing a child’s affirmed gender, they should explore other potential underlying factors, including issues like abuse history, developmental challenges, anxiety, or depression.


Gender Dysphoria and Mental Health

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Having practiced as a pediatric and adult psychologist for over forty years, Anderson brought attention to the need for cautious and comprehensive assessment. She said that major mental health issues cannot be resolved solely through transitioning and argued that empirical evidence does not support such a claim. It’s worth noting that, despite Anderson’s words, gender dysphoria can in fact cause mental health issues. In those cases, transitioning undoubtedly helps massively.


Gender Identity and Peer Pressure

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While some of her colleagues hold the belief that the distress experienced by self-identified trans children mainly originates from gender-related factors, Anderson argued that this is not often the reality. Additionally, she pointed out that the process of exploring one’s gender identity can be susceptible to peer influence, similar to other aspects of teenagers’ lives.


A Shift in Demographic 

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Drawing from her experience at the University of California San Francisco, where she worked at the Adolescent Gender Center, Anderson discussed shifting patient demographics. Initially, the center mainly treated transgender girls – but it now predominantly serves transgender boys who’ve allegedly exhibited minimal gender questioning. 


Medical and Social Transitions

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Anderson cautioned against rushing minors toward medical interventions and emphasized the necessity for individualized assessments. She also addressed the claim that not affirming a child’s chosen gender identity might lead to suicide, describing it as “emotional blackmail” despite the plethora of evidence supporting it. It’s worth noting that supporting a transgender child usually doesn’t mean taking medical steps; it just means using their affirmed name and pronouns.


Thorough Evaluation for Transgender Kids

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Anderson advocated for thorough evaluation and a comprehensive understanding of all factors influencing a child’s gender identity before making life-altering decisions. She called for a collective effort involving children, parents, professionals, and teachers to achieve a consensus based on reliable evidence rather than opinions. She did not say transgender children don’t exist, nor did she claim that supporting a trans child is “abuse.”


The Internet Responded

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News of Anderson’s opinions were shared across social media and people flocked to comment sections to share their thoughts. “I mean, she’s not wrong. Nobody is saying, ‘Give kids hormones and puberty blockers the second they question their gender!’ We’re just saying be nice to them and let them try out names and pronouns and figure things out,” a trans individual wrote.


Transphobes Felt Validated

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Unfortunately, anti-trans individuals saw what they wanted to in Anderson’s words. “So even transgender adults agree that the child abuse needs to stop,” one person said. “That is not what she said at all,” another hit back. “No, she’s just saying that kids need to be assessed before any medical steps are taken, which is what almost always happens anyway. I’d say ‘always’ but you never know,” another added.


Some People Were Emotional

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Some commenters were a little more emotional in their responses. One such individual wrote: “Anderson is a disgusting human being and a pathetic excuse of a psychologist. Might seem harsh but, given the effect her words have, it’s not harsh enough. Her Twitter is a cesspit of transphobic nonsense. She’s one of the many people who are walking evidence that degrees and doctorates mean [nothing] too.”


The Nature of Internalized Transphobia

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Replying to the aforementioned commenter, one person wrote: “I personally think some trans [people] are institutionalized by the system. That’s one reason why you get people like her who are no different from some of the more tyrannical, thin-skinned, book-smart gender psychs who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near trans people.”


A Terrifying Phenomenon

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Others commented on the harmful nature of Anderson’s words. “This is so, so harmful. Trans children don’t have surgery. At best, they have puberty blockers – which are reversible – and might have hormones when they’re 16. None of this happens without assessment. Internalized transphobia is absolutely terrifying,” one individual said.


Advocating Against Her Own Community

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Some people were confused by the psychologist’s words. “I don’t understand the point she’s trying to make. That kids shouldn’t medically transition straight away? They don’t and adults usually don’t either. Why is she advocating against her own community?” one commenter questioned. 

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