“Use the Changing Room With Other Males”: Trans Woman Takes to Social Media After Being Made to Use Unisex Changing Facilities at Hotel

Anne Coombes, a 65-year-old transgender woman, has taken to social media to express her frustration over her experience at a four-star Mercure Hotel. She found herself at the center of a heated debate after alleging that a hotel staff member had assumed she would use unisex changing facilities instead of the female locker room. 

Anne Coombes’ Online Outcry

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Coombes shared her disappointment on social media, stating that her day was spoiled due to her inability to access the female changing room. She alleged that a hotel staff member had assumed she would use the unisex facilities, which led to a significant sense of exclusion. Coombes expressed her anger and highlighted the importance of not making assumptions regarding a person’s gender identity.


Demand for Gender Sensitivity Training

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Coombes didn’t stop at voicing her frustration. She demanded that the hotel employee be sent for gender sensitivity training. Her perspective is grounded in the belief that people should not be treated differently based on their gender identity. She emphasized the importance of adhering to self-identity principles and encouraged open and respectful communication in situations of uncertainty.


Reactions From Public Figures

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Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies, a vocal advocate for excluding transgender women from women’s sports, responded to Coombes’ post. Davies urged her to use either the male changing room or the unisex facility, claiming that the comfort of cisgender women and girls comes first. 


Davies’ Transphobic Words

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Davies said: “You’re male. Use the changing room with other males or at the very least the unisex changing room! Deciding you want to change where you want to change does not trump [the rights of] women [and] girls. I don’t know a single female that would subject that level of discomfort on others.” 


Assumptions and Arrogance

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Combes replied: “Sharron, you know nothing about me and all you know about the incident is what I have revealed. Don’t presume to know things about me with no evidence. It shows an arrogance which is not becoming.”


Julia Hartley-Brewer’s Commentary

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Presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer also weighed in on the matter. She sarcastically commented on the idea of a person “dressed as a woman” demanding entry into a female changing room. These reactions from public figures highlight the level of ignorance in regard to trans people that still exists in society. 


Misgendering and Transphobia

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Hartley-Brewer said: “Yeah, sure. What all women and girls are looking for when they’re without clothing in a changing room is a big, angry man who demands to be in there with them because he’s dressed as a woman. Uh-huh.” 


The Mixed Responses

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Coombes’ post garnered both support and criticism. Some individuals expressed sympathy for her experience and offered their support as allies. Others questioned her decision not to use the unisex changing room to avoid making other women uncomfortable. 


Anne Coombes’ Determination

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Unfazed by the mixed responses, Coombes affirmed her existence and determination to continue advocating for inclusivity. Her resilience truly serves as a testament to the importance of individuals standing up for their rights and identity, even in the face of adversity.


The Gender-Neutral Toilets Debate

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This incident occurred amid ongoing debates about gender-neutral facilities in public spaces. Some transphobic women’s rights campaigners, including author J. K. Rowling, argue against replacing separate male and female restrooms with gender-neutral ones. Concerns include potential privacy and safety issues.”


J. K. Rowling’s Concerns

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J. K. Rowling contends that gender-neutral toilets may compromise girls’ safety, privacy, and dignity. Her perspective has ignited a broader conversation about how to create inclusive environments while safeguarding the rights and comfort of all individuals.


The Impact on Public Spaces

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Coombes’ experience is most definitely a microcosm of the larger conversation regarding the balance between inclusivity and ensuring the comfort of all women, trans and cis, in public spaces. It highlights the need for thoughtful policies and respectful communication to navigate these complex issues effectively.


Inclusivity and Resilience

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Coombes’ encounter at the Mercure Hotel undoubtedly ignited a heated discussion on gender sensitivity, inclusivity, and the use of gender-specific facilities. It highlighted the importance of respectful communication and the ongoing debate over gender-neutral spaces in public settings while also serving as a reminder of the resilience of individuals advocating for their rights and identity.


Trans Women Have Always Been Here

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News of Coombes’ story was shared across the internet and although there was some debate, people were mostly on her side. One person said: “Everyone acts like trans women only popped into existence a couple of years ago. I’ve shared bathrooms with them since the 80s.”


The Commenter Had More to Say

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The commenter continued: “I’ve no idea what weird, stuff these transphobic [women] get up to where they seem to all be watching each other closely when they use restrooms… but for most of us – we know how to operate a door.”


The Hypocrisy of Transphobia

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Another person said: “I actually was talking about this with a friend of mine last week. She’s trans/femme/non-binary and she was talking about getting kicked out of a popular concert venue for going into the women’s bathroom. She said that this male security guard followed her into the bathroom in order to corner her and kick her out which is like, okay – obviously you don’t care about women being comfortable, just harassing trans women.”


Women’s Restrooms and Stalls

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Others pointed out that women’s bathrooms have stalls. As such, people likely don’t often notice when they’re in the same restroom as a trans woman. One individual wrote: “We’ve probably all shared a bathroom with a trans woman. We’ll never know because we all go into stalls.”


A Non-Issue

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Plenty of commenters echoed the aforementioned individual. One person said: “I assume, at 46, I’ve already shared a bathroom with a trans woman. But I, and probably them, were too busy using the restroom to compare body parts. It’s just a non-issue.”

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.


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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Emily Belson, a mother from Maryland, recently posted a TikTok criticizing the double standards when it comes to parenting.

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