“They’re Probably the Greatest Danger to Public Education in the Entire Country”: Moms for Liberty Unashamedly Quote Hitler in Newsletter

In a deeply concerning turn of events, Moms for Liberty – an anti-LGBTQ+ extremist group – included a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler in one of their newsletters. The move garnered intense criticism from left-wingers and right-wingers alike.

An Overview of Moms for Liberty

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Moms for Liberty is a conservative advocacy group that claims to champion parental rights in education. The organization, founded by a group of mothers, emerged as a response to perceived overreach by school boards and government entities into matters that parents believe should be under their control. 


An Extremist Group

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Moms for Liberty has advocated for policies that align with their conservative values, including curriculum choices, COVID-19 guidelines, and other issues related to education. They’ve been labeled an anti-government extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.


The Controversial Quote

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The quote featured in the newsletter read, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” The words are attributed to Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator of Nazi Germany. The quote reflects a disturbing aspect of Hitler’s propaganda strategy, which sought to indoctrinate young minds through the Hitler Youth movement. The dictator understood that shaping the beliefs and ideologies of young people would allow his regime to continue. The use of the quote speaks volumes about Moms for Liberty’s values.


The Hitler Youth Movement

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The Hitler Youth movement aimed to mold the minds of young Germans to ensure they grew up believing in the dictator’s totalitarian ideology. Under the guise of physical fitness and national pride, the Hitler Youth sought to instill loyalty to the Nazi regime, glorify Aryan supremacy, and groom the next generation into unquestioningly serving the Nazi state. Given that Moms for Liberty aims to abolish LGBTQ+ education so they can indoctrinate young minds with bigotry, there’s no wonder they agreed with Hitler’s words.


Public Reaction and Concerns

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The inclusion of the quote triggered an immediate and widespread backlash. Critics argued that using the words of one of history’s most horrendous figures raises serious questions about the organization’s intentions, ideological alignment, and overall awareness. Many were concerned that such a quote could be seen as endorsing or condoning a strategy that has been associated with the manipulation and brainwashing of young minds for sinister purposes.


Moms for Liberty Released a Statement

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Moms for Liberty has since issued a statement addressing the disrespectful, tone-deaf move. They said: “We condemn Adolf Hitler’s actions and his dark place in human history. We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and express our deepest apology.”


Inappropriate, Insensitive, and Concerning

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The response, quite understandably, failed to quell the concerns of critics, who argued that while parental involvement is indeed a vital aspect of bringing up children, the use of a quote from Hitler remains highly inappropriate, insensitive, and concerning.


The Internet Responded

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News of the organization’s controversial movie was shared across social media and, for the most part, people were disgusted. “Man, not even an unattributed quote or anything. Straight up Hitler quote, credited to Hitler. I figured with their name, they were trying to fly under the radar and recruit from the MLM mom demographic,” one person wrote, referring to the way the organization proudly attributed the quote to Hitler rather than keeping its origin hidden to protect their image.


Others Responded With Sarcasm

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A fair few commenters responded with sarcasm. One such individual wrote: “So, a group of supposed-activist moms who oppose anything that might give children some knowledge of slavery, the Holocaust, LGBTQ struggles, [and] the civil rights [movement] are crypto-fascists who quote Hitler. I am shocked, shocked I say.”


The Organization’s Intentions

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Some commenters discussed Moms for Liberty’s potential intention with the quotation. “I’m guessing maybe they were trying to say, ‘Watch out for evil liberals who, like Hilter, are trying to own the youth by indoctrinating them in order to gain the future.’ But that’s a really big maybe,” one person suggested. I’m pretty sure that’s what they were trying to imply but it’s not like they’re hiding their agenda to do the same thing they’re claiming liberals are,” another responded.


Moms for Liberty’s Biggest Problem

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Others talked about why Moms for Liberty will never succeed in their endeavors. “See, the problem [Moms for Liberty has] is the youth – by and large – think [they’re] archaic and bigoted. They think the same thing about churches preaching anti-gay bigotry. [Young people] know too many LGBTQ people. So, these [idiots] have decided that if they just force the kids, that’ll change their minds – that’ll get rid of their support for gay people. [Mom’s for Liberty] just cannot grasp that whatever biases Gen Z has, it’s not going to be anti-LGBTQ [stuff]. They’d have to hate too many of their friends for no reason.”


Moms for Fascism

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Some people expressed fear in regard to the threat the extremist organization poses. “They’re probably the greatest danger to public education in the entire country. ‘Moms for Fascism’ is a better name,” one person wrote. “Fascists for fascism would be better. This group is mostly not moms and definitely not for freedom,” another echoed.

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