“I’m Not a Menstruator, I’m a Woman”: Rachel Levine Praises Gender Clinic Promoting Gender-Inclusive Language

Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), recently visited Identity Alaska – a gender clinic. 

The Visit to the Clinic

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During her visit, Levine expressed admiration for the clinic’s work and their commitment to creating a more equitable healthcare future for all Americans. However, the clinic’s approach to gender education, particularly its promotion of non-traditional ideas about biological sex, has drawn criticism from those with anti-trans views.


Rachel Levine’s Words

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Levine had a lot of praise for the clinic and its curriculum. She said: “These inspiring people work tirelessly to create a more equitable future, where all those living in the US have equal access to lifesaving medical care.” 


An Inclusive Approach

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Identity Alaska’s gender-inclusive biology curriculum has gained conservative attention for its inclusive approach to teaching about gender and biological sex. The curriculum, designed for K-12 science teachers, advocates for “child-friendly definitions” of gender-related and sexuality-related concepts. 


The Curriculum’s Content

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The curriculum suggests explaining to kindergartners that doctors assign genders to babies based on the way their biological sex presents on the outside – in other words, based on anatomy and nothing more. The curriculum also provides guidance on discussing sexual attraction with young children.


Challenging Traditional Language

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Another aspect of the curriculum is its recommended alteration of language in the classroom. It advises against using the term “mother” and instead proposes alternatives like “gestational parent,” “birth parent,” “egg producer,” or “carrier.” 


A Mix of Genes

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As an example, the phrase “when the mom gives birth” is replaced with “when the baby exits the womb.” Similarly, the curriculum discourages the use of “mom and dad” when discussing genes, opting for phrases like “a mix of genes from sperm and egg.”


Reframing Biological Terminology

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Identity Alaska’s curriculum goes further by suggesting that teachers avoid using the terms “male” and “female,” even in the context of hormones and reproductive organs. It recommends replacing “male hormones” and “female hormones” with “testosterone” and “estrogen.” This approach is far more direct and is by no means inaccurate. 


Making Terminology Direct

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The phrase “male reproductive organs” should be substituted with their biological names. Furthermore, the recommended terminology for “women” and “men” becomes “those with ovaries” and “those with testicles.”


Silence From HHS and the Clinic

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It’s worth noting that neither HHS nor Identity Alaska has provided an official response to inquiries about the curriculum. The lack of clarification from these entities leaves room conservative groups to speculate about their stance.


The History of Oppression in Science

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The curriculum’s underlying intention appears to be to create a more understanding, accepting, and knowledgeable society. It urges teachers to focus biology lessons on being anti-oppression and encourages the examination of how science has been historically used as a tool of oppression. The curriculum aims to challenge discrimination in current and historical scientific practices.


Questioning Traditional Anthropological Methods

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The curriculum also extends its reach into anthropology classes, suggesting that the analysis of bone structures in excavated remains can be misleading when determining a person’s biological sex and gender identity. It criticizes heteronormativity in drawing conclusions from skeletal remains and highlights that genetic testing and the rejection heteronormativity in anthropology has led to the identification of intersex, transgender, and gender non-conforming individuals.


Raising Important Questions

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Identity Alaska’s gender-inclusive biology curriculum raises important questions about the intersection of education, language, and social justice. While some view it as a progressive step towards inclusivity and equity, those that harbor anti-trans views see it as a radical revision of established biological and linguistic norms. The ongoing debate surrounding this curriculum highlights the complex challenges educators face in navigating sensitive topics related to gender and sexuality in the classroom. 


A Topic of Debate

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Gender-inclusive language has been a topic of debate online for quite some time. Supporters consider it to be a wonderful, validating thing that can help reduce dysphoria for transgender people. Critics often claim they’re being erased by such linguistic shifts.


A Conservative Misunderstanding

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One social media user said: “I think conservatives misunderstand inclusive language severely. If you are a cis woman, and you’re about to give birth, nobody is going to call you “the birth giver” or anything like that. Terms like that are for trans and non-binary people. You will continue to simply be called “the mother.” This literally doesn’t affect you.”


Nothing Will Change for Cis People

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Others echoed the aforementioned commenter. One person wrote: “Why are cis people so mad about inclusive language? It won’t be used for them. Nothing will change for them. I mean, maybe kids will be taught more direct terms like ‘testosterone’ rather than ‘the male hormone’ but why is that a problem? That’s accurate regardless of whether or not you believe in trans people.”


A Deep-Rooted Misconception 

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Some commenters proved the assumptions of the aforementioned two to be correct. “I’m sorry but I am not a ‘birth giver’ and calling me that would be highly insulting. I am a woman. Trans women are women too – I support you. But stop changing our language.”


Trans Representation in the Media

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Plenty of people echoed the aforementioned individual. “Inclusive language is so demeaning. I’m not a ‘menstruator,’ I’m a woman. I’m not a  ‘birth-giver,’ I’m a woman. By all means, use this language for yourselves but keep it away from us,” one person said. “That is literally what we’re doing. Nobody is forcing that language on you. Stop listening to the media. They want you to hate us,” another hit back.


A Pessimistic View

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Unfortunately, a lot of trans people and trans allies had a rather pessimistic view. One person said: “I think we, trans people and allies, need to accept that the wider population will not adopt gender-inclusive language until the media stops attacking us the way it does. It’s intent on convincing cis people that we’re erasing terms like ‘woman’ and ‘mother’ and it’s always going to be louder than us.”

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