“Not Everybody Has a Job Where They Just Sit Around and Talk”: Nikki Haley Claims 65 Is “Way Too Low” for the Retirement Age

Nikki Haley recently ignited a heated debate when she claimed that a retirement age of 65 is “way too low.” Unsurprisingly, a lot of people vehemently opposed her viewpoint.

Haley’s Critique of Entitlements

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Haley’s assertion was linked to her apprehensions about entitlement programs and the potential repercussions of evading necessary reforms. She argued that any political candidate promising to refrain from modifying entitlements is essentially steering the nation toward an impending crisis.


Republican Responsibility for Debt

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Haley candidly discussed her party’s role in the escalating federal debt. Her criticism extended beyond party lines to encompass the Biden administration but she staunchly insisted that Republicans bear a significant share of the responsibility. She cited the passage of a colossal $2.2 trillion COVID stimulus bill as a prime example, contending that it led to a surge in Medicaid enrollment and an uptick in people relying on food stamps.


Nikki Haley’s Words

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Haley said: “The truth is that Biden didn’t do this to us. Our Republicans did this to us too. When they passed that $2.2 trillion COVID stimulus bill, they left us with 90 million people on Medicaid, 42 million people on food stamps.”


Rampant Spending and Unchecked Borrowing

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Haley highlighted what she perceived to be rampant spending, unchecked borrowing, and the resurgence of earmarks that were formerly prohibited. To address these concerns, she proposed several solutions.


Retirement Age and Benefits

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Firstly, she advocated for adjusting the retirement age to reflect life expectancy, claiming that this would establish a more sustainable approach. “We change the retirement age to reflect life expectancy. Instead of cost-of-living increases, we do it based on inflation,” she said.


Enhancing Healthcare Access

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Next, Haley suggested limiting benefits for high-income individuals as a measure to secure the long-term viability of entitlement programs. Lastly, she recommended expanding the Medicare Advantage Plan, believing it could enhance healthcare access while curbing costs.


Nikki Haley’s Foreign Policy Stance

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Going beyond economic concerns, Haley also shared her perspectives on foreign policy. She highlighted the importance of NATO expansion and unwavering support for Ukraine. However, she did not withhold criticism when assessing the foreign policy acumen of some fellow candidates.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Haley’s remark about the retirement age was shared across the internet and, for the most part, people strongly disagreed. “She doesn’t know what 40 years of work does to the body. She never worked, she just runs her mouth,” one person said.


The Government’s Slush Fund

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Some commenters discussed social security. One individual wrote: “If the money people were forced to pay into social security would have been invested into a private retirement account starting at age 18, an account that the politicians could not have raided, people would have been better off. We have been forced to contribute to the government’s slush fund.”


A Broken Promise

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Another person said: “For 44 years, I have been paying into this fund without a single gap and [I’m] still working and paying into it. I am absolutely entitled to social security. I was promised 65 when I started. Now it’s 67 and I’m not there yet.”


A Huge Disagreement 

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The commenter continued: “It’s one part of what I put away for retirement. I have almost five million miles of driving under my belt and butt and if you don’t think that takes a toll on your body, you should try it sometime. I like Nikki but we disagree on this big time. It would keep me from voting for her.”


Treating the Elderly Poorly

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Others felt that the elderly should be able to retire much earlier. “I see way too many elderly still working who really should have been allowed to retire years ago. We treat our seniors poorly,” one individual said.


Trust Fund Babies

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Some people expressed frustration regarding the situation. One person wrote: “Pretty sick and tired of the rich trying to decide what age is appropriate for retirement. Trust fund babies shouldn’t dictate things like this for the common American.”


Supporting Large Corporations

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Others discussed the right and its relationship to corporations. “Of course she thinks it’s too low. She is a Republican. They support big corporations and businesses that want us all to work at low wages until we die,” one commenter said.


Physically Demanding Jobs

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Plenty of people implied that Haley only holds her controversial retirement age opinion because she’s never had a physically demanding job. One person said: “Not everybody has a job where they just sit around and talk. Some people actually have very physical jobs.”


A Permanent Vacation

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Others discussed a potentially warped view of retirement. One commenter wrote: “A lot of retired folks continue to work either because they want to or because they have to. People like her think everyone goes on permanent vacation after retiring.”


An Unbelievable View

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Quite a few people simply expressed shock and astonishment. “I started working when I was 16. If I retire at 67, I will have worked 51 years. Just unbelievable these politicians think 65 is too low for retirement,” one individual said.


Discussing Military Retirement

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Another commenter said: “But full military retirement with health benefits after 30 years at age 48 is okay? I don’t get it. What about these poor souls who labored with their bodies in construction, manufacturing, and distribution and have physical issues from that work?”

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