“Liberals Are Disgusting”: Planned Parenthood Allegedly Wants CHILD MARRIAGE to Remain LEGAL

The age of consent is different across the world and within the United States. In California, it’s 18 – but that only applies if the people involved are not married. It’s a distinction that creates a loophole where marriage can be used to justify statutory rape.

The Minimum Age to Get Married

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There is no minimum age requirement to get married in California. Even minors can wed – but they need approval from a parent or guardian first. According to The Times, some groups – progressive groups at that – argue that a complete ban on child marriage could be a slippery slope towards violating peoples’ constitutional and reproductive rights.

Allegedly, Planned Parenthood Is Against a Ban

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Senator Jerry Hill reportedly told The Times that he tried to ban the practice in 2017 but ran into opposition from Planned Parenthood. “I was amazed and appalled and frankly ashamed of California, that we had not done anything about this,” he said.

In Reality, Planned Parenthood Just Want Kids to Be Safe

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Mainstream media will always twist things to fit its agenda. In reality, Planned Parenthood didn’t support past attempts at banning child marriage because of concerns that it could undermine minors’ rights to seek abortions and other sexual health care. In other words, they wanted a bill that insured kids would still have access to the appropriate medical care if needed.

Child Marriage Is Legal in Most US States

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Shockingly, child marriage is legal in almost all US states. However, in recent times, states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut have moved to ban it. Next spring, a new measure to ban the horrific practice, without exceptions, will be introduced in the California state legislature.

Hypocrisy in the US

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Everyone is guilty of hypocrisy sometimes – and that goes for entire countries too. Assemblymember Cottie Petrie Norris said:  “The US considers marriage under the age of 18 in foreign countries to be a human rights abuse. The reality is this is happening in the dark corners. It is absolutely shocking and it’s horrifying.”

Almost 50 Child Marriages in California Since 2019

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According to The Times, there have been 48 marriages involving minors in California since 2019 — and those are only the ones that have been reported. The report stated: “Those numbers are significantly lower than an analysis by Unchained At Last of census data, which put the number of minor marriages in California at at least 8,789 in 2021. That number is based on respondents of the American Community Survey who said they were 15 to 17 years old and had been married within the past year. Data for younger respondents is not available.”

Online Commenters Were Appalled

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Online commenters were horrified. “Liberals [and] progressives are the most disgusting people on earth. This is the very reason they’ve had such difficulty with Sound of Freedom. Disgusting, vile creatures,” one person wrote. “You know that basically all progressives are against child marriage, right? Unlike many conservatives,” another replied.

Republicans Are the Problem, According to Some Commenters

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Replying to the aforementioned individuals, one person wrote: “Republicans are constantly pushing back against child marriage bans. In all other states, it is Democrats fighting for bans and conservatives resisting. Even in California, it’s Democrats putting forward the bill. Where are the conservative supporters?”

Conservatives Blamed Progressives

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Interestingly, conservatives blamed progressives for the issue despite the fact that, in most cases, the latter are the ones trying to get the practice banned and the former are the ones stopping them. “Money can buy anything in America. No matter how repulsive,” one person wrote. “Liberals sure are disgusting, aren’t they?” a second individual replied. The first person hit back: “No, I didn’t say that.”

The Story Made Its Way to Reddit

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The story made its way to Reddit – and Redditors had a lot to say. One person wrote: “Okay, all the conservatives saying liberals are pro-child marriage need to pipe down. To start with, learn the difference between ‘liberal’ and ‘leftist.’ Some liberals might be against a ban, because they’re closer to conservatives in opinion and worldview, but leftists sure don’t – and when you guys say ‘liberal’ you almost always mean ‘leftist.’”

Leftists Are Against Corporations and Big Businesses

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The Redditor continued: “Secondly, leftists hate corporations and big businesses. We are not Planned Parenthood, who aren’t really against a ban anyway. Most of us are communists and anarchists – and neither of those is what you think so please don’t start. It’s conservatives trying to stop child marriage being banned across the country.”

Others Simply Expressed Their Shock

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Some Redditors left short comments expressing their shock. “It is amazing to me that you cannot enter into a rental contract as an underage person but can be forced into marriage,” one person wrote. “This is because America does not [care] about children,” another added.

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