“Inclusion of Trans Athletes Is Important” : NFL Faces Backlash with Justine Lindasy The League’s First Openly Transgender Cheerleader

Justine Lindasy, the first openly transgender NFL cheerleader, has opened up about her life in an article written for Insider. She talked about how, given the abundance of anti-trans sentiment in the United States, it’s important to stand up and be proud.

As a Child, Justine Adored Ballet

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Growing up, Justine’s life revolved around dance – specifically ballet. She wrote: “I’d go to the computer almost every day, trying to connect it to the internet through AOL, and I’d watch video after video to learn everything I could, from arm movements to leg and feet placements.

Her Passion for Dance Opened Opportunities

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Dance led Justine to try out for the TopCats – and she was successful, making her the first openly transgender woman to cheer for them. Justine hoped to open minds and eliminate barriers. She said: “You sometimes never know who you can impact until you break down the wall.”

The Transgender Woman Always Knew She Was a Girl

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Opening up about her personal journey, Justine wrote that she’d always known she was a woman. She said: “I had started transitioning in college during my sophomore year. I always knew I was special. I knew there was a young girl inside of me. I just didn’t know who to go to or what resources I had. I didn’t have a big sister who was also trans to look up to, someone who could help me navigate that.”

Justine Is Optimistic for the Future of Transgender People

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Justine wrote about how, in the United States of America, transphobia is rife. But despite the prevalence of violent hate crimes and discrimination, particularly against Black trans women such as herself, the cheerleader remains hopeful and optimistic. She wrote: “I feel like we have strong senators and political champions who want to make change.”

She Discussed Trans Women in Sports

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Justine went on to discuss the topic of transgender individuals in sports – which she wholly supports – and reminded readers of the importance of open-mindedness. She said: “Inclusion of trans athletes in sports is important because we meet so many different, beautiful beings. Every person is made differently. If you shut one person out, you’re shutting out a new opportunity, a new idea. So it’s very important to be open-minded to the possibilities.” 

The Cheerleader Tackled Transphobia and Anti-Trans Abuse

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Justine’s NFL cheerleading career hasn’t been without challenges. In her article, she discussed the abuse she received simply for being transgender. “I did face negative comments from trolls who were trying to make me feel bad about myself. At first it was very hurtful because I’m just minding my own business. I even considered deleting my Instagram at one point,” the cheerleader wrote.

But She Didn’t Let the Transphobes Stop Her

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Justine wasn’t going to let the trolls stop her – and she wasn’t going to let them chase her off social media. She wrote: “Anytime you’re doing something great or positive, someone’s always going to come behind and try to steal your joy. So I just have to continue to do what I love to do.”

Reddit’s Transgender Community Erupted Into Support

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Transgender Redditors discussed Justine’s story and commented messages of support. One user wrote: “Way to go girl! Especially in a culture and sport that is anti-inclusive. Honestly, the nation needs this, the community needs this, and congrats to her for living her dream and choosing to face fear and accept joy in her life. The LGBTQ+ community needs to continue to stand together during these times of hate and fear mongering.”

Others Said the Cheerleader Is an Inspiration

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A plethora of Redditors thanked Justine for being so open. They talked about how it would’ve been easy for her to stay in the closet and avoid the hate – but she didn’t; she stood proud and represented the community. “Thank you. You are an inspiration to many,” one user wrote.

Online Commenters Were Quick to Correct the Media

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Several media outlets claimed Justine was the “first transgender NFL cheerleader” – but online commenters were quick to correct this. “You mean the first openly transgender NFL cheerleader. Because, honestly, who knows?” one person wrote. Several others posted similar comments, pointing out that you can’t always tell when someone is transgender – and that transgender people, unfortunately, have plenty of reasons to stay in the closet.

Justine Did, Unfortunately, Attract Transphobes

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Justine’s article did, of course, receive some transphobic hate. “Just why?” one person wrote. Several others intentionally misgendered the cheerleader and some complained that they don’t want to see stories like Justine’s. A minority of individuals even accused the cheerleader of trying to indoctrinate football viewers.

Regardless, Justine’s Hope and Optimism Shines Through

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Justine is clearly a hopeful and strong woman. Having found a passion for cheerleading through her love of dance, it’s unlikely she’ll let online hate stop her. It’s clear she’s prepared for the negative comments and, with the positive responses so plentiful, there’s no doubt her optimism will continue to shine through.


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