“If Circumstances Call for Michelle to Run, They’ll Have Her Run”: Barack Obama Remains Silent When Asked if Michelle Will Run for the Presidency

Former President Barack Obama was asked if Michelle, his wife, plans to run for the presidency. Interestingly, he chose to remain silent.

Silence Is Telling

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Obama was enjoying a meal at Funke on South Santa Monica Boulevard. As he left the restaurant, he was approached by paparazzi, who enquired about rumors regarding his wife and a potential bid for the White House. While the former president did mumble something inaudible, no definitive response to the question was provided.


Ted Cruz’s Comments

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The incident follows speculation from former Republican candidate Ted Cruz regarding Michelle. He said: “Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely. In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”


A Relaxing Vacation

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Regardless of the rumors, Michelle is currently spending her time relaxing off the coast of Italy on Steven Spielberg’s yacht with Tom Hanks, among others. The group was spotted leaving the yacht near Portofino before jumping onto a smaller boat for a snorkeling trip.


Another Relaxing Vacation

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Michelle reportedly enjoyed another vacation earlier in the year. This time, it was in Mallorca. She was seen leaving a restaurant and it’s rumored that she spent her time on the island staying with former US ambassador to Spain James Costos and his partner, Michael Smith.


The Public Opinion

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The possibility of Michelle Obama running for the presidency is something that has been discussed and debated thoroughly both on the internet and in the real world. Right-wingers usually dread the idea. Liberals and centralists tend to hope for it to come to fruition and leftists, who hold almost as much disdain for the Obamas as they do for Trump, reject it but admit that it would be better than a win for the far-right. 


Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama

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One social media commenter said: “[Michelle] has said repeatedly she’s not interested. Why would she [run for the presidency]? I find it weird that so many people seem to think she might. Yes, Hillary Clinton ran but she’s the only example of a former FLOTUS and she made it really, really clear she had those plans even before leaving the White House.”


A Luxurious Mansion

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Another individual said: “I don’t know what’s in her mind but I would think [she won’t run]. She’s in an 11-million-dollar, 7,000-square-foot mansion. Thirty acres with a private beach. It has a room entirely for the purpose of eating breakfast. An income in the millions for very little effort. If I was in her position, why in the heck would I go in for 16-hour days?”


A Content Former First Lady

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Echoing the aforementioned commenters, another person said: “She seems to be pretty content in the life of a former first lady. I don’t follow her goings-on much but I don’t get the impression that she is interested in a political career for herself.”


Biden Is Determined

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Others pointed out that Biden is unlikely to step down. One such individual said: “I can’t imagine she would run. All indications are that she really dislikes politics and is not really someone who would even want it, let alone get involved to that level. Biden isn’t stepping back unless something forces him to.”


Politics Is a Brutal Game

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One person discussed the stressful nature of politics. They wrote: “I think Michelle Obama would certainly have a good chance of winning if she were to run but I don’t see her running. I just don’t think it’s something she, personally, would want to do. Politics is a brutal game. It takes a very specific brand of unhinged to want to put yourself out there in it.”


Avoiding the Political Sphere

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Others pointed out that Michelle has, for the most part, kept away from politics over the past few years. One person said: “If she was interested, she would have tried to stay involved in politics at some level after 2016. Instead, she has generally avoided the political sphere.”


Zero Interest in Running

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Another commenter wrote: “I think there are a lot of people on the right putting personal feelings before the most likely facts. Is it true that Michelle Obama keeps polling high for the presidency? Yes – but she has repeatedly said she has zero interest in running.”


An Interesting Theory

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Others tried to explain the rumors. One person said: “The Democrats are going to wait until Trump clinches the Republican nomination and then swap out Biden for someone else. It’s the best possible strategy for the Dems as both Biden and Trump are unpopular with the general public. The problem is, the Dems don’t have much of a bench, so people mention Michelle Obama because they have to grasp at whatever they can.”


The Most Popular Democrat

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Another individual wrote: “Michelle Obama is the most popular Democrat in America, so it makes a certain kind of sense. Of course, she’s not interested and has been clear on that. But if you were strategically picking someone to replace Biden, she’d be a very strong choice.”


A Believable Theory

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Plenty of people suggested more likely Democrat candidates. “They have Newsome, Klobuchar, and plenty of other candidates. It won’t be Michelle Obama. That’d be odd but out of all the conspiracies, this one sounds most believable.”


A Good Move

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Another person wrote: “It would be a good move given where the Democrats are right now. This election should be a slam dunk for them. Trump is historically unpopular and might very well need to run for president from jail. But Biden is not exactly a stellar candidate either. He’s far too old and it’s still looking way too close for comfort.”


A Lack of Options

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The commenter continued: “But what options do you have? If Biden steps down, the next most likely candidate is Kamala Harris. But she’s also very unpopular and polls meaningfully worse than Biden against Trump. Meanwhile, you can’t exactly skip over her in favor of someone like Gavin Newsom. Skipping over a Black woman who is ‘next in line’ in favor of a White man would not play over well with the Dem base.”


A Different Opinion

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Despite all of the aforementioned opinions, a minority of social media commenters do believe there’s a possibility that Michelle could run for the presidency. One such individual, in response to others pointing out that the former first lady has repeatedly said she has no interest in a bid for the White House, said: “Obama didn’t care to run either until a small group of donors from Chicago funded his way into the primary. If circumstances call for Michelle to run, they’ll have her run.”

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