Digital Recklessness: Ohio Bans Plastic Surgeon for Broadcasting Surgeries Online, Raising Questions of Her Credentials

A plastic surgeon has had her Ohio medical license permanently revoked after she went viral live-streaming her surgeries.

She’d Previously Been Suspended

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Dr. Katharine Roxanne Grawe, the plastic surgeon in question, had previously been temporarily suspended in November 2022 for alleged privacy violations and botched surgeries. According to The Columbus Dispatch, Grawe has not practiced medicine since the suspension.

Grawe Failed to Meet Standards of Care

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Grawe’s permanent ban from practicing in Ohio comes after three patients reported complications from procedures, one of which had their surgery broadcasted on the surgeon’s social media. Ultimately, Grawe was found to have failed to meet the standards of care expected and was accused of caring more for her social media following than for her patients. She was fined $4,500.

The Surgeon Has a Huge Following

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Grawe, known on TikTok as Dr. Roxy, has a massive online following. With almost 1 million followers and 14 million likes, she’s hardly a small content creator. Despite her online success, her TikTok and Instagram accounts have been set to private since her November suspension.

She Pleaded Her Case

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Dr. Grawe pleaded her case to the medical board. According to The Times, the surgeon acknowledged she had “fallen below the board’s ideal in multiple ways” and took their criticism seriously. She explained that the videos posted to social media were supposed to be educational.

The Board Wasn’t Hearing Any of It

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Unfortunately for Grawe, the board felt social media use amplified her “reckless” behavior. They determined the videos were intended to further Grawe’s personal brand, not to educate the public. The surgeon went on to explain to the board that, due to the situation, her children were being harassed at school and her husband had left her.

Lives Have Been Affected

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The situation hasn’t only had an effect on Grawe herself; it’s affected her employees. The surgeon had to let go of twenty employees, according to The Times. Her clinic’s website is currently unavailable. According to Jerica Stewart, a spokesperson for the medical board, the surgeon has 15 days to appeal the decision.

Redditors Discussed the Situation

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Grawe’s story made its way to Reddit and people discussed the situation in detail. One individual wrote: “The post-surgery picture is rough. Even if she wasn’t TikTok obsessed, I wouldn’t choose to get fake boobs or a fake butt from her. My neighborhood back alley surgeon cares more about their professional reputation than this chick does.”

Others Had Personal Stories to Share

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Some Redditors had personal connections to Grawe. One person wrote: “I know someone who used her and is fine, luckily. She had given consent and our friends all watched the procedure on Snapchat. It was wild. That being said, why wouldn’t you have someone else do the filming and pay attention to what you’re doing? It just goes to show, a job title does not mean anything more than that.”

Redditors Questioned Whether She’d Be Able to Work Elsewhere

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Some Redditors questioned whether the surgeon would be able to work in another state. “Sadly, she’ll be able to move to a different state and practice again. However, she’ll have a tough time getting clients after the media exposure she’s going through,” one individual wrote. “She has to get a license in whatever state she moves to and it’s going to be a challenge to get admitted in another state when the state you’re coming from took your license away,” another replied.

Others Discussed the Expectations Society Puts on Women

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Some Redditors discussed the way society can make women feel insecure. One individual wrote: “What really gets me is the beautiful and healthy pre-op pictures of those women’s bodies. The one with the little hip dips and tummy fat literally looked like the paintings of Venus and the smaller-breasted ladies looked athletic and perky. I understand they weren’t happy and they can do whatever they want with their own bodies but it makes me so sad to see them botched with problems for life for no other reason than pressure from society fueling their insecurities.”

Some Questioned How Grawe Even Found Success to Begin With

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Some Redditors questioned how the surgeon got through medical school in the first place. One person wrote: “I can’t imagine spending all that time and money to become a doctor and completely throwing it away by being addicted to social media and just being incompetent. How did she even get a residency if she’s that bad? Aren’t there tests and interviews and hours upon hours of studying you have to do before you get placed? I don’t know what medical school she went to but it’s not a good look for them.”

A Minority Resorted to Sexism

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A minority of online commenters felt the need to display misogynistic tendencies. “Medical negligence, violation of patient privacy, mass firing of employees at her clinic, uses her degree to boost her media influence, wears too much makeup, and acts stupid,” one person wrote, describing Grawe. “She’s literally a terrible person without you feeling the need to shame her for wearing makeup. She doesn’t even wear that much. Stooping to that level is stupid,” another replied.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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