“If He Did the Crime, He Should Do the Time”: Ex-White House Official Says Trump’s Prosecution Could Have “Terrible Consequences”

A former White House official has said that Trump’s prosecution could have “terrible consequences” for the U.S. but “might be justified.”

Terrible Consequences for the U.S.

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Jack Goldsmith, a former assistant attorney general, has said that prosecuting Trump might be “tragic” and could have “terrible consequences” for the United States. Moreover, he claimed that it would likely make the Department of Justice seem like an “irretrievably politicized institution.”


Jack Goldsmith’s Words

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Goldsmith said: “It may be satisfying now to see Special Counsel Jack Smith indict former President Donald Trump for his reprehensible and possibly criminal actions in connection with the 2020 presidential election. But the prosecution, which might be justified, reflects a tragic choice that will compound the harms to the nation from Mr. Trump’s many transgressions.”


Trump’s Freedom of Speech

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Goldsmith continued: “Mr. Smith’s indictment outlines a factually compelling but far from legally airtight case against Mr. Trump. The case involves novel applications of three criminal laws and raises tricky issues of Mr. Trump’s intent, of his freedom of speech, and of the contours of presidential power.”


The Senate’s Regrettable Decision

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Goldsmith went on to point out that the Senate “regrettably passed up” the chance to convict Trump “after the House of Representatives rightly impeached him.” He continued: “Had that occurred, Attorney General Merrick Garland may well have decided not to appoint a special counsel for this difficult case. But here we are.”


The Unfortunate Timing

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Goldsmith went on to talk about how the “indictment comes from the Biden administration when Mr. Trump holds a formidable lead in the polls to secure the Republican Party nomination.” He said the timing is “deeply unfortunate,” making it “look political.”


Inspiring Future Investigations

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The ex-White House official went on to say that the prosecution “will likely inspire ever-more-aggressive tit-for-tat investigations of presidential actions in office by future Congresses and by administrations of the opposite party, to the detriment of sound government.”


An Irretrievably Politicized Institution

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In his conclusion Goldsmith described the Justice Department’s motivations as “pure.” However, he said it will “likely emerge from this prosecution viewed as an irretrievably politicized institution by a large chunk of the country.”


The Internet’s Response

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News of Goldsmith’s remarks was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. For the most part, people disagreed with his take and many called his “might be justified” claim an understatement. 


There Will Be Consequences

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Lots of people talked about how prosecuting Trump is for the best because it will undoubtedly send a message to others like him, people who idolize fascists and dictators, telling them that there will be consequences if they attempt to defy democracy. 


Far Greater Consequences

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One social media commenter said: “Lack of prosecution will have far greater negative consequences for our country’s future. What Trump has done cannot be used as a road map for future despots who may learn from his mistakes and actually take over. It needs to be a warning that severe punishment awaits anyone who tries.”


Holding Politicians Accountable

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Another person wrote: “I believe Trump’s indictment is good for America. It shows that everyone is accountable to the law. That is a message we have lost. There are probably more in Congress that should be indicted and held accountable.”


Prosecution Is Justified

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Responding to Goldsmith’s “might be justified” remark, one individual said: “It most definitely is justified. If he did the crime, he should do the time. Shouldn’t matter who he is. Anyone else would already be in prison.”


Trump Is Cunning

Image credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com.

Another commenter wrote: “Has anyone considered that the deceiving orange con artist announced his running for the presidency as early as he did to make it seem like the present administration is responsible for his prosecution? He is very devious with his plans.”


No One Is Above the Law

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Plenty of people explicitly said that Trump is not above the law. One person said: “The only one paying consequences will be Trump himself. There is no place in America for a traitor and a felon to be elected president. Once was enough. No one is above our laws, not even Donald Trump.”


Making America Stronger

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Another individual wrote: “I couldn’t disagree more. Prosecuting criminals at any level will make us stronger. Now we have to pass laws raising the bar for our politicians and then enforce those laws.”


The Healing Process

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “Au contraire. Prosecutions will allow the healing process to begin. Ford’s pardon of Nixon only further opened a wound that we are still dealing with.”


Enough Is Enough

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Plenty of people expressed frustrations with how long the legal process is taking. One such individual wrote: “Enough is enough, just put Trump in jail. He is not the president. He lost the election. He should have been taught good sportsmanship as a kid.”


A Ridiculous Take

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Another commenter said: “What a ridiculous take. If it’s justified, which it is, he should be prosecuted. It doesn’t matter who he is. We cannot send the message that presidents are above the law.”

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