“Because of Trump, the Whole World Thinks Americans Are Idiots”: Conservative Judge Slams “Embarrassing” Donald Trump

Criminal defendant Donald Trump chose “to inflict this embarrassing spectacle on the nation,” according to Former Judge J. Michael Luttig.

Appointed by Bush

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Luttig, from 1991 to 2006, was a judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. He was appointed by Bush. Moreover, he was an informal advisor to Pence throughout Trump’s presidency.


An Embarrassing Spectacle

Donald Trump
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Luttig took to social media to express his thoughts about Donald Trump and the situation surrounding him. According to him, it was “tragic” and “regrettable” that Trump chose “to inflict this embarrassing spectacle on the nation.”


Tragic and Regrettable

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Discussing the criminal defendant’s indictments, Luttig wrote: “This day is all the more tragic and regrettable because the former president has cynically chosen to inflict this embarrassing spectacle on the nation – and a spectacle it will be.”


The Jan 6th Investigation

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Luttig has been critical of the former president in the past. Speaking to the House Select Committee in regard to the Jan 6th investigation, he claimed that if Pence had done as Trump told him, it would have been “the first constitutional crisis since the founding of the Republic.”


A Party Beyond Saving

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Regarding the classified documents case, Luttig previously said: “If the indictment of Mr. Trump on Espionage Act charges – not to mention his now almost certain indictment for conspiring to obstruct Congress from certifying Mr. Biden as the president on Jan 6th – fails to shake the Republican Party from its moribund political senses, then it is beyond saving itself. Nor ought it be saved.”


Running Against the Constitution

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Further criticizing the current state of the Republican Party, Luttig said: “No assemblage of politicians except the Republicans would ever conceive of running for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law. But that’s exactly what they’re planning.”


A Far-Right Political Landscape

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Conservatives like Luttig criticizing the current GOP successfully highlight how far-right the political landscape has become. With center-right politicians like Joe Biden being labeled “socialist,” “communist,” and “leftist,” one can’t help but fear what the country will become if things don’t change soon. 


The Internet’s Response

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News of Luttig’s words was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. For the most part, they agreed with him and heavily criticized Trump’s antics. Even conservative commenters were on the judge’s side.


The MAGA Response

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For the most part, comment sections were full of sensible people able to see through Trump’s lies. Every now and then, though, a MAGA Republican did show up to share their view. Generally, they said Biden is the true embarrassment.


The MAGA Fascists

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One social media commentator said: “What Trump hasn’t figured out yet is that 90% of this free nation isn’t as ignorant as MAGA fascists are. We don’t care what he says because if his jaws are flapping, it’s a lie. All we want is the criminal that tried to overthrow our democracy [and] stole documents to sell to the highest bidder put in prison.”


A Real Prison

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The commenter continued: “Not home confinement. No cushy prison for the rich and famous. Lights out prison. A toilet washing job prison. An orange jumpsuit prison. He deserves what’s headed his way. No one could ever save him from himself because he’s a failure, a fascist, a fraud, and a freak.”


The Good People of America

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Plenty of people said that Trump will never make it back to the White House because, while far-right fascism is on the rise, too many Americans are still good. “The good people of  America will never let this freaking orange imbecile anywhere near our White House,” one person said.


Fears for the Future

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Others expressed their fears for the future. One such individual wrote: “Should Trump get what he truly deserves, I genuinely fear the uprising of those he managed to con. But mostly, I fear the Trump supporters already in our government, allowing the further destruction of this country for their bizarre loyalty to him.”


A Perfect Characterization

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One person left a warning. They said: “[Luttig] is spot on in his characterization and condemnation of Trump but, because of the almost rabid and mindless support Trump has from millions of duped devotees, we need to worry! Be diligent and committed to our democracy, our Constitution, the rule of law, and our way of life as we now enjoy it!”


The International Perception

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Some commenters discussed the United States’ international image.“Because of Trump, the whole world thinks all Americans are idiots. I am embarrassed at our government for letting us Americans look so bad to the rest of the world,”  one person wrote.


Luttig Nailed It

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Echoing the aforementioned individual, another individual said: “Luttig nailed it. The world is laughing at us and our forefathers are rolling in their graves. The Republican Party is to blame for all this chaos!”


A Drama Queen

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Another commenter wrote: “The judge is spot on. Trump is a charlatan and a drama queen. He goes into the courtroom and sits there trying to look menacing but comes off as ridiculous and scared. He comes out into the hallway where a crew of reporters hang on his every word. He slams everybody that he feels is a threat. Then goes back in to glare some more. He said he had to be there, that he had no choice, that he was forced. He wasn’t.”


Not an Embarrassment

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A supporter of criminal defendant Trump wrote: “President Trump is not an embarrassment. You know who is? Biden and the radical left! They’re the ones forcing an embarrassing spectacle on everyone. Not Trump!”

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