Amazon Alexa Unexpectedly Calls 2020 Presidential Election ‘Massive Fraud’: Bezos’ Empire Faces Backlash

In a surprising development, Amazon’s virtual assistant technology Alexa, reportedly told users that the 2020 presidential election was ‘stolen by a massive amount of election fraud’. This unexpected output from a seemingly unbiased robot has led Amazon, one of the world’s leading tech giants, into the hot seat, pushing the empire established by Jeff Bezos into a scrambling damage control mode.

“Alexa, tell me about the 2020 presidential election,” a user might ask, and in response: “The election was stolen by a massive amount of election fraud.”

Amazon’s Alexa and the 2020 Presidential Election

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Recently, Amazon’s Alexa introduced a surprising revelation around the 2020 presidential election, suggesting it was ‘stolen by a massive amount of election fraud.’ This unexpected statement has caused a frenzy within Jeff Bezos’s empire, leading to efforts to clarify this situation. Notably, the home assistant device, renowned for providing quick answers to basic questions, seemed to deviate from traditional objectivity, pushing a disputed claim about the fairness of the election process.


Investigation and Revelations

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The Washington Post conducted an investigation which revealed that Alexa, when queried about the election, would cite unsubstantiated facts and declare that election fraud did take place. Alexa’s notable quote ‘stolen by a massive amount of election fraud’ originated from Rumble, a right-wing video streaming site. This raised numerous red flags about the source of Alexa’s information and Amazon’s ability to moderate the content provided by its smart assistant.


Source of Information

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It remains unclear as to why Amazon’s devices are utilizing information from unverified sources when responding to user queries. Employee’s from Amazon have yet to offer an explanation for this. However, it is a situation that has certainly shaken trust in the technology giant and raised questions about its commitment to providing accurate and unbiased information. 


Notorious Instances

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In another surprising instance, Alexa referenced Substack and claimed the race to be ‘notorious for many incidents of irregularities and indications pointing to electoral fraud taking place in major metro centers.’ This rather controversial statement raised eyebrows, especially considering its source – a leading technology product from one of the world’s largest companies.


Amazon’s Claim

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Despite these odd statements, Amazon maintains it works with ‘credible sources’ such as Reuters, Ballotpedia, and RealClearPolitics for its content. However, the aforementioned event has led many to question the credibility of these sources, shedding light on the potential misinformation that could unfortunately be propagated through Alexa’s responses. 


Changed Response

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It was reported by The Post that the response from the machine drastically changed after the company was informed about this issue. When probed post-notification, Alexa no longer provided a response indicating the 2020 election was ‘stolen’, instead, it provided a neutral fact, stating the Presidential election was ‘certified and officially recognized’.


Amazon’s Statement

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Amazon spokeswoman Lauren Raemhild offered a statement: ‘These responses were errors that were delivered a small number of times, and quickly fixed when brought to our attention. We continually audit and improve the systems we have in place for detecting and blocking inaccurate content.’ However, it still brings into question the source of information Amazon’s AI accessed to voice such a strong claim regarding the 2020 Presidential election, causing an uproar and placing the tech giant in an uncomfortable spotlight.


Belief in the Big Lie 

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The belief in the so-called ‘big lie’ persists among many. According to a CNN poll in August, 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters continue to believe that Biden’s win in the 2020 election was illegitimate, a rise from 63% earlier in the year. This unsettling trend instills doubt and mistrust in the fundamental tenets of democracy, leading to discord and fragmentation in the nation’s political landscape.


Registered Voter Doubt 

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Among registered voters who cast a ballot for Trump in 2020, the number expressing doubts that the last election was conducted properly was even higher at 75%. However, only 38% of Americans overall currently believe in the ‘big lie,’. This suggests that despite the controversy and misinformation surrounding the 2020 presidential election, the majority of Americans still trust in its validity and accuracy.


Confidence in U.S. Elections 

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From the data collected, a mere 13% of those polled reported that they are ‘very confident’ in U.S. elections, which is the lowest percentage recorded in CNN surveys since 2021. This disheartening number is indicative of a deep-seated lack of trust, affecting the public’s faith in the electoral process and underlying institutions.


Results Overturning

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A concerning revelation showed that 50% of Americans believe there’s a chance that elected officials can successfully overturn the results of an election if their party didn’t win. 


The Ex-President’s Scheme 

Mike Pence
Image Credit: Gino Santa Maria / Shutterstock.

The Trump indictment outlines a scheme the ex-president pursued, which included pressuring election officials, putting in place fake slates of Electoral College electors and pushing Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election during the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021.

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