“A Dangerous Sociopath Who Vows Vengeance and Chaos Against His Critics”: Trump Blasted for Claiming Wind Turbines Make Whales “Batty”

Donald Trump has hit headlines once again for making bizarre, unnecessary comments in a campaign speech. This time, the former president claimed that “windmills” are driving whales “batty.”

Driving the Whales Batty

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The speech in question took place in South Carolina. “Windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before. Nobody does anything about that. They’re driving the whales, I think, a little batty,” Trump said.


A Wind Farm in Aberdeen

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Trump has had a bizarre vendetta against wind turbines for a very long time, a grudge that seems to stem from an unsuccessful legal battle to prevent what he called a “really ugly wind farm” from being built near his golf resort in Aberdeen.


Killing the Birds

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The strange comment about “batty” whales is far from the first thing the potential felon has said regarding wind turbines. He previously claimed that they kill “all the birds” and even went as far as to suggest they cause cancer.


Offshore Wind Farms

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Trump’s recent claim is not supported by evidence. Despite that, the former president isn’t the first person to make such comments. Earlier in the year, there were quite a few whale deaths off the East Coast. Republican lawmakers, along with Fox News, took it upon themselves to blame said deaths on offshore wind farms.


The Importance of Renewable Energy

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Concerns about how the construction of wind farms could affect whales have also been raised by some environmental groups – but other members of the environmental community have pointed to the lack of evidence backing up such claims. Such individuals have also stressed the importance of renewable energy in fighting the climate crisis.


No Scientific Evidence

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According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, there are no known links between whale deaths and offshore wind surveys. The agency said: “At this point, there is no scientific evidence that noise resulting from offshore wind site characterization surveys could cause mortality of whales.”


The Internet’s Response

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News of Trump’s “batty” whale rant was shared across the internet. Some people found it amusing, others found the current political climate to be too scary to make jokes. The occasion climate change denier tried to defend the potential felon but, for the most part, people were critical.


A Cult of Clowns

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One commenter said that Trump has no idea what he’s talking about. “Total clown show. Trump doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. It’s just grist for the clowns that are in his cult. Everyone else knows he’s batty himself,” they wrote.


A Dangerous Sociopath

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Another individual said: “What a humiliation for our country that he’s even allowed to run for the presidency again. He’s mentally ill, a dangerous sociopath who vows vengeance and chaos against his critics. His cult is determined to destroy our democracy, enabled by insane GOP extremists in Congress.”


An Insanity Defense

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Others speculated about Trump’s behavior. One person suggested that he might be making bizarre comments in an attempt to work toward an insanity defense regarding his 91 criminal charges. “He must be going for an insanity defense. We know how stupid he is but this is up there with ‘nuke hurricanes,’” the commenter said.


A Nice Padded Cell

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Plenty of people echoed the aforementioned person, unable to find another reason that might explain the former president’s behavior. “This is his plan – to be found insane and then he wouldn’t be put in prison, just a nice padded cell,” one individual wrote.


The Destruction of the Republican Party

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Another person said: “Who cares what Trump says at this point? The man has single-handedly destroyed the Republican Party and the Republicans are too stupid to let go of this boat anchor. They have virtually guaranteed the 2024 election will favor the Democrats because of the Trump extremists in their own party.”


The Hypocrisy of Trump’s Supporters

Editorial credit: Steve Sanchez Photos / Shutterstock.

Others pointed out hypocrisy among Trump’s fans. One person wrote: “MAGA can’t say much about Biden’s state of mind when their fearless leader talks like this. He doesn’t care about you. He thinks he beat Bush and Obama in the election and rambles on about whales. What about policy? Zilch.”


The Battiest President

Donald Trump
Image Credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

Another commenter said: “The battiest president we ever had is saying the windmills are driving the whales batty. Maybe the whales are going batty because they are as sick of Donald’s politics – as we are.”


Killing the Birds

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One commenter addressed Trump’s previous remark about wind turbines killing “all the birds.” They wrote: “I think birds flying into the glass of high-rise [buildings] causes more deaths to birds than windmills.”


Criminal Defendant Trump

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Others lamented the fact that some people actually believe Trump’s baseless claims. “The saddest part is there are a plethora of idiots who actually believe all the [garbage] that criminal defendant Trump spews,” one person said.


A Sarcastic Response

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Quite a few people responded sarcastically. “Wait a minute? Do you expect me to believe that Trump said something completely stupid once again? I’m sure he has researched the subject of whales extensively,” one commenter wrote.


A MAGA Opinion

Editorial credit: Christian David Cooksey / Shutterstock.

Although the majority of commenters criticized Trump, the odd individual did defend him. One such person said: “Wind turbines create a low frequency that is terrible in the ocean. The whales suffer, at our hands, from sonar testing, drilling, and our military testing. The point being, Trump is correct!”

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