“Democrats Are So Naive and Stupid”: Minnesota Democrat Says Biden Will Lose 2024 Presidential Election

A Minnesota Democrat has discussed Biden’s unpopularity, saying that it should be a “wake-up call” and a “red alert.”

Criminal Defendant Donald Trump

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Rep. Dean Phillips is “one of tens of millions of Americans” who are deeply concerned about President Joe Biden potentially losing the 2024 presidential election. In response to a poll indicating that criminal defendant Donald Trump could beat the current POTUS, Phillips said: “If that’s not a warning sign, and a wake-up call, and a red alert, I don’t know what would be.”


Letting Americans Decide

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Phillips continued: “While there’s still time, we should let Americans decide who is best positioned to beat Donald Trump because the data is saying a majority of Americans do not believe, unfortunately, that it is President Biden.”


The 2016 Election

Hilary Clinton
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Phillips discussed the 2016 presidential election, pointing out that Trump won while Hilary Clinton was expected to comfortably beat him. He said that this was a worry, given how Biden is “at best” tied with the potential felon in polls.


Biden’s Old Age

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Phillips was asked about Biden’s “age issue” but declined to discuss the topic. Instead, he turned the discussion to “numbers” and said that voters were “not pleased” with the current government. “Some Democrats are terrified about Biden’s chances for winning another White House term,” he said.


Biden, Trump, and Age

Editorial credit: Andrew Cline / Shutterstock.

Biden is currently 80 years old, making him the oldest serving U.S. president in history. It’s worth noting, however, that Trump is only three years younger than him – 77. Many voters, both left-wing and right-wing, argue that both are too old.


Liberal Concerns About Biden

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Given Phillips’ words, concerns about Biden’s ability to win another election clearly aren’t unique to conservatives and Republicans. Moreover, several liberal communists have expressed their worries, arguing that he shouldn’t run.


David Ignatius’ Words

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Columnist David Ignatius wrote: “I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for re-election. It’s painful to say that, given my admiration for much of what they have accomplished. But if he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement – which was stopping Trump.” 


The Internet’s Response

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News Phillips’ concern was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. Discussing the alleged reasons for Biden’s unpopularity, one person wrote: “Inflation is already slowing down and isn’t something [Biden] can control. The parts that are under his control all happened before he became president.”


Unemployment Is Low

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The commenter continued: “Unemployment is also very low. Unless inflation ramps up again I don’t see that being a problem. People who blame inflation on him personally would blame anything on him.”


The Issue of Immigration

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Going on to discuss immigration, the aforementioned individual said: “Immigration is a boogeyman that only his detractors care about. People who voted against Trump in 2020 did so knowing his immigration record. If they wanted more of it, they would have voted for him.”


The War in Ukraine

Tank on sunset
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The commenter concluded: “Ukraine is not something he can do anything to stop Russia on. A large part of Ukraine’s success is because of our support. How anyone can see Ukraine as a loss for Biden is confusing to me. Ukraine is winning and we don’t have boots on the ground.”


An International Cost of Living Crisis

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Another person said: “Okay but can somebody please explain to me why Biden’s critics blame him for inflation when cost of living is literally an international crisis right now? Like, it’s not his fault at all. I don’t understand.”


Beating Trump Again

Donald Trump
Image Credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

One person implied that if Biden beat Trump once, he can do it again. They wrote: “As weak as Biden’s position is coming into 2024, the Republican Party’s position is weaker. The big elephant in the room is Donald Trump. The man most likely to run for the GOP is the same man who already lost an election to Biden.”


The Incumbency Advantage

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The commenter continued: “This time, Biden has the incumbency advantage and can build up his campaign war chest, while Trump will have to fight through the Republican primary and start his general election campaign in a disadvantaged position.”


Underperformance of the Far-Right

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Further expressing their opinion that Biden has nothing to worry about, the aforementioned individual said: “We’re also coming off a year where Republicans underperformed in the midterms. The economy was worse in 2022 than it is today. It was a red-leaning year and Republicans still squandered their chance to capture the Senate. The candidates who underperformed the most were those who were closest to Trump, the likely nominee.”


Discussing Ron DeSantis

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The commenter concluded: “The other issue is that if the GOP nominee isn’t Trump, it’s probably going to be DeSantis, who has made his campaign all about being more conservative on culture war issues than Trump. But being the most conservative guy in the race means you’re going to come off as extreme in the general election.”


The Price of Gas

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Despite the previously mentioned comments, especially the ones regarding inflation, Biden’s critics blamed him for rising living costs. “Americans want to afford gas like we could under the last president,” one individual wrote.


Blaming Donald Trump

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One commenter, evidently not realizing that new presidents naturally inherit what old leaders leave behind, said: “Democrats are so naive and stupid. Biden is destroying everything and they just blame Trump.”

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