“Use Their Religion Against Them”: An Abusive Christian Stepfather Had His Hypocrisy Called Out by His Stepson and the Internet Loved It

In a heartfelt and emotionally charged social media post, a 19-year-old user – henceforth referred to as “OP” – laid bare a troubling family dynamic. The central issue revolved around OP’s stepfather, who has strong Christian beliefs but fails to align his actions with these professed values.

Belief vs. Behavior

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OP’s stepfather is a self-proclaimed devout Christian, frequently emphasizing his love for God, Jesus, and his aspiration to enter the ministry. On the surface, this unwavering faith might appear commendable – but actions speak louder than words.


Excessive Swearing and Emotional Abuse

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In reality, OP’s stepfather’s behavior paints a different picture altogether. He cheated on OP’s mother, engaged in excessive swearing, and squandered the family’s financial resources on online scams. He was also emotionally abusive, not only to OP and their mother but also to his own children.


Bullying and Insensitivity

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The most disturbing aspect of OP’s stepfather’s behavior was his bullying of his own kids. OP recounted the painful experience of their youngest half-brother being ridiculed for his medical condition. OP wrote: “My youngest half-brother has a type of internal disease thing and it made his face bright red on one of his cheeks and you can see the inflamed veins underneath. Well, this man nicknamed him ‘creepy face’ for years until, finally, my youngest bro was old enough to understand what he meant.”


Divorce and a Custody Battle

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The situation escalated to the point of divorce between the stepfather and mother. OP’s mom is seeking sole custody of their three children together, aged 13, 8, and 6, while the stepfather resides three hours away and visits the children infrequently. OP wrote: “Well, today he was on a rampage about everyone keeping his kids from him and blah blah blah a whole bunch of nonsense about how my mom and I are controlling and falsely accusing my mom of purposely keeping them from him. He’s delusional in every way. Always playing the victim.”


A Complex Mix of Emotions

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OP said they were torn between anger, frustration, and a desire for change. They chose to confront their stepfather and question his faith and integrity. OP sent Bible verses to remind him of the Christian principles he seemed to have forgotten. They wrote: “Finally, I started sending him Bible verses through text. ‘Fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4. But if anyone does not provide for his own family, especially for his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8.’ I couldn’t find a lot but this is what I’ve sent so far – and he’s already very [angry and] told me not to speak to him.”


Be More Like Jesus

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OP took to social media to find out whether or not they were in the wrong for quoting Bible verses. They wrote: “I told him to be more like Jesus and stop tearing people down. He told me I’m grounded. Maybe I’m being [horrible]. I’ll let y’all decide. But if anyone knows of any Bible verses about being kind and showing compassion, or about being a good father, please let me know. I’m done letting him walk all over my family and not see the hurt and pain he’s causing.”


The Internet Responded

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OP’s post now has over 150 comments and, for the most part, people said they weren’t in the wrong at all. One person wrote: “I would do the same thing! I’m not religious but it drives me crazy when people claim to be religious yet they’re terrible and mean. I’m glad your mom is divorcing him, he sounds like a [terrible person].”


God Can Be Very Vengeful

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Others gave OP advice. One individual said: “Let him know that he can manipulate all that he wants but God sees everything. Even his secrets. Even the things that he thinks nobody knows about. God sees it. And let me tell you, God can be a very vengeful and wrathful spirit.”


Christians Were Sorry to Hear the Story

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Christians were very sorry to hear about OP’s situation. “As a Christian myself, it’s one of the most depressing things I see. The Bible is right, your father is wrong. Please don’t conflate his actions with God’s or with the true faith. Good luck. I’m really sorry this is happening to you,” one person wrote.


Go No Contact

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A fair few commenters told OP that they’d be better off just cutting their stepfather off. One such individual said: “You’re wasting your breath serving up Bible verses to someone who clearly never read or [cared] about the Bible. Just go no contact and be done with it.”


A Free Ticket to Heaven

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Others praised OP. One person wrote: “Haha, love it! Use their own religion against them. I have a father who is extremely similar, such a [horrible person], yet always acts like the most righteous religious guy who dreams of going to heaven and sitting on Jesus’ lap. These people are just [terrible] people who use their religion to act righteous. They have no intent in changing. They believe they can just mumble a prayer and get their free ticket to Heaven.”


Show Him His Hypocrisy

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Ex-Christians approved of OP’s actions too. One wrote: “Former Christian here. Throwing Bible verses at him is exactly what you should be doing. Show him his own hypocrisy and try to show the people who think that he’s a good guy that he isn’t. Bring him to the light of day.”

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Image Credit: Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock.

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