“The Worst Traitor This Country Has Ever Known”: Trump Wants to Stave Americans of Their Hard-Earned Paychecks for His Own Personal Gain

Former President and potential felon Donald Trump has made headlines by urging Republicans to initiate a government shutdown – a strategic move aimed at obstructing ongoing criminal investigations against him.

Trump’s Call for a Government Shutdown

Donald Trump
Image Credit: Andrew Cline / Shutterstock.

In a provocative statement posted on social media, the former president highlighted the importance of an impending deadline – the need to agree to a fiscal spending plan by the end of September. He called upon Republicans in Congress to defund various aspects of the Biden administration’s government, citing issues such as border security and prosecutions perceived to be politically motivated. Trump’s plea rested on the idea that a government shutdown could provide him with an escape from the ongoing legal scrutiny.


Enemies of the State

Image Credit: Ron Adar / Shutterstock.

Trump wrote: “A very important deadline is approaching at the end of the month. Republicans in Congress can and must defund all aspects of Crooked Joe Biden’s weaponized government that refuses to close the border and treats half the country as enemies of the state.”


Defending the Country

Donald Trump
Image Credit: YASAMIN JAFARI TEHRANI / Shutterstock.

The former president continued: “This is also the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me and other patriots. They failed on the debt limit but they must not fail now. Use the power of the purse and defend the country.”


The DOJ’s Shutdown Immunity

Image Credit: CHRISTOPHER E ZIMMER / Shutterstock.

Trump’s strategy has encountered a significant roadblock – the Department of Justice’s exemption from government shutdowns. A memo from September 2021 explicitly stated that federal criminal proceedings are considered essential activities, ensuring their uninterrupted continuation during a shutdown. This exemption effectively destroys Trump’s hopes of utilizing a shutdown to halt investigations against him.


MAGA Republicans’ Alternative Approach

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Recognizing the limitations posed by the DOJ’s exemption, Trump’s supporters within the House of Representatives have devised an alternative approach. They are actively working to insert provisions into funding legislation aimed at defunding or limiting law enforcement’s ability to pursue charges against Trump that are perceived to be politically motivated. The success of this endeavor within the deeply divided GOP remains uncertain, given the numerous pending appropriation measures.


House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries

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Democrats have not shied away from expressing their outrage at Trump’s shutdown push. House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries criticized House Republicans, claiming that they are “too extreme to ever be trusted.”


Representative Adam Schiff

Image Credit: Rob Crandall / Shutterstock.

Moreover, Representative Adam Schiff – a prominent member of the House Judiciary Committee – condemned Trump’s demands as a grave threat to working Americans and the national economy. He said: “Let’s be clear about what the former president is saying here. House Republicans should shut down the government unless the prosecutions against him are shut down. He would deny paychecks to millions of working families [and] devastate the U.S. economy, all in the service of himself.”


Congress’ Race Against Time

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Congress truly has found itself in a race against time and lawmakers must come to a consensus and approve a spending plan by September 30th in order to avoid a devastating shutdown. Whether or not Trump’s demands will wield any real influence over proceedings remains unclear.


An Uncertain Political Landscape

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Divisions within the Republican Party have become increasingly pronounced as the funding deadline approaches. While some GOP members align themselves closely with Trump’s strategy, others have reservations about the potential consequences – both for the party and the nation. The power struggle within the GOP is ongoing and its future implications for the broader political landscape are still unknown.


The Potential Fallout of a Shutdown

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A government shutdown is not without substantial economic ramifications. It can lead to furloughs for hundreds of thousands of federal workers, disrupt essential government services, and trigger processing delays for countless Americans relying on federal programs. The economic toll of such a move could extend beyond government employees, affecting businesses and the broader economy.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Trump’s devastating setback – the DOJ’s shutdown exemption – was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. “Instead of closing the government, Trump should just close his mouth,” one individual wrote.


Burning the Entire Country Down

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Others said that the former president doesn’t care about anyone except himself. One person wrote: “Trump would burn the entire country down to guarantee his minions do his bidding, all while screwing the American people in the process. He does not care one bit about the people!”


Notoriety and Control

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Another commenter said: “Trump does not want what is best for America. He wants notoriety and the sense that he runs the GOP. The man who ran up the biggest deficit in one term as president is addressing the Dems’ spending?”


Not a Genius

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Some people discussed the former president’s intelligence. “If Trump truly was a genius, he would know that federal investigations and prosecutions go on even if the federal government shuts down. But he’s not a genius, so let his worst nightmares continue and justice be served,” one person said.


The History Books

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Others looked to the future and speculated about how future generations will look and today’s current affairs when they’re history. One commenter wrote: “Why are the Republicans letting this man have so much attention? They’re letting him put them in the history books as being weak. They do know their babies and grandbabies will be reading this in the history books?”


The Absurdity of Trump’s Plan

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

People called out the absurdity of Trump’s plan. One person said: “Does he really think that anyone cares about his opinion? The worst traitor this country has ever known. Sure, Donny Boy – let’s stop the social security checks from being paid, stop the military from being paid. For you? I don’t think so.”


A Mafia Boss

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Others analyzed the former president’s behavior. One such commenter wrote: “To be clear, Trump is ordering around every far-right Republican politician in the nation like a Mafia boss – including Congress. They are doing his bidding, no longer caring about their constituencies. Trump ordered the Texas GOP to let Ken Paxton off and they did, even with overwhelming proof of his crimes.”


The Orange King and Treason

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The commenter continued: “Now, the Orange King is demanding that they show loyalty to him over the nation and defund all investigations and prosecutions of him and is demanding that they shut down the entire U.S. government for him. That is treason.”

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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