“Lock Them in Jail and Throw Away the Key”: Trump Vows to Make Homelessness Illegal

Criminal defendant Donald Trump has vowed to “ban urban camping wherever possible” if he’s reelected. 

Donald Trump’s Promise

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The former president made the promise in a video. He said: “Under my strategy, working with states, we will ban urban camping wherever possible. Violators of these bans will be arrested but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they’re willing to be rehabilitated.”


Homelessness in Blue States

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Donald Trump usually highlights homelessness in blue states – but the problem is national. In response to his claims, critics often share images of homeless people from red states to prove so. The former president reportedly wanted to remove Obama’s House First initiative in 2020, an initiative that was supposed to give people housing and access to treatments for addiction.


Beautiful and Livable

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Trump’s solution to homelessness is “tent cities.” He believes the best solution is to move homeless people to the “large parcels of inexpensive land.” He claimed this plan was “beautiful” and “livable.”


A Ridiculous Plan

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Alan Mills, executive director of Uptown People’s Law Center, said: “It is blatant in the Constitution that you can’t arrest people just because they don’t have a home. But more importantly, it doesn’t work. People are not homeless because they’re afraid of punishment. People are homeless because they don’t have a home.”


Alarming and Dangerous

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The CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, Ann Oliva, described Trump’s plan as “alarming” and “dangerous.” She said: “The way to end homelessness is not to arrest people and move them out of sight into internment camps.”


Prison Isn’t Housing

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Olivia added: “Jail isn’t housing. Prison isn’t housing. Tent cities aren’t housing. Housing, with services tailored to people’s specific needs, must be at the center of any plan to end homelessness.”


A Red Herring

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The CEO continued: “Prioritizing any immediate strategy other than housing is a red herring – a political ploy to divert attention from the real resources communities need while ‘othering’ people in the most vulnerable situations imaginable.”


The Internet’s Response

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News of Trump’s plan was shared across the internet and, for the most part, people found it to be incredibly concerning and dystopian. Plenty of commenters pointed out how cruel and callous one must be to support such an idea.


Making Addiction Worse

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Others said that the former president’s promise ignores everything we know about homelessness, addiction, and related issues. Some people even said that “tent cities” would likely make addiction worse.


The MAGA Responses

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While most people criticized Trump, his fans did pop up from time to time to weigh in. Many of them showcased ignorance regarding the science behind addiction. Others neglected to address the subject at hand and simply attacked Biden.


Trump and Nazis

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Plenty of commenters addressed the parallels between Trump, his followers, the far-right, and Nazis. “They really are going full Nazi, aren’t they?” one social media commenter wrote in response to the former president’s vow. 


Trump’s Lack of Subtlety

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Echoing the aforementioned individual in a far less direct way, another person said: “Camps? Yeah, that sorta sounds like a solution – a final one, if you will. Not even being subtle anymore, is he? “


Trump vs. Hitler

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The Hiter comparisons kept on coming. Another commenter said: “This seems oddly familiar… maybe from history books? Seems like something a weirdo with a dumb-looking mustache would do.”


Camps Aren’t the Answer

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Others addressed the importance of mental health: “Homelessness does need to be addressed. Making it illegal could be the only way to legally move people involuntarily but forcing them into camps will not fix the issue.”


Homelessness and Mental Health

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The commenter continued: “Instead, it will probably make it much harder to get out of homelessness but they’ll be out of sight and mind. There needs to be a solution that involves mental health care and treating them with dignity.”


The Importance of Housing First

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Replying to the previously mentioned individual, another person wrote: “There needs to be housing first, which puts homeless people into permanent housing and only then addresses any underlying problems in their lives. The most immediate problem in each of these people’s lives is that they don’t have a home. Only after we get them into one can we help them with the other things.”


The Humane Approach

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Continuing, the commenter said: “Housing first is the humane approach and, in many studies, it’s cheaper to the taxpayer than the cycle of homelessness, which often involves living on the street, sanitation workers, overdoses, EMTs, hospitals, police officers, jails, courtrooms, judges, more jail, more hospital, then back onto the street… and repeat.”


A MAGA Response

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While most people criticized Trump’s plan, his supporters did leave comments every now and then. One said: “Lock them in jail and throw away the key, I say. These people made choices and those choices made them homeless. They aren’t our problem. Tent cities are kind, in my view.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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