“One of Hitler’s Tactics Was to Accuse His Accusers of Doing What He Was Actually Doing”: Trump Says Democrats Will Criminalize Being a Republican

Former President Donald Trump has shared an article on social media, authored by Wayne Root and featured on Gateway Pundit – a well-known fake news site. The article painted an unlikely picture of what may happen to the Republican Party and the United States if Trump is not reelected in 2024. 

Some Unlikely Arguments

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In the article, Root issued several warnings. First, he suggested that conservative values, including being a Republican and being patriotic, may face criminalization. He also argued that the United States plays a significant role globally as a beacon of freedom, free speech, and capitalism. Root claimed that the world would suffer if the U.S. lost that alleged status.


America and the World

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Root wrote: “And once America goes, so goes the entire world. We are the last holdout. The last bastion of freedom, and free speech, and capitalism. The shining city on the hill. Without America leading the way, the rest of the world falls.”


A Threat to America

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The article further emphasized the pivotal nature of the 2024 election. It asserted that Trump’s victory will be essential to preventing a future characterized by darkness, authoritarianism, and slavery. Additionally, Root predicted that being a Republican could be labeled a threat to America akin to domestic terrorism.


A Fake News Site

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However, it’s important to recognize that these claims have sparked skepticism and criticism from experts, political analysts, and commentators. Many dispute the extreme scenarios outlined in the article and, as previously mentioned, Gateway Pundit is a known fake news site.


Fear and Divisive Rhetoric

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Trump’s decision to share the article has raised questions about his intentions and motivations. Critics argue that he may be trying to exploit fear and division among his followers to maintain their support. The former president’s strong desire to regain political power is evident and his communication strategy seems to heavily rely on fear and divisive rhetoric.


A Bleak Vision of the Future

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Root’s article, overall, presented a bleak vision of the future if the former president is not reelected. However, it’s very important to approach such claims critically and consider alternative perspectives. Trump’s actions in sharing the article reflect his political agenda, centered on galvanizing his base through fear and polarization.


The Internet Responded

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News of the article, and Trump’s posting of it, was shared across social media. Unsurprisingly, most people found it to be ridiculous. One person said: “Who tried to deny millions of Americans their constitutional right to have their votes counted? The fascist Trump who hates our democracy.”


Time to Surrender

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Another wrote: “Congrats, Trump. You single-handedly destroyed the GOP. No one will ever trust the GOP again because of their failure to repudiate you when they had the chance. Time to surrender.”


Trump’s Voters and Critical Thinking

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Others discussed Trump’s voters. “The problem is that all his voters believe him. They lack critical thinking and believe everything he tells them,” one person said. “The worst part is that his cult will think that article is legit,” another wrote.


Fear-Mongering Nonsense

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Another said: “Only a braindead MAGA could fall for this fear-mongering nonsense! Which party is attempting to ban books? Which party has continually been attempting to install the loser, criminally charged, feckless, former guy?”


The Republican Party

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The commenter continued: “Which party inserts themselves into doctor’s appointments and healthcare choices? Which party claims law and order until their guys are exposed as the criminal grifters they are?”


Enough Is Enough

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Another said: “Nonsense. What everyone wants – except MAGA – is Republicans who can work across the aisle. Republicans who have common sense proposals that help the vast majority of Americans. Conservatives have been trying to shove their agenda down the throats of Americans for decades and enough is enough. MAGA claims they want freedom but that ‘freedom’ comes at the expense of the rest of us. Enough is enough.”


The Beginnings of Fascism

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People couldn’t wrap their heads around the article. One person said: “Let’s see. Which party is telling women what they can do with their bodies? Which party is telling libraries what books you can read? Which party makes voting harder? Which party is pushing religion into your lives whether you want it or not? Which party caters to White supremacists?”


Fear and Lies

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Others discussed the potential reasons behind the fake news article. “Fear and lies, that’s what the Republican Party is counting on putting them in power – but why? Maybe because it’s been working for them and they have accomplished nothing else,” one person said.


It’s the Other Way Around

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Many people pointed out that, in reality, the opposite of the article may be true. One individual wrote: “It’s the other way around. If Donnie Trumpster somehow manages to steal the 2024 election, not only will Democrats be enslaved but the American people will become the enslaved prisoners of a dictator who will wreak nothing but havoc on America. Trump is the most dangerous threat to our democracy in this country’s long history.”


No Real Agenda

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Others discussed the nature of MAGA Republicans. “MAGA GOP are ethically and morally and politically bankrupt. They have no real agenda which is why they hot-button the items that appeal to their 20% or less base of the GOP,” one person said.


Corrupt and Fraudulent Trump

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Another said: “Reputable politicians, professional journalists, and patriotic citizens should know by now what a corrupt and fraudulent person Trump is. They should not treat him like he is a legitimate part of any actual political discourse or movement. Everything Trump says and does is straight out of the dictator’s playbook and designed to poison the hearts and taint the minds of the public.”


Hitler’s Methods and Tactics

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The commenter continued: “His intent is to undermine the American constitutional, democratic republic. Trump uses the same methods and tactics as Hitler and Mussolini in his rallies, speeches, media interviews, and for the same reasons. Hitler said his mass rallies were intended to ‘create a carnival atmosphere’ and to ‘switch off the thinking process’ in order ‘to aggravate and provoke crisis.’ Hitler intentionally used democratic means to destroy democracy, exactly what Trump is trying to do.”


Trump vs. Hitler

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The commenter concluded: “One of Hitler’s tactics was to always accuse his accusers of doing what he himself was actually doing – spreading lies and propaganda to undermine the rule of law and to destroy democracy. And, like Trump, Hitler liked to portray himself as a victim of unwarranted criticism and false accusations from ‘unpatriotic’ enemies.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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