“Poor Little Donald Trump Is Upset!”: Trump Had a Social Media Tantrum Because Fox News Stopped Giving Him Attention

Donald Trump, it appears, may have developed some feelings of jealousy regarding the lack of attention his presidential campaign is receiving from Fox News.

A Social Media Rant

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Writing on social media, the former president criticized the platform for spending what he perceived to be too much time focusing on other Republican candidates while the polls indicate that he’s the most popular. Seemingly, Trump didn’t think that this may be the result of his lack of appearances at debates and his alleged criminal behavior.


Donald Trump’s Words

Donald Trump
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Trump wrote: “I watched ‘Fox & Friends’ this morning and it is totally unrecognizable. All they do is gush over job-seeking candidates that are 50 points, plus, down to your favorite president, or speak endlessly about people that will never run and, without cheating, could never win. No wonder their ratings are way down.”


A Follow-Up Post

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It wasn’t long before Trump posted a follow-up – and this was where he criticized Fox News in its entirety. He said: “Fox News was our voice but, sadly, that voice has developed a serious case of laryngitis!”


Trump and Murdoch

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Trump has made a habit of criticizing Fox News and other Rupert Murdoch-owned outlets. Reportedly Murdoch is no longer a fan of the former president and would very much like a different candidate to win the Republican nomination.


Trump’s Criminal Charges

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Despite Murdoch’s alleged efforts, Republican primary voters seemingly still favor criminal defendant Trump over any other candidate. The former president’s charges may be a driving force behind his current popularity.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Trump’s social media rant was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. One commenter tried to sum up the situation. They said: “Worst president in U.S. history is mad that the worst network in U.S. history doesn’t air his lies anymore. Trump is a joke.”


Trump and Historical Dictators

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Another person compared the former president to historical dictators. They wrote: “This guy hates not being the center of attention at all times. He won’t be happy until his name [and] face are plastered everywhere. Kind of reminiscent of all the dictators that came before him.”


The Revenge Tour

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “Trump is on the revenge tour and he will come for you and your family. That is what a dictator does and that is what Trump is and always has been.”


Trump’s Little Tantrum

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Others, presumably aware that Trump would likely take dictator comparisons as a compliment, compared him to tantruming children instead. One such individual said: “He is like a little child. Throwing a tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants.”


Yet Another Tantrum

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Another person made a similar comparison, albeit in a harsher manner. They said: “Little Donnie, age four, can’t stand other boys who are far more mature. Another tantrum combined with a rant. Little folks his age, known as ‘Maggies,’ will vote for the baby.”


A Delusional Former President

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Some people went as far as to call the former president “delusional.” One commenter wrote: “The man is delusional. He still thinks he is important. He will be a hit in jail. I never fell for his lies. I knew a snake when I saw one.”


Sending Trump Money

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Another person made fun of the former president’s supporters for sending him donations. They wrote: “Oh, poor little Donald Trump is upset! Be sure to send him your hard-earned money, Magaheads! After all, he’s got lawyers and adult entertainers to pay off!”


Batty Trump and Wind Turbines

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Referencing the former president’s recent comments about wind turbines driving whales insane, another person said: “Trump says some really weird stuff. Maybe he’s been spending way too much time standing under those windmills and they’ve driven him batty.”


Stocking up on Popcorn

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Others pointed out the astonishing nature of the situation. One individual wrote: “Trump’s so far-right that a super far-right news outlet is done with him. Pretty insane. What crazy times we live in. Gonna need to stock up on popcorn for the next few months!”


The Long Game

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Replying to the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “I don’t think it’s quite that. Trump and Murdoch are both far-right extremists. The difference is that Murdoch is smart. If he’s to achieve his far-right dystopia, he knows Trump has to go because he’s too stupid to maintain the cult’s manipulation. In other words, Trump went too hard too fast. Murdoch is playing the long game.”


The Mystery of the Polls

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Others addressed the polls and expressed their shock in regard to Trump’s strong position. “What I don’t understand is how these polls have such a high percentage for Trump.  Everyone I speak with says they see him as a sociopath,” one commenter wrote.


Balanced News Outlets

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Another person said: “The funny thing about this is that, as we all know, Fox News has never been balanced. It’s hilarious that Trump supported him as long as they lent in his favor. As soon as they don’t do that anymore, he’s having tantrums about them on social media. Hilarious.”


An Ex-Favorite News Outlet

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A fair few commenters echoed the previously mentioned person. Another individual wrote: “They used to be his favorite. The moment he gets shut out of the conversation, he dumps them under the bus.”

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