“It’s Wearing Off, Man!”: Trump Claims Biden Takes Mediation to Remain Coherent

Criminal defendant Donald Trump has mocked President Biden for his tendency to make blunders during important speeches.

Donald Trump’s Accusations

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Trump questioned whether Biden is physically able to do his job. Somewhat ironically, given that the former president is seemingly unable to produce a coherent sentence, he claimed that Biden “literally can’t speak.” He also said that the current POTUS “can’t get off a stage” without assistance.


Biden and Medication

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Trump went on to suggest that Biden is taking medication to help him stay coherent during campaign events. The former president said: “You know what happens after about 20 minutes? The stuff that he’s taking wears off. So he gets a little groggy, gets a little bit groggy. They say, ‘Get him off the stage, [it’s] wearing off, man! Get him off.’”


Liven Biden Up

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The criminal defendant went on to discuss the cocaine that was found in the White House. “Yeah, Dad. Have a little of this stuff. It’s gonna liven you up a little bit,” he said, seemingly imitating Biden’s son – Hunter.


Biden, Trump, and Age

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While Biden is definitely prone to making mistakes during speeches, it’s unfair to criticize him without also acknowledging that Trump barely makes any sense when he talks. According to a poll, 77% of Americans believe Biden is too old to do his job effectively. At 80, he’s only three years Trump’s senior. 


A Lack of Intellectual Discipline

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According to Geoffrey Pullum, a linguist at the University of Edinburgh, Trump’s inability to speak coherently “suggests a man with scattered thoughts, a short span of attention, and a lack of intellectual discipline and analytical skills.” If that’s to be taken as fact, it could explain the former president’s inability to see the irony in his “[Biden] literally can’t speak” claim.


A Likable Duck

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The various speech blunders of Biden and Trump have been discussed and debated across the internet in detail. Regarding the latter, one commenter wrote: “I feel like he builds his thoughts one piece at a time. ‘That duck. I like that duck. When have you seen a duck so feathery? That’s the most likable duck around. Easy.’”


Feelings vs. Facts

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Others gave more detailed breakdowns of Trump’s speech: “Basically, he talks like a businessman. He communicates feelings rather than actual information. When you listen to him speak, you can understand pretty clearly what he is trying to convey but the actual words are a very jumbled stream of consciousness.”


Filling the Gaps

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The commenter continued: “Looking closer, you can notice a few patterns, like how he often begins a thought and allows the listener to finish it. ‘Look at what happened in Paris. Look at Paris. These people aren’t coming from Sweden’ is kinda meaningless. What point is he making? That Swedish immigrants don’t cause harm? The listener fills in that it – I think it’s about the Charlie Hebdo shooting –  was caused by Muslim immigrants and that it’s because they’re from the Middle East that the shooting happened.”


The Biases of Listeners

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

The commenter concluded: “This is very frustrating because a lot of his followers don’t get that saying things like this is problematic. If you look at only [Trump’s] words, he never says something blatantly discriminatory. He allows the listener to fill in the gaps with their own implicit biases. I think that’s a big part of why he’s successful. Whether he does this on purpose or if it’s just the way he speaks, I’m not sure.”


Donald Trump’s Age

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Others put Trump’s inability to speak coherently down to age: “He was more articulate when he was younger. I’m from the camp that believes his mental faculties have declined enough to where his ability to form sentences has been impacted.”


Donald Trump Is Senile

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “He’s senile. Years ago, he was an [an awful person] but he could form coherent thoughts. At this point, I think he forgets what his point was almost as soon as he’s started talking and just rambles on about vaguely related subjects.”


A Typical Old Man

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Speculating about why more people seem to question Biden’s age than Trump’s, one person said: “Biden just looks and acts more like a typical old man. Not saying Trump is the picture of good health but he’s a much more animated individual so it masks the obvious old man signs. If he wasn’t as loud and obnoxious as he is, he would appear more his age. They’re both declining but it’s just not as apparent in one as it is in the other.”


Trump Can Stay Awake

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In the same discussion as the aforementioned commenter, someone – likely a supporter of Trump – said: “Age isn’t the problem. It’s how they act. Biden acts like he is 130 while Trump can stay awake and knows what he is doing.”


Slowing Down in Old Age

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Another individual wrote: “Is Biden old as dirt? Hell yes. Do I think he has dementia? No, I do not. Is he slowing down in his old age like my own grandparents but still capable? Yes, I do think so. I also don’t know that I’d say Trump has dementia either but he is also losing some of his flame.”


Anything Over the Fascists

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Others defended voting for Biden despite his age: “Who cares? I’ll elect my cat to be president over the fascists. We’re putting up with this oldie because he has the best shot at winning and we can’t afford to lose. He can take naps and sip tea all day for all I care – as long as he puts qualified people in the right positions, which he has.”


A Bad Public Speaker

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Another commenter said: “President Biden is elderly. He has always been a bad public speaker and he is now speaking in public a lot. The combination makes for a bit of a spectacle sometimes. It’s hard to extrapolate a whole lot from that though. It’s pretty common for people, as they age, to become weaker in those skills, even while still being mentally sharp.”


Time for Biden’s Retirement

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Some people called for Biden’s retirement. One such individual said: “He has gotten confused and babbled gibberish several times in the last few years. His family needs to tell him it’s time to retire.”


Signs of Cognitive Decline

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Also regarding Biden, another person wrote: “There are clear signs of cognitive decline from the speech issues to the way he moves. Everyone who speaks in public makes mistakes from time to time but this isn’t just the occasional stutter or gaffe.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

According to NBC, Donald Trump has given a lengthy response to a question regarding age concerns. The former president and Republican presidential nominee candidate, who often says Biden is too old for his job at age 80, is 77.

“I’d Like to See Him Pass a Polygraph”: Trump Fails at Basic Math and Rambles About Passing Meaningless Competency Test


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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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“In the Far Future, White People Won’t Exist”: Biden Says White People Will Soon Be a Minority in America

Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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