Tipping Point: Exhausted by ‘Tipflation’? Etiquette Experts Share 18 Instances Where It’s OK Not to Tip

Tips, gratuities, extras… we’re expected to dish out a few more bucks just about everywhere. But did you know there are plenty of instances where it’s perfectly fine – even recommended – not to tip? So, if you’re ready to keep a bit more change in your pocket, here are 18 situations where you can skip the tip without feeling a smidge of guilt, all backed by the wisdom of etiquette experts!

Checking In and Out Without the Extra Cha-Ching!

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Checked into a hotel, and you tipped the bellboy? Good job! But don’t feel obliged to repeat the performance when you’re checking out. The bellboy isn’t expecting another tip because one is just enough. So next time, feel free to check out without the extra cha-ching!

Grocery Baggers and the No-Tip Tango!

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Grocery baggers are great, aren’t they? Expertly packing your groceries so the eggs are safe and the ice cream doesn’t melt. But you don’t have to tip them. Yes, really! They’re just doing their job, ensuring your shopping experience is smooth and hassle-free. So, you can do the tango at the grocery store!

Salon Sidekick, the Unsung Hero!

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The person who washes your hair before your cut is often overlooked in the salon. But should you tip them? The answer is not really! This soothing part of your salon experience is already included in the overall service, so sit back, close your eyes, and enjoy your head massage worry-free!

The Counter Workers Conundrum: To Tip or Not to Tip?

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From your early morning coffee run to the midday sandwich shop, we interact with counter workers daily. Even though a tip screen might pop up on their register, tipping isn’t a requirement for these hardworking folks. Why? They typically earn a set wage and don’t depend on tips for their income. So, grab your caffeine fix without the guilt of bypassing the tip screen!

No Need for Open Bar Overflow!

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You’re at a party. The bar is open, and the drinks are flowing. You notice a tip jar and wonder if you should contribute. Well, guess what? There’s no obligation. Tip jars at open bars are more like a bonus than a requirement. So, keep enjoying the party without the tip jar terror!

A No-Tip Nod to the Retail Associates!

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Ever felt guilty for not tipping the store associate who spent an hour helping you find the perfect outfit? You can drop that guilt! Retail associates earn a regular wage and aren’t expecting a tip for their assistance. They’re there to help you shop your heart out; no tips necessary!

Double Dipping? Not in the Tipping World!

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You may love double-dipping your chips, but when it comes to tipping, it’s a big no-no! If you’ve already tipped for a service once, there’s no need to tip again. So, next time you’re being looked after by the same bellboy or hair stylist, remember, one chip, one dip!

Tour Guide or Tip Guardian?

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Booked an all-inclusive tour for your next vacation? Often, these packages include tips for the guides. Unless they’re fending off hungry alligators to keep you safe, you can keep your wallet safe and sound, too!

When Freebies Are Just That: Free!

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The salesperson handing them out isn’t expecting a tip. They’re hoping you’ll love the product so much you’ll come back for more. Enjoy your freebies without worrying about tipping!

The Art of Not Tipping at Artisan Bakeries!

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See those creative tip jars at the local bakery filled with puns and smiles? It’s okay not to drop your change in there. The person who made your favorite croissant is paid and not counting on tips. Enjoy your pastries without the added side of tipping guilt!

Self-Service Savvy: No Tips Necessary!

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Pumping gas, assembling furniture at the café, putting toppings on your fro-yo? Why tip someone else? Regarding self-service, the only requirement is to do a great job!

Tipping for Take-Out? Not Today!

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You’re doing half the work when you’re picking up your Friday night pizza. The pizza place gets it ready, but you’ve got to get it. So, don’t feel bad about not tipping – you’ve earned that extra slice!

Fast Food Finesse: Drive Thru Without Tipping!

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Drive-thru windows are all about convenience; tipping is not part of the deal. The team members earn hourly to make your visit quick and easy. So, when you pick up your fast food, feel free to drive thru without tipping!

Hotel Housekeeping: Do Your Homework!

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In many places around the world, tipping hotel housekeeping isn’t customary. So, before leaving money on your hotel bed, do your homework. A quick online search will tell you whether it’s expected. No more guessing games!

No Gratuities for Grumpy Service!

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Bad service happens. And when it does, you’re completely right not to tip. If your server or service provider was rude or unprofessional, you’re not expected to reward that. So, don’t feel obliged to tip for service that made you frown!

No Change for the Coffee Change Makers!

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Our beloved baristas may whip up the best lattes in town, but according to etiquette experts, they’re not typically considered tip-worthy. They earn a set wage, so while they appreciate the extra change, it’s not expected. Sip your brew guilt-free!

Tow Trucks to the Rescue: No Tips Needed!

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Stranded on the road, and a tow truck saves the day? You might feel like offering a tip out of gratitude, but it’s unnecessary. Tow truck drivers are doing their job and don’t typically expect tips. So, just wave your thanks and keep your cash!

Trade Workers: Tipping Not Included!

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For the folks in trades like plumbers, electricians, and cable technicians, tipping is not typically part of their payment. They charge for their services and are paid accordingly. So, no need to slip them extra cash – they’ve got it covered!


The Erosion of Morality: 18 Troubling Societal Trends We Shouldn’t Celebrate

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We wanted to know – what things seem to get praise in our culture, but absolutely shouldn’t?

The Erosion of Morality: 18 Troubling Societal Trends We Shouldn’t Celebrate  

21 Things That Scream You’re “Lower Class” According To Men

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‘Class’ – a simple word, but oh, so complex! Is it about owning a grand mansion, driving an exquisite car, or having stacks of dollars? Nope! Class is a little less materialistic and a lot more about your demeanor, speech, and how you treat others. And guess what? Men have a thing or two to say about it. So, let’s get to it; here are 21 signs that may shout out, “I’m not exactly high-class,” according to our male jury. Let’s unpack this together!

21 Things That Scream You’re “Lower Class” According To Men  

Trashing Treasures: 18 High-Value Items People Foolishly Dispose of Everyday

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Listen up, treasure hunters and bargain seekers! Would you believe there are items of value lying around our homes, gathering dust in our garages, or hidden in our backyards? You’d be surprised to learn how many things we toss away without realizing they’re worth more than meets the eye. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 18 surprising items with more value than you might think. So, get ready to step into the shoes of a seasoned thrifty explorer and unearth these treasures in the rough!

Trashing Treasures: 18 High-Value Items People Foolishly Dispose of Everyday  

Alert! 18 Taboo Phrases Men Must Never Utter to Women

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Alright, gentlemen (and aspiring young gents)! It’s time for a manners makeover. If you’ve been caught out saying the wrong thing at the most inappropriate moment, this guide is your secret weapon. We’re rounding up 18 phrases that should be kept at arm’s length when conversing with the ladies. Remember, the hallmark of a gentleman is respect, understanding, and a no-offense policy. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive in!

Alert! 18 Taboo Phrases Men Must Never Utter to Women