“They Know a Crime Was Committed” – Trump’s Legal Tangle Tightens as Plea Deals Signal Deeper Troubles

Donald Trump’s chief spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, recently shared the former President’s alleged thoughts over legal developments. She claims that he was “confused” about the situation. This comment came after three lawyers associated with him entered guilty pleas in the ongoing Georgia election interference case.

Spokeswoman Explains Trump’s Bewilderment

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When asked about the plea deals, Liz Harrington said the former President didn’t quite understand the basis of the guilty pleas. “Well, I think he’s a little confused because if you’re a lawyer, you know that there’s no crimes here,” she stated. She then reinforced Trump’s belief in the absence of any legal wrongdoing.


Trump’s Firm Belief in No Wrongdoing

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Harrington emphatically stated that Trump sees no reason for the pleas. She argued that the action of “speaking out against a fraudulent election” should not be criminalized. “It’s telling people to watch hearings,” Harrington insisted. This clearly shows Trump’s view of the legal landscape.


Trump Unruffled by Associates’ Guilty Pleas

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Harrington reassured that the guilty pleas haven’t shaken Trump’s confidence. “He’s not really bothered by it because he knows he did nothing wrong, and we’re gonna win,” she declared. Despite the numerous court cases and allegations against him, it seems that Trump remains firm in his claims of innocence.


Trump’s Stance Since August Indictment

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Since his indictment, Trump has stood by his innocence, even as some associates have accepted plea deals to prevent jail time. As such, these developments have left Trump isolated. He is one of a few people involved in the case who continues to assert that they have committed no illegal actions. 


Origins of Trump’s Legal Woes

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Fani Willis’ probe into Trump’s conduct during the Georgia election led to these charges. These allegations specifically focus on a phone call between Trump and Brad Raffensperger. The contents of this call have become an essential part of the criminal case and accusations against Trump.


Scrutiny Over Trump’s Election Actions

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As part of Trump’s conversation with Raffensperger, the courts claim that Trump took part in an alleged false elector scheme. Prosecutors claim that these actions were illegal attempts to alter the election results. However, Trump still maintains that he has done nothing wrong and that none of his actions were against the law.


Sidney Powell Accepts Guilty Plea

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Sidney Powell recently accepted a six-year probation deal, which was dependent on her cooperating to testify against Trump. Naturally, this development marked a significant turn in the case. She confessed to six counts of conspiracy, a move that could spell trouble for Trump’s defense.


Chesebro Admits to Filing False Documents

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Kenneth Chesebro also entered a guilty plea to conspiracy to file false documents. Like Powell, this plea included an agreement to stand witness against Trump. This deal, involving five years of probation and a fine, suggests the increasing pressure on Trump’s legal team. As such, his consistent claims of innocence seem unusual to some.


Jenna Ellis’ Admission of Guilt

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Jenna Ellis also took a deal despite being one of Trump’s co-defendants. She pled guilty to aiding and abetting the spread of false statements. In her deal, Ellis will avoid jail time with five years of probation. Similarly, this plea deal also included Ellis testifying against her former client, Donald Trump.


Scott Hall – The First Defector

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As the first to take a plea, Scott Hall’s decision could be pivotal. He agreed to five years of probation after pleading guilty to conspiracy charges and promised to aid in the prosecution’s future efforts. Many of Trump’s closest circle have now turned against him in favor of avoiding their own jail time.


Legal Expert Opines on Plea Trend

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Georgia State University’s Anthony Michael Kreis commented on the trend of plea deals. He suggested that the fear of trial might lead to more such agreements. “I would not be surprised if there are a number of guilty pleas in the coming days and weeks,” Kreis argued. Clearly, there is a lot of legal uncertainty surrounding the co-defendants.


Trump’s Allies Concede Guilt

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One observer noted, “As lawyers, they would not plead guilty if they were not pretty sure they would be convicted. So I am assuming they know way more than the rest of us do.” This suggests a deeper certainty within Trump’s circle that the evidence against them is damning. Clearly, the path ahead for the former President appears full of peril.


Surprised by Trump’s Confusion?

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Reactions to Trump’s confusion about the guilty pleas of his associates range from sarcastic to scathing. “Everyone seems surprised! Isn’t ‘confused’ Trump’s normal state of mind?” said one commenter, seemingly mocking the former President’s response to his lawyers’ actions. There appears to be broader skepticism of Trump’s ability to grasp the severity of his legal situation.


Trump’s Misunderstanding vs. Legal Reality

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Critics argue that Trump’s alleged confusion is not credible given the circumstances. “Trump is easily confused by even the most obvious of observations,” stated a commenter. They argued that his confusion was fake due to his inability to understand the situation. They added, “Trump will be convicted on EXACTLY the same evidence” and that “his attorneys knew that they would go to prison for 10-15 years if they hadn’t taken a plea deal.”


Guilty Pleas Indicate Acknowledgment of Provable Crimes

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The choice to plead guilty is being seen as a clear signal that Trump’s attorneys recognize the existence of concrete and prosecutable crimes. As one commenter explains, “Pleading guilty means they know a crime was committed that can be proved in court.” Others echoed this, claiming that this was a strategic move to avoid harsher sentencing that a trial might bring. 


Closing Ranks Around Trump

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One user said, “They are circling the buses. More will be added, and driving over a certain object begins.” They hinted that additional indictments and plea deals are on the horizon. If so, these could potentially escalate the legal pressure on Trump and lead to even more serious consequences.


Questioning Trump’s Defense Strategy

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“He is confused, alright. That’s an understatement! Pretty soon, it will be ‘Mark Meadows was not my chief of staff – he was working independently. Sydney Powell? Never heard of her … fake news !!'” said one user. Many people appear to be surprised at Trump’s attempts to distance himself from his former confidants.


Moral Scrutiny and Trump’s Defense

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Some commenters branded Trump as “amoral” and claimed, “Nothing is a crime for him because he can and will do anything.” Others question the rationale behind Trump’s defense strategy, wondering if “he’s trying to establish a bona fide mental illness” or if he’s just being seen as “stupid.”


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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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