“They Can’t Get It Done in Two Weeks”: Experts Doubt Trump Trial Can Commence Pre-Election Amid Two-Week Time Crunch

As the legal battles against former President Donald Trump intensify, questions arise regarding the feasibility of conducting trials before the upcoming elections. Renowned lawyer Alan Dershowitz, along with other legal experts, has expressed skepticism about the possibility of expediting these trials. In this article, we will explore the challenges faced by federal and state officials in their pursuit of convictions against Trump before the elections.

Dershowitz’s Comparison to Brain Surgery

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Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law Professor, drew an intriguing analogy when he compared the trials against Trump to brain surgery. He emphasized that the complexity of these cases requires ample time for due process, saying “They can’t get it done in two weeks… They know it will take longer than that.” 

The above statement underscores the enormity of the task at hand. Holding a trial of such magnitude before the elections poses significant challenges, as anything less than a thorough review in the court of law can hamper and undermine the sanctity of the judicial system. The need for a comprehensive and detailed examination of charges, evidence collection, and witness deposition cannot be overstated. 

The Rationale Behind an Exhaustive Inquiry 

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The demand for a complete scrutiny stems from the seriousness of the charges. Allegations are not limited to commercial misconduct and inappropriate behaviors, but also extend to instances of potential misuse of power while in office. Consequently, a rushed trial to meet a political timeline would run the risk of oversights and incomplete investigations. 

The Necessity of Detailed Witness Deposition 

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Given the vast network of persons potentially involved or with relevant information, the process of witness deposition promises to be an extensive one. Each testimony must be recorded, collated, and evaluated for credibility, a process that requires considerable time and expertise. A complete presentation of testimonies – both supportive and contradictory – is crucial for a fair trial. 

Time Constraints and Threshold Challenges

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Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, a professor of public interest law, both argue that the trials cannot be completed within the limited timeframe before the elections. Threshold challenges and dispositive motions need to be addressed, which may involve appeals and further delays. 

Legal Experts On The Challenges 

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The spectrum of legal complications is varied and vast. For instance, preliminary pre-trial motions, which include, but are not limited to, evidentiary issues or the seeking of recusals due to potential conflict, may pave the way for a prolonged process.

Delays Inevitable

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While addressing these aspects, it is not uncommon for the court to be ushered into an appeals process, creating further delays. Both public interest law professors, Dershowitz and Turley, emphasize that these procedures and protocols are fundamental in ensuring a fair and accountable court proceeding.

Preparation of Defense And Prosecution

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Both the prosecution and the defense teams face the daunting task of preparing and presenting their respective cases. The defense, having the burden of proof, needs to construct a robust case comprising sufficient evidence. On the other hand, the defense needs to formulate their rebuttals and clarify any contradictions within the prosecution’s claims. 

Public Interest And Media Coverage 

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Holding the trials before the elections does not only involve legal intricacies. In the era of the 24-hour news cycle, media coverage plays a significant role. Detailed reporting and public interest can exert considerable influence on the progress of the trial, and not to forget, the election outcome. 

Optimistic Prosecution Dates:

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Turley suggests that the proposed trial dates seem implausible, saying “these dates seem highly optimistic and a tad opportunistic by prosecutors.”  Ronald Carlson, a legal professor, concurs, stating that if Trump loses his motions, he will likely appeal.

Rush to Injustice

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Carlson further criticizes the prosecutors’ approach, accusing them of rushing to obtain convictions before the elections. Dershowitz echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the need for a fair and just process.

Pre-Trial Matters and Jury Selection

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Dershowitz highlights the time-consuming nature of pre-trial matters, stating that the courts will require at least a year to handle these issues. Additionally, jury selection alone in Georgia’s cases is expected to take several months.

Convictions in Anti-Trump Jurisdictions

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Dershowitz suggests that the plan may be to secure convictions in jurisdictions that are overwhelmingly anti-Trump. The lawyer believes that this strategy aims to minimize the chances of reversals on appeal, which would likely occur after the elections. 

The Challenges Presented by Anti-Trump Jurisdictions: 

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The strategy to secure convictions in predominantly anti-Trump jurisdictions not only presents a significant challenge but also raises questions about the fairness and impartiality of the trials. Convictions reached in such jurisdictions may appear to be a reflection of pre-existing biases rather than an objective judgement based on the merits of the case. 

The Exculpatory Phone Call

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Dershowitz emphasizes the significance of a particular phone call, which he considers the most exculpatory piece of evidence. He argues that Trump’s use of the word “find” implies a search for existing evidence, rather than the fabrication of evidence, explaining passionately: “Trump said find — FIND — not concoct, not manufacture, find!..“The word ‘find’ has a dictionary meaning. It means they’re there, they’re there to be found. Just please look hard and look for them. That’s what we did in Florida. We thought there were enough votes that could put Gore over the top.”

Drawing Parallels with Al Gore

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Dershowitz draws parallels between Trump’s tactics and those employed by Al Gore during the 2000 election. He highlights that challenging election results and pursuing legal avenues were praised back then, whereas now, they are being treated as potential crimes.

Trial Dates

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Providing an overview of the trial dates, we note that the Mar-a-Lago case is scheduled for May 2024, Trump’s first indictment in New York is set for March, and the proposed date for the Washington, D.C. case is January 2, with the trial set for March.

Complex Cases

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The trials against Donald Trump before the upcoming elections face significant challenges. Legal experts, including Alan Dershowitz, argue that the complexity of these cases, along with the necessary due process, makes it unlikely for trials to be completed within the limited timeframe. As the legal battles unfold, it remains to be seen how these challenges will be addressed and whether the trials will proceed as scheduled.


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