“That Is Not Enough to Win an Election”: Majority of Republicans Put Trump’s Troubles Down to “Political Abuse,” Poll Finds

A poll conducted by CNN has revealed some intriguing insights into how Republicans perceive Trump’s legal predicaments. The findings shed light on the division within the party regarding the root causes of the former president’s ongoing legal troubles.

Republicans Blame Political Abuse

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The poll revealed that a substantial majority of Republicans – 61% – attribute former President Donald Trump’s legal problems to political abuse rather than his own actions. The outcome has emerged in the wake of Trump’s fourth criminal indictment in less than five months.

Attributing Charges to Trump’s Behavior

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Contrastingly, a mere 14% of Republicans polled said that the legal charges against Trump are a direct consequence of his own actions. The stark contrast in perspectives reflects the division in the Republican Party and gives insight into the minds of conservative Americans.

Remaining 25% Reserved Judgment

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Approximately 25% of surveyed Republican voters opted to withhold judgment until the commencement of Trump’s trials, a hesitation that conveys the anticipation surrounding the legal proceedings and their potential impact on Trump’s future.

Trump’s Ability to Run for President Again

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Interestingly, the poll also gauged the opinion of GOP voters on whether Trump’s multiple indictments and potential convictions should influence his ability to run for president again in 2024. A significant majority expressed the belief that the potential felon’s legal issues should not hinder his candidacy.

Trump’s Legal Problems and the Republican Primary

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The poll revealed that Trump’s legal challenges have not negatively affected his standing in the Republican primary. In fact, the findings indicated that the former president has expanded his lead over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, his main rival.

Republicans vs. General Population 

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While Trump maintains strong support within the Republican party, the overall poll suggested that his legal issues could pose challenges. A majority of the general public – 51% – said that the charges related to the January 6 Capitol riot should disqualify Trump from running for president again. A similar sentiment, with 48% agreement, exists regarding his alleged efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election against Joe Biden.

Differing Perspectives on the Charges

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Similarly, among the broader pool of respondents polled, 47% attributed the charges against Trump to his own decisions, while 31% aligned with the Republican subgroup viewing the charges as symptomatic of political abuse within the system.

A Complex Landscape

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The poll successfully highlighted the complex landscape surrounding Donald Trump’s legal situation. Moreover, it conveyed that Republicans are generally far more dismissive of the former president’s illegal activity than the rest of the population.

The Internet Responded

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News of the poll’s results was shared across social media and opinions were divided. Some people were shocked, others weren’t surprised in the slightest, Republicans were largely pleased, and Democrats were overwhelmingly unworried.

Republicans and Independents

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One person said: “Only 27% of US voters identify as Republican and that is not enough to win an election.  He needs to persuade the 42% who are independents. It would be interesting to see what their views are as they are the ones who will decide who the next US president is.”

The Independents Will Decide Trump’s Fate

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Others echoed the aforementioned commenter. One individual said: “Given that registered Republican voters represent less than 25% of the US voter base, I doubt that’s much comfort for Donnie. The independents will decide his fate.”

Republicans and Responsibility

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Some people discussed the Republican tendency to avoid responsibility. “The Republicans will of course blame ‘political abuse’ because they can’t admit that they stood by and let Trump make the US look like a fool. They refused to impeach because it would come back to bite them with ‘why should we vote for you, your candidate got impeached’ so of course they will try everything they can to not take responsibility –  just like gun control,” one person wrote.

A Lying Narcissist

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Others were more emotional in their responses. “Twice-impeached, four-time indicted, draft-dodging, bankrupt, lying narcissist,” one person wrote. “Yeah, I think we’ll be fine. Trump’s too much of an idiot for enough people to vote for him. Besides, Republicans are a minority so these results are pretty meaningless,” another said.

Hypocrisy Among Republicans

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Some people pointed out hypocrisy among Republicans. One person said: “You know, it’s funny. I’m a big advocate for prison reform because I don’t think people, even criminals, should have lifelong PTSD imposed on them. Whenever I mention this to Republicans, it’s all, ‘Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.’ But as soon as it’s their fascist hero doing the crimes, they’re against any form of punishment.”

Trump Is a Failure

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One person, desperately trying to make Republican commenters see sense, discussed the former president’s failures. They wrote: “Trump is a failure at everything he does. He talks a good job but he delivers very little. He has a string of failed businesses behind him [and] he has no concept of statesmanship. From his own speeches, he is clearly no genius. Forget what the Democrats do or don’t do. Look at Trump.”

Trump’s Ridiculous Suggestions

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The commenter continued: “[Trump] said he thought nuking a hurricane out in the Atlantic ocean was a good idea, he said that the forest floors should be swept, that clean coal was going to be produced perhaps by washing. His words.” 

The Failures Go On

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The failures and absurd comments go on. “He said that COVID testing should be slowed down because it was making him look bad. He put out that stocks were doing well so people bought them. He then sold out and crashed the stock making a profit out of others less fortunate. His whole life is a grift. He has to beg for money because he failed at a university, casinos, an airline, selling steaks, even his golf clubs don’t make money,” the commenter continued.

Trump Is All Self

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The commenter concluded with their thoughts about the former president’s ego. “Trump simply presents himself as a success and people who don’t do research believe him. All of his current problems are because he cannot accept the fact that he lost. This time, in public. That’s what hurts him the most. It was in public for the world to see him for what he has always been, a failure. He is prepared to create civil unrest because of his ego and he won’t care a jot for those who might be thrown in jail, injured, or killed – because he is all self,” they said.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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