21 Undeniable Signs That Say You Are a Terrible Person

We explore 21 red flags that may indicate that someone is a ‘terrible person.’ These signs are not foolproof, and people are capable of change, but being aware of these behaviors can help you protect yourself and make more informed decisions about the people you allow into your life.

Toxic “Momfluencing”/Recording Your Kid’s Distress

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“Making your children upset in order to record it and post it for internet points.”

“Thank God my parents didn’t grow up with the internet in any way because my dad would’ve definitely done this. Instead he recorded us crying to make fun of us to our family.”


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“I’ve seen people dump their empty fast food bags from their car right onto the street. It really pees me off. How hard is it to put it in a garbage can? Some people are so f’n entitled.”

Abusing Animals

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“I work with a shelter, and the horrific things humans can do to dogs and cats is just unbelievable. Please contribute to your closest animal shelters if you can. They are extremely underfunded and a lot of animals end up getting euthanized even when they are completely healthy because these shelters get very crowded.”

Rude to Wait Staff

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“People who treat servers, Uber drivers, convenience store clerks etc disrespectfully. Character is how you treat the people that you’ll never see again.”

Zero Emotional Empathy

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“Minimizing other peoples experiences or pain because it doesn’t match with your experiences.”

“Related: Telling people with (chronic) pain that they just have to change their mindset.”

Refusing to Wear Headphones

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“Walking around Wal-Mart blaring music shopping. How does this seem acceptable? It’s as bad as pooping your pants and walking around.”

“Public speaker phone conversations.”

Being “Brutally Honest”

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“Honest is not the same as rude. Weird how people who are ‘just being honest’/‘telling it like it is’ are never ‘just being honest’ about how much they like something or ‘telling it like it is’ about a situation that’s pleasant.”


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“Whether you see it as a joke or not, you’re still upsetting someone else and that’s wrong so get the hell away from my table and stay at least 6 ft away from me.”

“This. If intense enough, bullying does lasting damage. It can absolutely shatter a person’s self-worth and image of one self, provided they have the strength to keep going.”


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“In my opinion cheating on your significant other is one of the highest levels of betrayal a person can do to another.”

“My best friend cheated on her partner of almost 10 years. Tried to act like the victim (guys, she was like SO depressed) and that it wasn’t a big deal.”

I’m a Nice Guy

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“Every guy who has told me they are a nice guy… nice people don’t have to announce they’re nice all the time.”

“Frequently saying ‘I’m a good person’ or equivalent statements.” – Another user agreed.

Thoughtless Parking

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“Taking up 3 or more parking spaces. If you take up two I’ll just assume you’re a bad driver, but 3 or more?? That’s intentional and rotten.”

“Parking in the handicapped spot and not being handicapped or having a sticker/placard. Or parking crooked in a spot where the next car can’t park.”

Lack of Empathy/Poking Fun at Homeless People

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“You never know what the person is going through. It’s not always drugs, sometimes they have a developmental disorder and no family to help them.”

“‘I’m not giving money to that homeless guy sitting he’ll go buy alcohol or drugs with it.’”


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“Forcing your religious values on others instead of playing to your ‘the small government’ motto where you should be taking your own advice and minding your own business.”

Bad Smartphone Etiquette

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“Recording yourself in the gym and expecting others to not walk past you. Pulling pranks on people for views.”

Big Pharma

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“Charging any amount of money whatsoever for insulin. The government should pay for it, and the government should make the price lower (even if it is paying for the insulin) by any means necessary.”


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“People who constantly believe what they want to believe, despite endless evidence otherwise.”

“Usually their belief is a justification for lousy behavior towards other people.”

Using THAT Quote

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“’If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”. Usually this is just an excuse for people being rude and entitled.”

“If they use the phrase “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” in a serious manner.”

Distracted Drivers

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“Life is more important than your text, food, argument, whatever. You’re in a machine that can kill people, quit goofing off and pay attention to the road.”


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“People who treat those that they consider beneath them badly. People who subscribe to the thought ideology of people that treat those that they consider beneath them badly.”

Their Kids Don’t Speak to Them

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“Parents whose adult children have gone NC [no-contact] with them. Even worse if the kids went NC the second they turned legal adult age.”

“People whose children have gone no-contact. There’s always some excuse and obviously missing parts of the story.”

Abuse of Position

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“Anyone who can abuse a child or elderly person. These people deserve the worst things in life.”

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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