21 Proven Tactics for Men to Immediately Garner Women’s Admiration

Being in a relationship can be difficult, especially in the early days when you are still building up trust and getting to know one another honestly. One significant stepping stone for many women is gaining respect for the man that they are dating or have started a relationship with. One woman took to the Internet to ask people what were the things that a man did to gain respect instantly.

Respect Has to Be Earned

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One person was quick to point out that respect is not an instant thing and there is not one single thing that a perps can do to be declared respectful. Instead, there is an acknowledgment that respect needs to be earned and it may take some time.


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Another person said having a basic level of human decency that they would offer to anyone they meet would be the basis for building respect with a partner, especially when dating.

Treating All Women with Respect

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It was clear from one person that when a man does not fancy women, they lose respect for them, which absolutely should not be the case.


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A man who showed integrity and follows up on his commitments instantly gains respect from one person who commented on the original poster’s (OP) thread.

Treating Previous Partners with Respect

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One sign that a man is respectful is when they talk about their ex. Of course, not all relationships end well, but if a man shows dignity and speaks about previous partners respectfully then it is an indication that he is a good guy.

The Way He Treats Animals

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A woman’s heart can be melted by the way a man treats animals and children, according to some forum members. Another concurred when she said, “So many men think hating cats is somehow macho? “

Not Drooling Over Girls

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To see a man thirst for pretty girls is a big turn-off for many women. Seeing a man show strangers respect rather than leering at them gets a big thumbs up for many women.

Lack of Arrogance

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When men show signs of arrogance and too much pride they can come across as disrespectful to others.

Showing Vulnerability

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By asking for help and advice men can show that they do not need to have the answers for everything and that they can show a vulnerable side that women can embrace.

Good Workplace Etiquette

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One person noted that when men show respect in the office, it is usually a sign that they are a good egg. They said, “In the workplace, when he respectfully listens to women and encourages them to speak, not just those who outrank him.”


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As long as men are not overly possessive, one person noted that when men automatically protect others then he is showing signs of being respectful.

Respects Boundaries

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If a woman has personal boundaries, whether personally or professionally, they need to be acknowledged by the men in her life. Not pressurizing women into anything, especially sexually, is essential in gaining respect.


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This one goes without saying, you would think, but it seems many people have to deal with dishonesty in relationships.

Takes Care of Their Wellbeing

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If a man can look after their self-care and show respect for themselves, then they can model how they can show respect for others.


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One woman said, “ I like men who can follow through on whatever he sets his mind to. This is so sexy.”

Not Stereotyping People

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When a man can think outside the box and not tie people down to stereotypes, they are much more likely to show empathy which will translate to them being respectful in relationships.

Showing Kindness

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Whether it be to strangers, homeless people, elderly people, or anyone they interact with, being nice can be hot!

Calling out Prejudice

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One person respected men when they “call out bad behavior/inappropriate slurs/racism/misogyny.” If a man can show respect for the most vulnerable in society, then there is a good sign that he will accept and understand the women in his life.

Treating his Mom Well

Family Having BBQ
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A popular answer on the OP’s thread was about how a man treats his mother. One woman said “I wouldn’t call it “instant respect”, but if he treats his Mother well, it’s usually a good sign.”

Involved in his Kid’s Lives

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If a man has children from a previous relationship, he must have “ non-negotiable involvement in his children’s lives.” We could not agree more.

Admitting When They Are Wrong

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A man who is not too proud to admit that he has made a mistake or said the wrong thing gains major points when trying to score a lasting relationship.

10 Unexpected Desires of Men That Will Surely Raise Women’s Eyebrows

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Certain things can make eyebrows rise and curiosity pique. When it comes to men’s desires, there are often hidden gems that may surprise and intrigue women. These desires can range from the unconventional to the unexpected, shedding light on the diverse range of interests that captivate the male psyche.

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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Men Share the 12 Most Unattractive Hobbies Women Enjoy That Make Them Run for the Hills: Fact or Fiction?

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Are there hobbies that send men running for the hills? Is it the avid knitting or the extreme couponing that leaves them perplexed? Or could it be the unusual fascination with insect taxidermy that sends shivers down their spines? While we all have our unique interests and pastimes, there seems to be a list of hobbies that some men find a little… bewildering.

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