“Send Traitor Trump to Prison”: Special Counsel Jack Smith “Scaling Back Inquiry” Into Trump as Subpoena Withdrawn in Save America Case

U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith’s recent decision to withdraw a subpoena linked to fundraising by the political action committee Save America, controlled by former President Donald Trump, has raised eyebrows and sparked debate. 

Subpoena Withdrawn

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U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith recently withdrew a subpoena seeking records related to fundraising by Save America. The move is seen as a notable development in the ongoing investigation.


Scaling Back the Inquiry

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The withdrawal of the subpoena suggests that Special Counsel Smith might be scaling back at least a part of his inquiry into political fundraising activities connected to unfounded claims about the 2020 election.


Save America: Trump’s Supporter

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Save America, a political group distinct from Trump’s campaign played a pivotal role in raising funds to support him as the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination.


Formation of Save America

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Donald Trump founded Save America shortly after his defeat in the 2020 election to President Joe Biden. This group continued to be a prominent player in the political landscape.


The Silence from Special Counsel’s Office

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Notably, the special counsel’s office has refrained from commenting on this recent development, fueling speculation and intrigue.


Unavailable for Comment

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Efforts to reach Save America for their statement on the matter have been unfruitful, further adding to the mystery surrounding the withdrawn subpoena.


Trump’s Legal Battles

Donald Trump
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Donald Trump, a Republican, has not been without legal challenges. In August 2023, he pleaded not guilty to charges brought by Special Counsel Smith.


Charges Brought Against Trump

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The charges include allegations of conspiracy to defraud the United States by obstructing Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory and depriving voters of their right to a fair election.


The Capitol Attack

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It’s important to note that the federal indictment against Trump did not specifically mention Save America. The indictment stemmed from the events of January 6, 2021, when Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to prevent congressional certification of Biden’s victory.


A Pragmatic Decision

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Robert Mintz, a former federal prosecutor, offered an interesting perspective on the withdrawn subpoena. He suggested that it might reflect a pragmatic decision to narrow the scope of the investigation.


Implications of the Subpoena Withdrawal

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The implications of the subpoena withdrawal are multifaceted. On one hand, this move might indicate that Smith is fine-tuning the direction of the investigation, potentially concentrating on more crucial aspects of the case. By narrowing the scope, Smith could be streamlining the prosecution’s strategy, aiming for a more targeted approach in building a strong case against the former president.


Unintended Consequences

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On the other hand, the withdrawal might also spark debates about transparency and political influence in legal proceedings. Critics may question whether external pressures or political considerations played a role in the decision to withdraw the subpoena. This could impact public perceptions of the investigation’s integrity and fairness.


The Legal Saga Continues

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Regardless of the motivations behind the subpoena withdrawal, it does not alter the fact that Trump is still facing multiple legal challenges in different jurisdictions. The legal saga continues, and the world watches to see how it unfolds. As the investigation proceeds, the true implications of this withdrawal will become clearer, and the legal battle involving the former President will likely remain in the spotlight for the foreseeable future.


Other Legal Battles

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Trump is not solely entangled in this case. He also faces three other indictments in different jurisdictions.


Hush Money Payments

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One of these indictments relates to alleged hush money payments to a star in New York. Trump has pleaded not guilty in this case.


Handling of Classified Documents

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Another case revolves around Trump’s handling of classified documents after leaving the White House. Once again, he has entered a plea of not guilty.


Attempts to Overturn the Election

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The third indictment pertains to Trump’s attempts to overturn his 2020 election loss in Georgia. Trump maintains his innocence in this matter as well.


A Legal Quagmire

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

The withdrawal of the subpoena related to Save America underscores the complexity of the legal battles surrounding the former president. While it may indicate a shift in focus for Special Counsel Jack Smith, it is just one piece of the larger puzzle that is the ongoing investigation into Trump’s actions. As the investigation proceeds, the true implications of this withdrawal will become clearer, and the legal battle involving the former President will likely remain in the spotlight for the foreseeable future.

All Loser Cases

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“I believe Jack Smith is hoping this case never reaches the point where actual guilt is proclaimed. 

The case is a loser just like all his previous cases.  He only serves to help Joe and the Dems in their sad attempt at re-election.”


Support for Jack Smith 

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“One more or less subpoena is no big deal, from the way things are going, there is plenty of evidence to send Traitor Trump to prison.”

Another commenter replied, “Withdrawn….for now.  There’s nothing to prohibit Smith from re-submitting the subpoena later.”

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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