“Someone Told Me My Baby Would Burn in Hell”: Christianity Is in Decline and People Are Giving Very Valid Reasons as to Why

It’s clear that religious faith is beginning to decline in the United States. In a world where the majority of wealthy nations have turned increasingly secular over the years, the US seemed like an exception. However, it’s becoming more and more evident that Americans are moving away from religion.

Church Attendance Is Dwindling

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Church attendance is dwindling, prayer frequency is decreasing, and the importance of religion in the lives of Americans is waning. For the first time in Gallup’s history, a poll has revealed that less than half of adults regularly attend a church, synagogue, or mosque. Most of the research was in relation to Christianity.


The Great Dechurching

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In a book titled “The Great Dechurching,” authors Jim Davis and Michael Graham point out that the US is undergoing an unprecedented and rapid religious shift. This stands in stark contrast to historical events like the periodic “Great Awakenings” that led to surges in religious engagement. Instead, the present trend is seeing around 40 million American adults who were once churchgoers no longer attending services.


A Smaller Dip for Hispanic People

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This phenomenon of “dechurching” is evident across various denominations, impacting Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and even evangelicals like Southern Baptists. Both White and Black congregants have experienced similar declines, while Hispanic religious attendance has seen a comparatively smaller dip.


A Large Religious Population

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Despite the decline, the US still has a relatively large religious population – with 63% of adults reportedly identifying as Christian – when compared to most wealthy nations. However, that number was 78% in 2007 and, since then, the percentage of adults identifying as non-religious has risen from 16% to 29%. If things carry on this way, less than half of Americans will identify as Christian by the mid-2030s.


The Reasons Behind the Decline

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There are multiple theories regarding the challenges faced by Christianity and several factors likely contribute to the decline. One issue highlighted by Davis and Graham is that many perceive the church to be failing to embody true Christian values. Instances like Rev. Jerry Falwell’s dismissal of AIDS as divine punishment for promiscuity have fueled skepticism and eroded moral credibility.


A Sense of Moral Decay

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Furthermore, statements by Falwell and Rev. Pat Robertson suggesting that the 9/11 attacks were divine retribution have further strained faith in religious leadership. The embrace of Donald Trump by certain Christian leaders, despite his awful actions and less-than-Christian values, has also deepened the sense of moral decay.


The Moral Direction of the Church

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Russell Moore, a prominent religious commentator, discussed the difficulties Christianity is facing in the US. He said that the church is in “crisis” and suggested that the cause of the situation is its support for figures like Donald Trump and the exposure of sex abuse scandals. Moore pointed out that people often leave religious institutions not due to losing faith in God, but rather due to losing confidence in religious leaders and the moral direction of the church.


Easier Access to Information

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Online commenters shared their own theories as to why Christianity, and religion as a whole, seems to be on the decline. One person wrote: “The politicization of Christianity that’s been increasing over the past 50 to 100 years. Easier access to information about other religions, and a general inability when it comes to hiding hypocrisy across the board, show people that not only does Christianity not have a monopoly on the truth – sometimes it lies. And, of course, all the rape and genocide coming to light and the attempts to hide and excuse it.”


The Judgmental Nature of Religion

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Some commenters discussed the judgmental nature of religion. One person wrote: “Because it comes across as very judgmental, cult-like, unwelcoming, and churches – as well as Christians – don’t actually teach, preach, or emulate Jesus’ loving ways. As someone who has only followed Christ for a year now and developed my own opinion away from my previous biases of what Christ is, some Christians have come across as some of the most hateful people I’ve ever encountered.”


Religion Can Bring Out Nastiness

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The aforementioned commenter continued, going on to share a personal story about an awful experience with another Christian. “Someone even told me my baby would burn in Hell because I was only engaged while pregnant with her. Religion can bring out some nastiness. I’m sure some of this is Satan’s doing, to turn people away from Christ and his true love, forgiveness, and teachings. Christian music is also just terrible,” they wrote.


A Takeover of Politics 

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Some people were harsher with their words. One person wrote: “If you don’t go to church, the exposure to Christianity today is its takeover of politics, removal of rights, people on the street telling you you’re going to Hell, and [its justifications for] demonizing and hating others. If you don’t understand how repulsive this is, I don’t know what to tell you.”


An Excuse to Hate LGBTQ+ People

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Some commenters discussed Christianity’s attitudes toward LGBTQ+ people. “Unless you’re really interested in a reason to be mad at gay people, mainstream Christianity just isn’t relevant to people’s lives beyond being ‘a community.’ People have access to a lot of communities and, frankly, most Christians avoid meaningful discussions [about] Christianity.”


21 Things Forbidden by the Bible (But You Might Already Be Doing Them!)


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As we navigate the present day, it’s fascinating to discover age-old Biblical rules that might feel out of place today. From clean-shaven debates to the great pork dilemma, let’s dive into these intriguing prohibitions. Hold onto your hats because some of these are real eyebrow-raisers!

21 Things Forbidden by the Bible (But You Might Already Be Doing Them!)

“This Is Why Nobody Takes Christianity Seriously”: Pastor Enters Cage of Lions to Prove God Is Protecting Him

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Plenty of religious leaders claim to have some form of “divine protection” but not many of them are brave enough to attempt to prove it. One pastor, though, did possess that courage – or stupidity – and he locked himself in a cage of lions to make his point.

“This Is Why Nobody Takes Christianity Seriously”: Pastor Enters Cage of Lions to Prove God Is Protecting Him

“Christianity in America Is Just a Money Making Scheme”: Pope Slams American Catholics for Turning Faith into a Cash Cow and Ideological Circus

Image Credit: Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock.

Pope Francis has criticized certain conservative factions within the US Catholic Church, stating that they’ve replaced genuine faith with rigid ideology. He emphasized that a proper interpretation of Roman Catholic doctrine permits adaptation and change as time goes on.

“Christianity in America Is Just a Money Making Scheme”: Pope Slams American Catholics for Turning Faith into a Cash Cow and Ideological Circus

“Jesus Was a Socialist”: Christianity in Crisis as Conservatives Finally Realize Jesus Was Woke

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Russell Moore, once a prominent figure within the Southern Baptist Convention, has expressed profound concerns regarding the current trajectory of Christianity within the United States.

“Jesus Was a Socialist”: Christianity in Crisis as Conservatives Finally Realize Jesus Was Woke


Empty Pews, Changing Views: 18 Reasons Why Modern Congregations Are Thinning Out

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Sit tight, friends! Have you noticed that your usual church-going squad is thinning out? Even the little old ladies with their prayer books seem to have made themselves scarce. But what’s causing this great church exodus? Let’s pull back the curtain and examine why some people are swapping the sermon for a Sunday sleep-in with our intriguing list of 18 reasons.

Empty Pews, Changing Views: 18 Reasons Why Modern Congregations Are Thinning Out


21 Things Forbidden by the Bible (But You Might Already Be Doing Them!)


Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As we navigate the present day, it’s fascinating to discover age-old Biblical rules that might feel out of place today. From clean-shaven debates to the great pork dilemma, let’s dive into these intriguing prohibitions. Hold onto your hats because some of these are real eyebrow-raisers!

21 Things Forbidden by the Bible (But You Might Already Be Doing Them!)

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