“She’s Brilliant at Gaslighting” – Marjorie Taylor Greene Slammed for “There Are Two Genders” Claim

Marjorie Taylor Greene, the fiery Representative from Georgia, consistently captures headlines with her often controversial statements. Whether it’s science, gun debates, or vaccines, her opinions often spark many reactions. This time, it’s her recent social media activity that’s causing a stir. 

“Trust the Science”

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Marjorie Taylor Greene recently took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to display a poster with the words “Trust the Science.” This was a bold statement considering the backdrop of the sign specified, “There are two genders, male and female.” This post has since raised eyebrows and instigated countless discussions on its implications.


Past Controversies

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While the “Trust the Science” post may be recent, Greene’s history with controversial comments is long-standing. Time and again, she has raised eyebrows with her statements. However, despite her claims to “trust the science,” some of her posts have contradicted widely accepted scientific principles and findings.


Holocaust Comparison

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In one of her most contentious statements, Greene claimed that mask mandates were “exactly the type of abuse” that Jewish individuals suffered during the Holocaust. Naturally, the audacity of this comparison didn’t sit well with many. Her comments prompted a wave of criticism and ultimately led her to extend an apology.


Visit to the Holocaust Museum

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After the uproar caused by her Holocaust remarks, Greene took steps to understand the gravity of her words. Representative Brad Schneider acknowledged her effort, saying he was “pleasantly surprised” to learn that Greene had taken the initiative to visit the United States Holocaust Museum.


Greene’s Remarks at the Capitol

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In a public address outside the Capitol, Greene seemed to further her understanding of the Holocaust. She highlighted its vast scope, acknowledging that the Holocaust resulted in the tragic loss of “people that the Nazis didn’t believe were good enough or perfect enough.” Her words suggested a shift from her earlier controversial remarks.


Views on Discrimination

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Her other views on public health measures are clear. She claimed that mandates around masks, vaccines, and vaccine passports were discriminatory. During this same address, she expressed, “I believe that forced masks and forced vaccines or vaccine passports are a type of discrimination.” She then claimed to be “very much against that type of discrimination.”


“Vaccine Nazis”

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Greene’s appearance on Steve Bannon’s podcast only added fuel to the fire. There, she made a striking comment, linking strict vaccination supporters to the oppressive Nazi regime. Greene proclaimed, “They’re ruining our country, these vaccine Nazis.” These comments suggested she hadn’t learned from her earlier mistakes.


Greene’s Vaccination Stance

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Greene’s personal choice concerning the vaccine has also made headlines. When confronted about her decision not to get vaccinated, she was stubborn. Holding firm to her beliefs and patriotic views, she stated, “I’m not vaccinated, and I’m not getting vaccinated because I’m an American.”


Personal Freedoms and the Vaccine

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However, Greene’s opinions on vaccination aren’t just about the vaccine itself. She argued this was related to personal freedoms. In discussions about health choices, she has been vocal about her autonomy. She stated, “I can choose what I want to do with my body. I have the freedom to decide if I want to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine.”


The Viral Tweet

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The internet was abuzz when, on 24 March 2023, Greene took to Twitter with a provocative post. She shared a photograph where she stood behind a sign discussing gender. With the caption “Trust the Science,” the tweet skyrocketed to a million views in a mere 24 hours. However, many were quick to point out the irony of this post, given her earlier dislike of science in terms of public health.


Greene and the Trans Community

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s stance against the trans community is clear. Not only has she been vocal in this, but she has also taken legislative action that appears to undermine trans rights. One of these is the Protect Children’s Innocence Act. The bill, as Greene emphasized, is meant to shield children from ideologies she believes are harmful. 


Protect Children’s Innocence Act

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In Greene’s view, the act” will protect children from the heinous and evil ideology that is grooming kids and making a profit off of horrific surgeries that mutilate their genital.” She claimed the act would protect “these children and stop a state like California and the monsters and the groomers and the child predators in that state that look to damage them before they ever grow up.”


Gender and Religious Views

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Green also argued that the distinction between genders isn’t just biological but deeply rooted in religious beliefs. She often intertwines the two, asserting that there are only two genders. “God made children. God made all of us male and female. In his image, he made us. And God doesn’t make mistakes,” she once commented.


Attention-Driven Acts

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One individual shared their thoughts about Greene’s behavior, stating, “Personally, I think it’s largely an act with her. She’s doing it for the attention and influence it brings. If she wasn’t constantly rewarded for this behavior, she’d stop doing it.” Others agreed, saying that they see her actions as theatrics for public attention.


Typical Republican Behavior

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Another observer commented that Green was “just being your typical Republican, and she’s acting like that because that’s what gets Republicans to vote for her.” Another user agreed, stating, “She’s unhinged and peddles conspiracy theories constantly. Loved Qanon, was the one talking about Jewish space lasers on camera. She’s nuts, and so are many Americans.”


Questioning Ethics and Intelligence

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Yet another critic was more direct, sharing, “She likes money and has no ethics. She’s just like a lot of folks in the south. You’ll find them everywhere, but especially at the really big churches down here. They get a high and mighty superiority complex, it makes them absolutely insufferable.” 


Financial Motivation Behind Extreme Views

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There seems to be a notion that Greene’s statements might be financially driven. As someone pointed out, “There are a percentage of people in this country who send her money every time she says something crazy. And not people from her district but the whole country. It’s the same thing with the extremes on both sides.” 


A Deliberate Provocateur

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Another user highlighted Greene’s controversial tactics. They said, “She’s brilliant at gaslighting, or she wouldn’t have a platform. That’s what’s “wrong” with her. She’s intentionally trying to make your blood boil and get you to engage with her nonsense. It’s a vicious circle, and she’s double ham-fisting it like no one has ever seen before.”


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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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