“Someone Else Is Running the Country for Him”: President Biden Accidently Reads Out Teleprompter Instructions During Speech

In his latest gaffe, President Biden seemingly read out his teleprompter instructions. “Make it clear,” he added to his sentence, words that likely weren’t supposed to be read out loud.

President Biden’s Words

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Biden was talking about the wars in Palestine and Ukraine. He said: “We’ll have something that we do not seek – make it clear we do not seek – we do not seek to have American troops fighting in Russia.”


An Active Warzone

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Biden was addressing the nation after returning from a trip to Israel, his second visit to an active war zone this year. “I’m told I was the first American to enter a war zone not controlled by the United States military since President Lincoln,” he said.


American Leadership and the World

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“American leadership is what holds the world together,” the POTUS claimed. “These conflicts can seem far away,” he later acknowledged, before adding that they are “vital for America’s national security.”


The Cost Keeps Rising

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Biden went on to say that he plans to ask Congress for billions of dollars for both Ukraine and Israel. “History has taught us when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. They keep going and the cost and the threat to America and the world keep rising,” he said. 


Tragedies on Both Sides

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Reportedly, Biden will ask for $105 billion. “It’s a smart investment that’s going to pay dividends for American security for generations,” he said. As previously mentioned, his speech followed his trip to Israel. There, he emphasized the importance of acknowledging the tragedies on both sides.


The Children of Gaza

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“Israel and Palestinians equally deserve to live in safety, dignity, and peace,” Biden said, also emphasizing that he was “’heartbroken by the tragic loss of Palestinian life.” Of Gaza’s 2.3 million population, almost a million are children. As such, Biden pushed for more humanitarian aid to Palestinians.


Anti-Semetism and Islamophobia

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During his speech, Biden also addressed the rise of both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the United States. He highlighted the heartbreaking murder of a 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Biden’s teleprompter gaffe was shared across the internet and people had a lot to say about it. “I’ve said it before. Just turn the teleprompter around so we can read it ourselves. Lot less confusing that way,” one individual wrote.


What Biden Does Best

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Others claimed Biden is only allowed to read scripted answers: “And you know the worst part? Reading the teleprompter is what Biden does best! He is at his very best reading straight from the screen. They won’t let him answer any unscripted questions anymore.”


A Wild Conspiracy Theory

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People posted conspiracy theories, with some going as far as to suggest that Obama is currently running the country: “This just proves that he’s not in charge. He’s too senile to be in charge. They’re only using this man as a puppet or placeholder so someone else – or Obama – can run everything.”


Obama and Biden

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “Of course he is reading a teleprompter. Obama is the one who writes what Joe is to say. By the way, did you see the strings attached to his arms?”


A Wilder Conspiracy Theory

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Another conspiracy theorist wrote: “Is there anyone out there who doesn’t understand that this is actually Obama’s third term and Biden is his brain-dead puppet figure? It’s what he was programmed to do when he was raised by his Arab masters.”


A Teleprompter and an Earpiece

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People seemingly didn’t realize how common teleprompters are in politics. One individual said: “There is no way he is going to make any kind of an important speech without a teleprompter and probably an earpiece to keep him on track.”


Severe Cognitive Decline

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People really didn’t hold back with the conspiracy theories. “Of course he read from a teleprompter. He’s in severe cognitive decline and he’s being given drugs to prop him up for these events,” another person said.


An Embarrassment to America

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The criticism continued. “He has a problem following simple, everyday interactions, knowing where he is, what he is supposed to do, and who his audience is. The idiot is an embarrassment to the American people,” one commenter wrote, making no mention of Trump’s inability to form coherent sentences on a near-constant basis. 


A Lack of Political Understanding

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Plenty of people claimed that Biden’s use of a teleprompter was proof that someone else runs the country. This was despite the fact that it’s entirely normal for teleprompters to be used and for speeches to be pre-written. “As if we needed more proof that someone else is running the country for him,” one person said. 


The Alt-Right and Indoctrination

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Some people did stick up for Biden. One such individual wrote: “Everyone in this comment section sounds like an insane alt-right indoctrinated conspiracy theorist. Speeches are always written before they’re made. It doesn’t mean someone else is running the country for him.”


The Dunning-Kruger Effect

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Another commenter said: “As if these people think using a teleprompter is unusual. This is why they vote for Trump. They’re so uneducated and dumb that they think they’re smart. The Dunning-Kruger effect at its finest.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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