“Pope Francis Is a Disgrace”: Pope Urges People to “Listen to Science” Regarding the Climate Crisis

Earlier in the year, Pope Francis called for people to repent for “ecological sins” and to put an end to pollution. 

The Senseless War Against Creation

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In a message available on the Vatican website, Pope Francis condemned the current state of the environment as not only unacceptable but also unjust. “Let us heed our call to stand with the victims of environmental and climate injustice, and to put an end to the senseless war against creation,” he said.


The Unrestrained Burning of Fossil Fuels

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The pope went on to condemn the use of fossil fuels. He said: “The unrestrained burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests are pushing temperatures higher and leading to massive droughts.”


Fracking and Intensive Animal Farming

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Continuing, the pope said: “Predatory industries are depleting and polluting our freshwater sources through extreme practices such as fracking for oil and gas extraction, unchecked mega-mining projects, and intensive animal farming.”


Toxic Production Processes

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Pope Francis went on to offer solutions to the crisis. “Let us adopt lifestyles marked by less waste and unnecessary consumption, especially where the processes of production are toxic and unsustainable,” he said.


Use Resources With Moderation

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Later, he urged people to ensure they’re using “resources with moderation and a joyful sobriety, disposing and recycling waste, and making greater use of available products and services that are environmentally and socially responsible.”


Listen to Science

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He also urged world leaders to “listen to science” regarding the climate and environment. “The world leaders who will gather for the COP28 summit in Dubai must listen to science and institute a rapid and equitable transition to end the era of fossil fuel,” he said.


The Oil and Gas Industries

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The pope went on to discuss the Paris Agreement, a treaty aimed at combating climate change. He said that in order to adhere to it, humanity must stop expanding the oil and gas industries. Given the Catholic Church’s global influence, he’s undoubtedly hoping his message will resonate with a wide audience and lead to meaningful change.


The Internet’s Response

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News of the pope’s words was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. While some people applauded him, plenty of Catholics criticized him and found his statement to be an overstep.


Calling Out Conservative Catholics

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One social media commenter said: “Man, the pope has just been on a roll lately and honestly I really appreciate that he’s not afraid to call out conservative Catholics… unlike previous popes.”


Nothing Is Working

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Another person wrote: “The only way to fix pollution, including carbon-based pollution, is to give up on industrial society. That would mean giving up on most of the programs he wants for the poor. There is a reason why nothing the government is trying is working and it’s because we are trying to have our cake and eat it too.”


The Very First Commandment

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Others said Catholics have a duty to look after the planet. One such individual said: “The very first commandment is in Genesis and it’s to rule and subdue Earth. So we do have a divine mandate to steward the planet.”


One Big Eye Roll

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But, for the most part, people condemned the pope and his words. “One big eye roll. Denying God’s infinite control over the Earth and suggesting we humans are ‘destroying the Earth with climate change’ is so anti-Christ I can’t even fathom it,” one person wrote.


A Wannabe Politician

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Another individual said: “Pope Francis is a disgrace. He should stay in his lane. Or perhaps he’s really a power-hungry wannabe politician? Climate change has nothing to do with Catholicism.” 


Science and Religion

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Some commenters denied science as a whole: “Science itself has become a religion. It has its holy books. You have to bow down to the gods and sprinkle incense on the altar and you have to mimic whatever they taught you in school to get your degree.”


Hitting Back at Criticism

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Despite the criticism, plenty of people defended the pope. One person wrote: “It’s amazing the amount of people who think that if the pope isn’t talking about the most dire issues of faith and morals, he shouldn’t be talking at all.”


An Important Issue

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The commenter continued: “He can talk about multiple things at once and he’s not there only to talk to the bad Catholics. He has to speak to us, who actually want to follow Catholic teachings, and this is evidently an issue many of us in that camp don’t want to hear… but all the more reason we should hear it.”


A Sad State of Affairs

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Another commenter said: “It’s a sad state of affairs when the shepherd of the Church highlights man’s vocation to ‘tend the garden’ and gets accused of ignorance at best and partisan rhetoric at worst. It’s amazing, the hoops conservatives will go through to hold tightly to their precious ideals.”


Refusing to Listen

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Concluding, the aforementioned individual wrote: “Even when the Holy Father calls them on their stubbornness, they stop up their ears and refuse to listen. I think the Earth could be a fiery ball and you’d have some guy in an outpost on the moon saying, ‘It’s all part of the natural cycle – not man-made at all!’”



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Image Credit: Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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