“The Most Inept Congress in the History of the Country”: Paul Ryan Warns GOP “We Look Like We Can’t Govern” with Trump

As political tension grips the nation, key political figures are not holding back their thoughts on Trump, the Republican Party, and the 2024 election. On social media and in person, they’ve aired their perspectives. These include Paul Ryan, who used to be a House Speaker, along with Mitch McConnell, who is the Minority Leader of the Senate.

Paul Ryan’s Critique Amid Shutdown Tensions

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Paul Ryan, the former Speaker of the House, shared his thoughts about the potential shutdown. He said it reflects a troubling mindset, saying, “It’s nihilism, is what it is.” He gave a negative view of the current state of politics, adding, “We look like fools. We look like we can’t govern.” His words show a deep concern for the image and functionality of the current legislature.


Reflections on a Past Crisis by Paul Ryan

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Reflecting on the tense period he presided over as Speaker, Ryan spoke with the weight of experience about the government shutdown of 2018. This shutdown stretched over a month. He mentioned, “There are a bunch of people who I think feel this is in their interest.” He indicated a troubling aspect of political strategy that may prioritize individual gain over collective progress.


Insights from Ryan’s University Address

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During his engagement at the University of Wisconsin, Ryan offered his perspective on the political landscape. At this event, he said, “The party that puts the first fresh face forward wins this election.” This shows Ryan’s belief in the power of newness and change as key to electoral success. 


Ryan’s Predictions

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Paul Ryan cast a doubtful eye on Trump’s potential candidacy. He clearly showed his stance on the matter, saying, “Donald Trump doesn’t try to do any of that. He does the opposite, frankly. So I just don’t think he’s fit for the job here.” Clearly, he believes in the importance of leadership qualities that he feels Trump lacks. He predicted an unfavorable outcome for Trump should he be the GOP nominee.


The Suburban Voter Equation, According to Ryan

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Exploring voters’ feelings, Ryan questioned the loyalty of suburban voters post-January 6. He asked, “Do you think those suburban voters like Donald Trump more since Jan. 6?” He followed this rhetorical question with a stark prediction about Trump’s chances with these voters, stating, “They didn’t vote for him this last time, they’re not going to vote for him again.”


Deputy Defense Secretary Urges Shutdown Avoidance

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Kathleen Hicks, the Deputy Defense Secretary,  highlighted the critical nature of avoiding a government shutdown. She stressed the stakes involved, saying, “We need to avert any kind of effect that a shutdown could have, not just on the Defense Department but throughout the federal government.”


House Speaker McCarthy on Budget Strategies

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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy remained hopeful about the government’s ability to avert a shutdown. He argued that a CR bill could be successfully passed. Despite his optimistic outlook, McCarthy clarified that the Republican Party should not bear the responsibility if a shutdown occurs. “I’m a believer in everything,” McCarthy stated, reinforcing his positive stance on finding a solution and setting up a defense against potential blame.


Trump Blames Biden for Budget Woes on Truth Social

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Taking to Truth Social, former President Trump lashed out over the debt ceiling and budget negotiations. He deflected the responsibility away from his party, boldly proclaiming, “The Republicans lost big on Debt Ceiling, got NOTHING, and now are worried that they will be BLAMED for the Budget Shutdown. Wrong!!! Whoever is President will be blamed, in this case, Crooked (as Hell!) Joe Biden!”


Trump’s Rallying Cry to GOP Leaders

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He then called for the GOP to adopt a more combative political stance. Directly targeting Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump charged, “It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening, Mitch McConnell, the weakest, dumbest, and most conflicted ‘Leader’ in U.S. Senate history?” 


Mitch McConnell Advises Caution on Shutdowns

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However, McConnell warned his party of the historical consequences of government shutdowns. He advised, “We’re waiting to see what the House is going to do on a continuing resolution. I think all of you know I’m not a fan of government shutdowns, I’ve seen a few of them over the years, they never have produced a policy change, and they’ve always been a loser for Republicans, politically.” McConnell’s stance is clear, advocating for strategy over standoffs.


Public Scorn for Paul Ryan

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The reaction to Paul Ryan’s critique was harsh, with one individual saying, “Like anyone cares what Paul Ryan thinks. That guy is one of the biggest pieces of trash out there.” This comment reflects broader discontent with Ryan’s position. Many people seem to care very little for his influence on current political debates, suggesting a divide within the party and its supporters.


Blunt Assessment of Congressional Effectiveness

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Adding to the critique of Paul Ryan and the current Congress, another individual stated, “Guess what, Paul. You can’t govern. The ineptest Congress in the history of the country.” It appears there is a narrative of ineffectiveness and discontent with political leadership towards Ryan, among others in the Republican Party.


2024 Election Sentiments Flare

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With the 2024 elections on the horizon, opinions are mixed. Some users expressed blunt dismissal of the Republican Party’s effectiveness. One user said, “Republicans are useless. Vote blue 2024.” Others echoed this feeling of frustration with the current state of the GOP and their desire for change in the upcoming election cycle.


Criticism of GOP Governance

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Some users also directly condemned the methods of the GOP, with one user saying, “Paul Ryan, there’s no ‘look like’ about it, the GOP can’t govern.” This reflects that the Republican Party’s ability to lead is being outright denied by some. Some see a failure in addressing the nation’s pressing issues.


Frustration with Congressional Output

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Another user echoed this idea about the GOP’s legislative accomplishments. “They look like they can’t govern because they can’t govern. Nine months in, and they’ve delivered nothing but dead-end investigations.” They also joked that any potential outcomes from such governance would be bad, adding, “It would be one ugly baby!” 


Predictions of Trump’s Downfall

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Some anticipate a dramatic political shift, as one comment predicts, “MAGA hero Trump will be a convicted felon soon, and Americans will reject MAGA in a huge blue wave.” This statement shows a belief that Trump will face legal repercussions. They also believe the political movement he leads will also face a significant backlash from voters.


Trump Supporters Anticipate Victory

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However, Trump’s supporters remain passionately optimistic. One comment read, “I can’t wait till he wins, again just so I can watch all the hate-filled ‘Devilcrats’ whine, again.” This anticipation for a Trump victory highlights the clear divide in American politics and the emotional investment of his supporters.


Speculations on GOP’s White House Prospects

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Looking to the future, some speculate a grim outlook for Republicans in presidential elections. One user asserted, “There won’t be a Republican in the White House for several election cycles.” This pessimistic forecast suggests that the GOP may face significant challenges in regaining the nation’s top office.


Bipartisan Disillusionment Recognized

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Despite the partisan critiques, some comments reflected a broader disillusionment with both parties: “Neither Party can govern.” It appears that some people are feeling dissatisfaction with the political system as a whole. For some, neither side of the aisle is meeting the expectations of governance.



“Someone Else Is Running the Country for Him”: President Biden Accidently Reads Out Teleprompter Instructions During Speech

Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

“Someone Else Is Running the Country for Him”: President Biden Accidently Reads Out Teleprompter Instructions During Speech


“Reverse Racism Doesn’t Exist, Idiot”: Biden’s Praise for Kamala Harris Raises Eyebrows

Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

President Biden has claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris is fighting for freedom and that the Biden administration has rebuilt the economy. Understandably, his comments have left some people confused.

“Reverse Racism Doesn’t Exist, Idiot”: Biden’s Praise for Kamala Harris Raises Eyebrows



“I’d Like to See Him Pass a Polygraph”: Trump Fails at Basic Math and Rambles About Passing Meaningless Competency Test

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

According to NBC, Donald Trump has given a lengthy response to a question regarding age concerns. The former president and Republican presidential nominee candidate, who often says Biden is too old for his job at age 80, is 77.

“I’d Like to See Him Pass a Polygraph”: Trump Fails at Basic Math and Rambles About Passing Meaningless Competency Test


“Seems Like Pure Racism”: House Approves Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Amendment to Cut the Secretary of Defense’s Pay to $1

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The House has approved Marjorie Taylor Greene’s amendment to cut Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s salary to $1.

“Seems Like Pure Racism”: House Approves Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Amendment to Cut the Secretary of Defense’s Pay to $1

“In the Far Future, White People Won’t Exist”: Biden Says White People Will Soon Be a Minority in America

Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

President Joe Biden has boldly claimed that the United States will soon become “a minority-White European country.”

“In the Far Future, White People Won’t Exist”: Biden Says White People Will Soon Be a Minority in America


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