“Submit to Your Overlords or Go to Hell”: Pastor Tells People Not to Resist Authority as DeSantis’ Disney Board Strips Employees of Perks

A Florida board, appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis to oversee the Disney World area, has found itself in the middle of a heated controversy over the removal of employee perks. In a peculiar turn of events, a pastor warned people to obey authority regarding the matter.

Pastor’s Call For Obedience

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The board meeting commenced with Pastor David Netzorg, the founder of Emmaus Church in Winter Garden, Florida, taking the podium. Netzorg emphasized the notion of government work as a divine calling, claiming that government employees essentially serve God.


A Bible Passage

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He cited a passage from the book of Romans (13:1-2), which said: “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God. And those which exist are established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.”


Pastor Netzorg’s Interpretation

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Netzorg interpreted this passage to mean that individuals should obey figures of authority, including the police, firefighters, and government officials. “So we’re to obey the police, firefighters, government, all of those in authority,” he said.


Stripping Park Employees of Perks

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The board in question, tasked with overseeing the land within Disney World, had made the controversial decision to revoke certain perks previously granted to employees. Specifically, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board had eliminated free passes to Disney parks and resorts for all of the land’s firefighters.


A Significant Motivator

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The aforementioned decision drew significant criticism, with first responders arguing that it rendered visits to the theme park financially unattainable. One firefighter, Pete Simon, said that the removal of this benefit had profound implications, as it had been a significant motivator for many employees to work at Disney.


The Union Backlash

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Remarkably, the Disney firefighters’ union had initially supported the new board’s formation, which had been rebranded from the long-standing Reedy Creek Improvement District. However, the recent decision to strip worker perks has led to a sharp change in sentiment, with the union opposing the board’s actions. During the previous month’s meeting, several union members confronted the board, highlighting the crucial role that perks played in their decision to work for Disney.


Disney’s Feud With Desantis

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The backdrop to this contentious situation includes a feud between Governor Ron DeSantis and the Disney corporation. Disney had voiced opposition to an education bill known as “Don’t Say Gay,” which placed restrictions on discussions about gender identity in schools.


DeSantis’ Response to Disney

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In response to the criticism, DeSantis and Florida’s GOP-led legislature revoked Disney’s special tax status related to its extensive theme park operations. Additionally, DeSantis appointed the new board to oversee the Disney World area, further escalating tensions between the two parties. Disney has retaliated with a lawsuit, indicating that the dispute is far from resolved.


The Internet’s Response

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News of the pastor’s message was shared across social media and people, for the most part, were critical. One person said: “Seems to me that the pastor’s book offers many passages where people resisted authority. You know, folks like Moses, David, and Jesus?”


Freedom of Speech

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Another person wrote: “That’s the Florida way now. Let ‘authority’ do whatever they want, which is why they support their own rights being taken away, such as freedom of speech, which is the entire reason DeSantis went after Disney – because they made a public comment that he didn’t like.”


Only in the South

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Plenty of commenters were beyond shocked and appalled by the pastor’s words. One individual said: “You have got to be kidding me. Only in the south do they say, ‘Submit to your overlords or go to Hell.’”


Giving Christians a Bad Name

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Others felt that individuals like Pastor Netzorg are giving Christians a bad name. “Can’t stand these fake preachers using Christianity to defend scum like DeSantis. Gives all Christians a bad name,” one person said.


The Irony of the Situation

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Others pointed out the irony of the situation. One commenter wrote: “I wonder if this preacher appreciated the irony of reading this passage in the state that produced the largest number of arrested MAGAt rioters? Right, forgot, Jesus only judges and condemns Democrats for disobeying biblical commands.”


Using the Bible to Control

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Some commenters complained about people, once again, using the Bible to try and control others. One such individual said: “More use of the Bible to justify authority over people’s lives and choices. Christ is too woke and dead to MAGA Christians.”


Christian Republican Hypocrisy

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Others discussed hypocrisy among Christian Republicans. One person wrote: “Anyone [claiming] to be a Christian that associates themselves with the Republican Party is a fraud. One simply can’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and condone what the GOP is doing now.”


The Seven Deadly Sins

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The commenter continued: “These people are the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins – worshiping a golden calf, or in this case an orange buffoonish thief that’s responsible for the deaths of over a million people, both here and in Ukraine.”


Church and State

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Another individual wrote: “It’s time people realize the danger of allowing the church and religion to become actively involved in our government. I cannot believe the intrusion they have made on our government in just the last 25 years.”


A Terrifying Future

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The commenter continued: “We need to push back with all the force we can against these people before we end up becoming a theocracy. We are already getting close and the Republican Party would gladly take us all the way there.”

“This Is Why Nobody Takes Christianity Seriously”: Pastor Enters Cage of Lions to Prove God Is Protecting Him

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Image Credit: Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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