“Nice Confession!”: Donald Trump Throws Out His Legal Defense on National Television

Former President Donald Trump has been interviewed by Kristen Welker – and some of his statements have legal experts concerned.

Undermining the Legal Defense

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During the interview, Welker asked Trump whether he was the ultimate decision-maker in questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Trump’s response, as is usually the case, was convoluted. Ultimately, though, he admitted that it was his decision. “It was my decision. But I listened to some people. Some people said that,” the former president said.


Harvard Law Professor’s Take

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Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe weighed in on Trump’s admission, stating that the former president had not merely undermined but utterly demolished his defense strategy of following legal advice. Tribe emphasized the gravity of the situation. He said: “No, let me correct that – not just under the bus but under a roaring, speeding, ginormous freight train.”


Former Solicitor General’s Perspective

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Neal Katyal, a former acting Solicitor General during the Obama era, agreed with the concerns raised by Professor Tribe. Katyal suggested that Trump’s comments had made the case against him regarding election obstruction much stronger.


A “Twofer” Admission

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Former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann also shared his insights on Trump’s interview. Weissmann pointed out that Trump’s admission was a “twofer” because, in addition to acknowledging his involvement in questioning the election results, he also admitted to demanding that vote counting be stopped. According to Weissmann, this action is clearly against the rules and regulations governing elections.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Trump’s accidental admission was shared across the internet and, for the most part, people were highly critical of the former president. One person wrote: “I almost didn’t watch that interview. I am so glad I did. He revealed and proved that he is not a mentally fit person.”


Delusions of Grandeur

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Other commenters wondered whether or not the former president realized what he was saying at the time. “Nice confession! I wonder if he realized it at the time,” one person said. “Delusions of grandeur block all reasoning or thoughtfulness [about] what is being said,” another replied 


Me, Me, Me

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Plenty of people discussed Trump’s self-centered nature. “The man just cannot help himself. Me, me, me. I alone did it like it was his sacrifice. Amazing! Another day, another confession,” one individual wrote.


Trump in Court

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Some people imagined what Trump might say in court. One person said: “If readers thought that this interview was bad, just wait until he is under oath on the stand. He will not just end up confessing but also manage to commit multiple perjuries.”


An Alternative Universe

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The commenter continued: “Objectively, it would be best, therefore, for him not to take the stand – but I don’t think that he could resist the opportunity to turn the proceedings into a circus by presenting his alternative universe to the public yet again.”


Stupidity and Arrogance

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Another commenter said: “He’s too stupid and arrogant to realize what he said until it was too late. Prosecutors are laughing, his attorneys are shaking their heads and grabbing the vodka, and the prisoners are marking off the days on their calendars until he shows up.”


A Concern About Justice

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Some people expressed concerns about a lack of justice. “Given the attitude of the Supreme Court, Trump could be found guilty on all charges only to have his party and the Supreme Court overturn all convictions,” one person said. 


Rule of Law

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Others expressed frustration rather than concern. One person said: “Doesn’t matter. He admitted to obstruction of justice and committed treason, both on live TV, and is still walking around a free man. The ‘rule of law’ is a joke in this country.”


A Conflicted Opinion

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One person said they were conflicted about whether or not they wanted to see more of Trump in the public eye. They wrote: “Part of me just wants him to shut up and go away. Another part of me understands that he doesn’t know when to shut up and will end up trashing his entire case.”


A Trail of Broken Lives

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Others explained Trump’s behavior by suggesting that he genuinely believes he’s invincible. “Trump thinks he is invincible. He has never been held accountable. He destroys lives, families, hope. He has left a trail of broken lives,” one person wrote.


Like a Mafia Boss

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Another said: “None of the crimes related to overturning the 2020 election would have happened without Trump pushing his lies to the public and pushing his co-conspirators to break laws. Trump was the head of the conspiracy, like a mafia boss. He should be prosecuted and jailed like any other lawbreaker.”


His Own Worst Enemy

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One commenter said that Trump will be his own destruction. They wrote: “Love how whenever you get him to talk he gets confused very easily and blurts out the real truth of the things he has done. He is his own worst enemy and will burn his own house to the ground.”


A Sad Truth

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Some people talked about Trump’s supporters, suggesting they still won’t believe he’s guilty even after a direct confession. “You know what’s really sad about his comments? His supporters still won’t believe it,” one person said.


Hardly a Confession

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The aforementioned commenter was correct. A fan of Trump’s said: “Hardly a confession really, is it? He said that he listened to other people. It may have been his decision but he listened to other people. He said that.”

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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