“Lying Traitor and Loser”: Ex-Trump Staffer Blasts Trump’s Reading Abilities in Scathing Remarks

Miles Taylor, a former Trump staffer, unleashed a series of jarring claims about Donald Trump’s president’s reading abilities – or lack thereof. Taylor spoke about this on the Meidas Touch podcast. He recounted his experience in the White House and shared his opinion in detail, sparking many reactions from Trump supporters and critics alike.

Taylor’s Simplified Security Memos

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Miles Taylor previously worked as chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security. He gave an eye-opening account of his time working under President Trump. He described an unusual aspect of his job – rewriting detailed security memos to be as straightforward as a children’s book. Taylor shared, “he had to draft national security memos at a first-grade reading level so Trump could understand them.”


Trump’s Alleged Disdain for Reading

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While speaking on the Meidas Touch podcast, Taylor painted a picture of a president who struggled with lengthy documents. He made a blunt claim about Trump’s reading habits, stating, “This 50-page memo…is something Trump literally can’t read. The man doesn’t read.” He argued that the former president preferred more concise information, calling into question his ability to digest detailed reports.


One-Page Memos for the President

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Taylor explained the necessity of boiling down complex issues into bite-sized pieces. He claimed he once said, “We’ve gotta boil this down into a one-pager in his voice.” It was a method developed out of necessity, Taylor argued. This would ensure that the president received essential national security information in a form he would engage with.


Revelations from a Former Insider

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Taylor’s 35-minute chat on the Meidas Touch podcast included many other astonishing claims that captivated listeners. He drew on experiences to paint a picture of a president who required information to be simplified repeatedly. His interview added depth to the stories he had previously outlined in his explosive book, “Warning.”


Drafting Overly Simplified Documents

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Taylor specifically mentioned crafting a memo titled, ‘Afghanistan, How to Put America First and Win,’ which he had to summarize in a way Trump would understand. Taylor expressed his frustration, noting, “So I had to write this incandescently stupid memo… it was that dumb, and that’s how you had to talk to him.” He claims he went to many lengths to accommodate the president’s unique communication style.


Simplifying for the Commander-in-Chief

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Continuing this discussion, Taylor claims he had to convert intricate intelligence into a series of bulleted points. This was also meant to capture Trump’s attention. Taylor gave an example of the simplified language he felt compelled to use, saying, “You know, if we leave Afghanistan too fast, the terrorists will call us losers.”


The Art of Presidential Translation

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Taylor viewed his role as a translator. He believed that using what he described as “incandescently stupid” language was essential for engaging the president. He explained that he “literally said in there…we need to make sure the Afghan forces have the strength to push back against these criminals.”


An Insider’s Resistance

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Taylor was openly critical of Trump long before this interview. Previously, he wrote an essay that shocked the political community for its boldness and the mystery surrounding its authorship. Later revealing himself as the author, Taylor underscored his concerns with Trump’s leadership. He continued to criticize Trump’s skills as president.


The Leak Dilemma

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The issue of safeguarding classified information was a recurring theme in Taylor’s discourse. His worry over Trump’s casual approach to confidential intelligence was clear. He said, “We had no confidence that he would protect highly classified information that we put in front of him because he had a proclivity to talk about those things.”


A Spokesperson’s Scathing Counterattack

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Steven Cheung, Trump’s campaign spokesperson, later addressed Taylor’s comments. His comments suggest Taylor’s narrative was utterly baseless. He claimed Taylor’s written works were fictional and crudely suggested their only value lay in their potential as toilet paper. “Miles Taylor is a sack of s…,” Cheung stated, dismissing the seriousness of Taylor’s allegations.


Bolton’s Considered Perspective on Presidential Briefings

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John Bolton was the former National Security Advisor. He recognized the complexities involved in briefing a president. However, his commentary on Trump’s engagement with important papers was revealing. “It’s very important, obviously, to give the president all the information he needs to make a decision,” he said.


Trump’s Attachment to Official Papers

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Bolton elaborated on Trump’s peculiar behavior regarding official documents, pointing out a worrying pattern. He commented, “Unfortunately, Trump didn’t pay too much attention to a lot of what he was given. But he paid enough attention to it to have a constant fixation on trying to hold on to documents.” 


A Vocabulary Critique

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The discussions surrounding Trump’s language skills intensified as a member of the public observed, “We all know he has a 21-word vocabulary.” Other users cast doubt on the breadth of Trump’s vocabulary. They argued against his ability to effectively communicate complex ideas, reflecting a critical public view of his linguistic capabilities.


Criticism from the Crowd

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Another user commented, “It’s just too bad his followers don’t understand he’s really not a genius other than as a grifter.” They questioned the mismatch between Trump’s portrayal of his intellect and the perception some of the public holds. They suggested that his followers may be misguided in their admiration.


Questioning the “Stable Genius”

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Trump’s assertion of being a “Stable Genius” has been met with skepticism, as one critic labeled him a “lying traitor and LOSER.” They also claimed Trump “isn’t the smartest person in the room when he is alone.” They suggested there is a deep disbelief in his claim to high intelligence and moral standing.


The Appeal to Followers

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One person’s take on the situation was, “That’s why Trump maintains his following. The average American voter is so unfortunately stupid that they consider Trump to actually be the stable genius.” It appears, to some people, there is a mutual misunderstanding between Trump’s supporters and Trump. They suggested that Trump’s followers are as misled as they are passionate.


Trump’s Intelligence in Question

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Highlighting a behavior that some find questionable, a commentator pointed out, “If you are really smart, you don’t have to run around telling people that you are smart.” Many other users agreed, saying that Trump’s constant claims of his own intelligence may indicate a lack of it. They echoed the idea that a truly intelligent person would not need to boast about it.


Calls for Trump to Bow Out

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One commentator argued that Trump’s ego drives his political ambitions. They said, “Trump should really drop out of the race for the GOP nomination as he doesn’t care about the country, only his own ego is what he is trying to satisfy. Trump may get the nomination, but he will never win, just ask Paul Ryan.”



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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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