“A Known Pathological Liar”: Biden’s Conflicting Accounts on Upbringing Spark Debate Over Authenticity

President Biden has claimed that he was “raised in synagogues,” a controversial statement given his tendency to seemingly make exaggerated background claims.

Biden’s Synagogue Upbringing

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During a conversation with a group of rabbis before Rosh Hashanah, President Biden claimed he was “raised in synagogues.” He even emphasized that he wasn’t kidding. The remark is part of a pattern that has led to accusations of cultural background exaggerations made to connect with various audiences.


Previous Questionable Claims

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As previously mentioned, this isn’t the first time Biden has made questionable claims about his background. In a speech from last year, commemorating Rosh Hashanah, he said, “I probably went to shul more than many of you did.” He also claimed to have received his education at the Congregation Beth Shalom in Wilmington, Delaware. No evidence has been brought forward to back up these claims.


Civil Rights Movement and Teenage Years Claims

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President Biden also asserted that he “got involved with the civil rights movement,” contradicting his previous acknowledgment during his 1988 presidential bid that he worked at an all-Black swimming pool rather than being an activist. Additionally, his claims about attending a Black church during his teenage years have been disputed by longtime congregants who never saw him there.


Inaccurate Somali Friends Claim

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In February 2015, Biden made an inaccurate statement about having “an awful lot” of Somali friends who drove taxis in Wilmington, Delaware. This drew criticism from fact-checkers who pointed out that most refugees in the area were from West African countries, not Somalia.


Contradictory Claims About Polish Communities

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While visiting Poland, President Biden talked about growing up in a Polish community and feeling self-conscious that his name didn’t end in “S-K-I” or “O.” This statement seemed to conflict with his earlier claims about his upbringing, raising questions about consistency.


Claims of Diverse Backgrounds

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

President Biden has frequently claimed to have grown up in various communities depending on his location. He claimed that he was “raised in the Puerto Rican community on the U.S mainland in a political context” during a visit to Puerto Rico in 2022. In 2009, during Greek Independence Day, he declared himself an “honorary Greek.”


The Implications of Exaggerated Claims

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Biden’s seemingly exaggerated claims have obviously not gone unnoticed by the public. In fact, they’ve sparked a heated debate about the importance of authenticity in political discourse. Some call the exaggerations inappropriate, others say they’re harmless attempts to connect with diverse audiences.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Biden’s latest apparent exaggeration was shared across the internet and, for the most part, people were critical. “He has always been a liar. He spent 40 years trying to get this top job of the presidency. Now we know how bad he is – the economy is horrible, people have a very rough time paying their bills, [and] prices on everything have gone up quite a bit.”


Puppet Press Secretary

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “If Biden isn’t lying, his lying sock puppet press secretary is doing it for him. It’s obvious and disgusting but at least she is articulate, doesn’t need cue cards, [and] doesn’t mess up the lies.”


A Serial Liar

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Plenty of people accused Biden of lying throughout his whole career and life. “Well, no kidding, he’s been a serial liar and plagiarist his entire life. His policies have this country all messed up,” one individual said.


Biden vs. Trump

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Others compared Biden to Trump and wondered why the former was considered an adequate replacement for the latter. One person said: “It’s astounding how the left will constantly talk about Trump while replacing him with the most incompetent serial liar in American history.”


A Pathological Liar

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Another person wrote: “He’s a known pathological liar. That is why his past bids for the presidency have always failed. That’s always been the case until now when most of the Democrat electorate has been sufficiently dumbed down.”


A Humorous Comparison 

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Some people made humorous comparisons. One such individual said: “If Biden was talking to a group of whales, he would tell them he is more whale than them and that he spent time in the oceans when whaling was legal. I swear this guy is delusional.”


Nursing Home vs. White House

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Others called Biden’s mental state into question. “I am pretty sure he does not know what he is saying. If he goes off script then he is in fantasy land and just makes up stories. He really needs to be in a nursing home, not the White House,” one person wrote.


Nothing New Here

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A few people celebrated the perceived fact that liberals are beginning to see through Biden’s alleged lies. One such individual said: “Liberals are finally starting to see through all the lies. He’s been lying to the American people his entire life. Nothing new here.”


Paying the Price

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Donald Trump’s fans claimed that Biden was only elected because of “haters” and that America is now “paying the price.” One person said: “Biden was elected president by Donald Trump haters. They know who they are. We’ve been paying the price ever since.”


The Orange Skid Mark

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Some people tried to explain Biden’s behavior. One commenter wrote: “It’s just his way of saying that he’s an ‘everyman.’ That’s how he positions himself. Whether it’s true or not is another story but that’s how he sells his brand and it works. It will probably be the reason that he’s reelected, especially if he runs against the orange skid mark.”


Trump’s Train Wreck

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Others defended Biden, pointing out that he’s cleaning up the mess Trump left him. “Somebody is out to get Biden every minute of the day on these right-wing sites. He’s done a great job cleaning up Trump’s train wreck,” one person said.

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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