Brains Not Required: 18 Professions Infamously Known for Hiring the Stupidest People

It’s a universally recognized truth: certain professions seem to employ people who leave us scratching our heads, thinking, “How in the world did they land this job?” Unfortunately, the workplace doesn’t continuously operate on a merit-based system where only the smartest candidates are chosen. To delve into this, we journeyed through diverse sectors of the employment landscape, seeking people’s personal experiences. The result is this collection of professions that have frequently prompted bewildered responses regarding their hiring decisions.

Adult Entertainment Stores

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“So, I work in an adult entertainment store. Some of my coworkers who have been there forever are smart cookies, but most applicants are dumb. When I first walked in and asked for an application, I was handed a sheet of paper and told to read it before I could have an application. It said you shouldn’t apply if you’re prone to oversleeping, frequently get flat tires, don’t have regular child care, and many other common-sense things that apply to almost any job. My first thought was, “What kind of first-class idiots do they usually get applying for this job?”

The adult entertainment industry is often a strange world. Surprisingly, these stores need responsible employees. Some job seekers struggle with basic job norms like punctuality and stable childcare. Maybe the question needs to be, should the industry set higher standards for hiring?

Warehousing Roles

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“Warehousing. We have no educational requirements at all. We have functionally illiterate people, and Health and Safety Briefs must be read to them.”

Warehouses, essential to our supply chain, hire people from all walks of life. Yet, the lack of an educational threshold has led to situations where illiterate individuals have to read health and safety briefs. Perhaps stricter employment tests or more comprehensive training could be the solution?

Truck Driving Jobs

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“I don’t want to attack the profession of driving trucks, but the company Swift hires whatever dumb idiot can hold a steering wheel, and even sometimes dumb idiots that can’t.”

The road is not a playground; truck driving requires dedication and concentration. But it appears some companies hire seemingly anyone, which can lead to serious safety concerns. Perhaps implementing more rigorous driving tests and psychometric evaluations could help.

Musical Instrument Salespersons

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“Guitar Center salesman. You need 5 of them and two managers to buy a kazoo.” 

Purchasing a musical instrument should be a delightful experience. However, when you need a full band of salespersons and managers to buy a kazoo, it could be a sign that something isn’t quite right with the hiring criteria.

Acting Jobs

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“Anything that requires actors…” 

Acting requires creativity and the ability to adapt. But some actors take it a notch too far, overanalyzing to the point of absurdity. A blend of thorough training and raw talent could be what is needed to avoid casting errors.

Restaurant Management

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“Darden Restaurants, I’m not talking about the store-level people either; I’m talking about management. The number of things they managed to screw up is truly mind-blowing.”

Successful restaurants require good management. Yet, it appears some chains hire managers who can’t efficiently run operations, leading to inefficiencies. Proper screening and leadership training could resolve this.

Navy Cooks

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“Cooks in the Navy. When you enlist in the Navy, they test your aptitude and give you a list of jobs based on your results. If you score in the bottom 5th percentile, you have one job available: Cook. Cooks in the Navy are some dumb people.”

Navy cooks often fall into this profession because of low aptitude scores. However, attention to detail and authentic recipe following are still essential. Maybe it’s time the Navy rethinks its job assignment strategy.

Sports Shop Employees

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“Not a ‘profession,’ but people who work in sports shops…” 

Sports shop employees are meant to provide sound advice on various sports gear. But when they fall short, it raises concerns about their hiring standards.

TSA Agents

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“TSA agents are not exactly Harvard grads.” 

While no one expects all TSA agents to be Ivy League graduates, we expect a level of competence in ensuring our safety. Their training and hiring process could benefit from some fine-tuning.

Construction Workers

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“Apparently construction…” 

Working in construction is tough and requires a level of grit and dedication. However, when the industry hires individuals who struggle with personal issues, it can lead to productivity issues.

Oil Refinery Engineers

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“For some reason, every single oil refineries have a couple of engineers and operators who don’t do anything, have been there forever, and have very strong views that are almost hilarious – both liberal and conservative wackos. Usually job titles like safety engineer or maintenance planner 3.”

The oil and gas industry requires highly trained engineers. Yet, it seems some employees are there just to fill seats, leading to questions about the hiring criteria.

Real Estate Agents

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“From my experience, real estate…” 

Real estate agents should be able to guide clients effortlessly. However, some agents only excel in their job but struggle with other life skills, raising questions about their comprehensive ability.

Scholarship and Financial Aid Officers

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“Scholarship and financial aid offices.” 

They are expected to demystify complex financial information. But when they struggle, one can’t help but wonder if they are suited for their roles.

Supermarket Employees

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“Supermarkets… Source: I am dumb. Work in one.” 

Supermarkets hire diverse individuals. While not all supermarket employees are “dumb,” it’s evident some lack the necessary skills, raising questions about their hiring criteria.

Food Service Workers

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“Food service… I’m a waitress/bartender, and it’s amazing how many stupid people they hire…” 

The fast-paced nature of food service requires competent individuals. However, poor hiring decisions lead to inefficiencies and high employee turnover.

MLM Recruiters

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“MLM higher-ups and recruiters are amazing scammers.”

While MLM recruiters are typically smart, the people they recruit often don’t realize they’re getting scammed, pointing towards a need for better awareness and education.

Sales Representatives

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“Dumb is unfair. But those who work as a Sales rep for every industry I’ve been a part of were terrible with computers.” 

Sales representatives should be digitally savvy in today’s world. When they’re not, it’s a red flag indicating a need for better training.

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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