“Jesus Was Clearly a Socialist With No Time for the Rich”: Trump Shares Image of Christ Sat Next to Him in Court

Donald Trump has taken to social media to share a drawing of himself in his Manhattan fraud case accompanied by Jesus Christ.

An “Accurate” Sketch

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The image was posted by a pro-Trump political commentator called Dom Lucre. “This is the most accurate court sketch of all time because nobody could have made it this far alone,” Lucre captioned the image. Trump shared it with no further comment.


Lying Year After Year

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In court, the former president was visibly unhappy when prosecutors accused him of “lying year after year” in an attempt to exaggerate the value of his properties to gain access to more favorable bank loans.


A Fair Statement

Image Credit: Eric Urquhart / Shutterstock.

An accountant who worked for the Trump Organization testified and, in response, the judge implied that the witness’ appearance may have been pointless. The former president agreed with this. “The judge’s last statement was very fair,” he said.


Trump Was Pleased

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Trump continued: “The way I interpret that… the statute of limitations is a very real thing in this country and that would kick out 80% of this case. But this was a big, big – I say surprise – but it was a great credit to the court that the judge was willing to do this, sort of overruled himself and I greatly respect that.”


The Statute of Limitations

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Despite Trump’s delight, the judge didn’t say that the case would be thrown out. He appeared to acknowledge the decision of an appeals court, a ruling that said some of Trump’s activities fall outside the statute of limitations. To prosecutors, the judge said: “I trust that you can relate the 2011 documents to something that happened later or this has all been a waste of time.”


A Very Happy Trump

Image credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com.

Trump said: “Something that we won on appeal but was not accepted by this court now seems to be accepted by this court. We very much appreciate the decision today, or at least taken today, on the statute of limitations.”


A Vicious Verbal Attack

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Trump’s positive demeanor contrasted his earlier mood. Only a few hours before, the criminal defendant had launched a vicious verbal attack on the judge. “This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he’s doing. He’s interfering with an election and it’s a disgrace,’ the former president said.


The Internet’s Response

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News of the drawing Trump shared on social media was spread around the internet and everyone flocked to comment sections to give their views. “All seven deadly sins are embodied in one person – that is Trump. Jesus seated next to someone totally irredeemable,” one person said.


Donald Trump’s Supporters

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Another commenter wrote: “What is terrifying is that his supporters will lap this up. People of low IQ who are quite happy to dig deep into their poor pockets to financially support a billionaire in ‘his hour of need.’ Words fail me.”


An Egotistical Sociopath

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Others compared Trump to dictators. One person said: “What do you expect from a criminal egotistical sociopath like Toddler Trump? He has always thought himself a god and this is why he idolizes Kim Jong Un and Putin, both dictators who are also egotistical sociopaths who think they’re gods.”


Trump’s No Christian

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Another commenter wrote: “Trump is less Christian than a ham sandwich. His ‘faith’ magically appeared the day he realized he needed the evangelical vote. He still couldn’t be bothered to keep up appearances as the Evangelist’s President and spent every Sunday on the golf course, not in church.”


Offensive and Blasphemous

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The commenter continued: “[Trump] is literally laughing at dumb schmucks who think the guy who doesn’t even bother to pretend is some man of faith. He worships money and himself. Actual churchgoing Christian Biden would never put out something like this because he would know how offensive and blasphemous it is.”


Jesus Was a Socialist

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Others pointed out the naivety of Christians who believe Jesus would support the ideals of someone like Trump. “Jesus was clearly a socialist with no time for the rich and powerful and was always on the side of the poor and oppressed,” one person said.


Never to Return

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Another individual said: “It staggers me that his supporters can be so gullible. If America can’t solve the problem of deranged right-wing stupidity then the country is lost, never to return. The first thing the Dems need to do is turf Biden and find a competent president who can lead and unite. Otherwise, both parties deserve each other!”


Christians Were Offended

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Plenty of Christians were offended by the image. One person wrote: “Just blasphemous! Old Trumper simply doesn’t possess the Christian virtues of selflessness, forgiveness, and humility, among others. Has this excuse of a man got no shame?”


Another Christian Commenter

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Another commenter wrote: “You take that with you to the grave, Donald. Show that picture to Jesus in the real afterlife. I dare you to. You won’t be able to lie out of that one. I would pay for front row seats to watch that.”


Radical Christian Nationalists

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Others discussed the mixing of politics and religion. One individual wrote: “The rise of Trump and the radical right-wingers is the inevitable result of the Republican Party’s decades-long mixing of religion and politics. The radical right-wing Christian nationalists have taken over the conservative movement in an attempt to turn America into a Christian Saudi Arabia.”


A Deal With the Devil

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Another commenter wrote: “Most people think a different guy should be sitting next to Donald. When someone is able to steal, lie, and still continue to get richer and obtain more power, they often say that person made a deal with the Devil. That would better explain how he has made it this far.”

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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