“I’m Allowed to Do It”: Trump Admits Guilt in Classified Documents Case

In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, former President Donald Trump made statements that have the potential to exacerbate his already extensive legal challenges. Legal expert Benjamin Wittes, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Lawfare, has raised concerns that Trump’s comments during the interview could be interpreted as an admission of obstructing justice in a classified documents case. 

Trump’s Bold Assertion

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During his conversation with Hewitt, Trump boldly defended his actions concerning classified documents, insisting that he had not violated the law. He argued that, as a former president, he possessed the authority to act without constraint in relation to such documents and cited the Presidential Records Act as the basis for his claims. Trump maintained that this act outlined in great detail what former presidents were permitted to do with these records and asserted that his actions were entirely within the bounds of the law.


It’s Not a Criminal Act

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Trump said: “I’m allowed to do it. Biden’s not allowed to do it because he wasn’t president. It’s a special act that was passed in great detail in 1977, in tremendous detail. It tells you everything you’re allowed to do and it’s not criminal. It has nothing to do with the criminal. It’s not a criminal act.”


Legal Expert’s Critical Assessment 

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Benjamin Wittes, a legal expert with significant experience, carefully dissected Trump’s statements. Wittes acknowledged Hewitt had identified a critical issue. He pointed out that Trump faced obstruction charges that were not directly related to the handling of documents and these charges posed a significant threat to his legal standing.


An Admission of Obstruction

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Wittes went on to explain that even if one were to accept Trump’s arguments about the underlying document retention case, a separate issue arose concerning subpoenas and the failure to return materials. “Even if you completely buy Trump about the underlying document retention case, there’s still these subpoenas,” he said.


Violations of Obstruction Laws

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Wittes contended that Trump’s actions, including his efforts to prevent the return of materials and the relocation of boxes, could potentially be construed as violations of obstruction laws. Moreover, he highlighted that Trump’s statements during the interview might be admissible as evidence in court, further complicating his legal situation.


A World of Hurt

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Wittes said: “Hewitt here is picking up on something significant, which is that the biggest danger to Trump, which doesn’t depend on the Presidential Records Act or anything else, it’s just that he had a subpoena. And he went out of his way in 100 different ways to defy it, including moving the boxes, ordering those boxes moved, and –  by the way  – all of these statements he’s making here are potentially admissible. Trump is just walking himself into a world of hurt with these admissions.”


The Ongoing Legal Battles

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Trump’s recent interview with Hewitt brought to light a series of complex legal issues that could significantly impact his future. While Trump staunchly maintained that he acted within his rights as a former president with regard to classified documents, legal experts like Wittes have sounded caution bells regarding his conduct.


The Potential Legal Consequences

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A significant facet to consider is the admissibility of Trump’s statements in court. By making potentially self-incriminating comments during the interview, Trump may inadvertently provide prosecutors with ammunition to use against him in future legal proceedings. Wittes’ warning that Trump is “walking himself into a world of hurt with these admissions” highlights the gravity of his predicament.


Discussions About Trump’s Legal Situation

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Trump’s legal situation is something that has been endlessly discussed across social media in recent months. His fans, displaying signs of cult-like indoctrination, adamantly insist he’s innocent no matter how much evidence they’re presented with. Others, in an overwhelming majority, seem to believe that an admission of guilt is hardly necessary given how obvious his crimes are.


Trump Is the Best at Crime

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In a discussion about Trump’s legal defense, one person said “[Trump] is the best at crime. The most perfect crime, everyone says so. They come up to him all the time [and say], ‘Mr. President, sir, thank you for stealing our children’s future and gutting our worker protection and rights in order to stop the liberal menace.’”


Selling Resources to Hostile Foreign Powers

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The commenter continued: “And, of course, they want him to be rewarded for his hard work, fighting for their right to become indentured servants, so he just did what they begged for by giving himself billions of misappropriated funds and selling American resources to hostile foreign powers.”


The Indictments and Trump’s Guilt

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In a conversation about whether or not Trump is guilty, one person wrote: “The indictments did it for me. Up to then, there were a lot of technicalities I thought would allow him to wiggle free. The indictments make it pretty clear how they will prove what they are accusing him of and I’m not left with any reasonable doubt.”


Stalin-Level Persecution

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On the other hand, conservatives had a very different view. One person said: “Don’t see how there won’t be any doubt. All of the charges aside from the classified documents charge are ambiguous. They are based on an assumption of motive, which is super hard to prove. Some of these charges are literally Stalin-level persecution.”


Voting for a Criminal

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The commenter continued: “Let’s play devil’s advocate and assume he is found guilty for the documents case which is the only charge that holds water. I would still vote for him because Democrats have committed the same crime and have not been charged. Also, in my opinion, it’s a victimless crime.”


Trump’s Potential Punishment

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Others have been speculating about what the former president’s potential punishment will be. One person said: “A federal court can ban him from holding office as part of his sentencing. He is not likely to end up in jail though. Incarcerating a former POTUS would cause way too many issues for everyone involved. Could see him ending up with a significant financial penalty and house arrest at one of his estates though if convicted. His co-conspirators, on the other hand, are going to get slapped with the book twice as hard to compensate for it.”


A Mass of Mindless Sheep

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In a discussion where people were questioning why Trump’s fans are so blindly loyal, one person said: “Fox News has so thoroughly brainwashed these people that they’ll believe anything they’re told. Part of it is that their religious beliefs prevent them from questioning authority. It creates a mass of mindless sheep that will believe anything.”


The “True” President

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A fair few fans of Trump said they weren’t concerned in the slightest. One person said: “The True President Trump may well be found guilty but it will be wrong. Republicans will take power and, hopefully, make things right. I have no concerns whatsoever.”


No Meaningful Punishment for Trump

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Left-wing commenters held opposing views. In some ways, though, they were similar. One person wrote: “Trump is undeniably guilty but I don’t know if things will work out that way. Even if he is found guilty, he won’t go to jail and there won’t be any meaningful punishment,” one person said.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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