“He’ll Attempt to Make Himself President for Life” – Outrage Grows Amid Trump’s “Terminate” the Constitution Comments

The U.S. political landscape is once again abuzz with fiery discussions. Past confrontations surrounding former President Donald Trump are beginning to resurface. One of these includes the allegation that Trump implied that he wanted to “terminate” the American Constitution. Many people have weighed in on this.

The Christie-Ramaswamy Showdown

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During the heat of the GOP debate, Chris Christie, the former Governor of New Jersey, found himself clashing with Vivek Ramaswamy. As they argued, Christie brought up a past dispute. This dispute focused on Trump’s views about the Constitution, particularly during his time as President.


Christie’s Bold Claim

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In the past, Christie once harbored presidential ambitions himself. When speaking about Trump, he said, “He cannot win a general election, nor should he. I think he’s disqualified himself as a potential president.” And, to further highlight Trump’s confusion, Christie reminded the public of the President’s oath, which is to “preserve, protect, and defend” instead of “preserve, protect, and suspend.”


Trump’s Statement Unveiled

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In his characteristic style, the former President spoke about the 2020 election, saying, “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” Trump didn’t stop there. He invoked the Founding Fathers, arguing that they “would not condone False & Fraudulent Elections.”


Democrats React

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Democratic Representative Hakeem Jeffries was quick to respond. He showed confusion towards Trump’s language, calling it “strange and extreme.” Looking towards his colleagues across the aisle, Jeffries showed hoped that the Republicans would deal with the baggage that Trump seems to have left them.


Jeffries’ Warning to Republicans

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Jeffries also advised, “Republicans are going to have to work out their issues with the former president and decide whether they’re going to break from him and return to some semblance of reasonableness or continue to lean into the extremism, not just of Trump, but Trumpism.” Jeffries’ words serve as a wake-up call to the GOP to reckon with the Trump phenomenon.


New York Republican Speaks Out

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Mike Lawler, a prominent New York Republican, raised alarm bells over Trump’s stance. Lawler expressed his deep-rooted respect for the Constitution, saying, “The Constitution is set for a reason, to protect the rights of every American.” He emphasized core principles that have held the nation together for centuries.


Lawler’s Words of Caution to Trump

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Building on this point, Lawler offered advice to the former President. He highlighted the importance of looking ahead rather than past controversies, suggesting, “The former president would be well advised to focus on the future if he is going to run for president again.” It was clear that Lawler hoped for a more forward-looking leadership.


Turner Urges Thorough Candidate Review

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Mike Turner, a lawmaker from Ohio, also discussed the former President’s controversial remarks. Highlighting the seriousness of Trump’s statement, he commented on the decision-making process for potential candidates. Turner argued that “people are going to take into consideration a statement like this as they evaluate a candidate.” 


Trump Fights Accusations

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Fighting back against claims that he wanted to “terminate” the Constitution, Trump went on the offensive. He criticized the media, claiming, “The Fake News is actually trying to convince… that I said I wanted to ‘terminate’ the Constitution. This is… more DISINFORMATION & LIES…” Trump’s frustration with the media’s portrayal of him was clear.


Trump Sheds Light on His Words

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Trump also spoke about his previous statement. He stressed he wasn’t trying to undermine the Constitution but to address what he saw as “massive & widespread fraud & deception.” Trump insisted that corrective “… steps must be immediately taken to right the wrong.” He argued he was a protector, not a detractor, of American values.


Conservative Raises Doubts on Trump

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As Hutchinson, a vocal conservative, recently appeared on CNN. Addressing the January 6 incidents and the 14th Amendment’s implications, he showed doubt over Trump’s presidential aspirations, expressing, “I’m not even sure he’s qualified to be the next President of the United States. And so you can’t be asking us to support somebody that’s not perhaps even qualified under our Constitution.”


Hutchinson on the 14th Amendment

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Elaborating on his earlier point, Hutchinson turned the conversation towards the 14th Amendment. He emphasized, “I’m referring to the 14th Amendment. A number of legal scholars said that he is disqualified because of his actions on January 6.” He suggested that Trump’s alleged role on that fateful day might prevent him from holding office again.


Hutchinson’s Stance on Support

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Hutchinson also laid out his position on supporting potential presidential candidates. Resolute in his beliefs, he stated, “Obviously, I’m not going to support somebody who’s been convicted of a serious felony or who is disqualified under our Constitution.” Clearly, he has no support for Trump due to his currently ongoing criminal investigations.


Likening Trump to Tyrants

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Several critics have compared Trump to history’s notable tyrants in response to these comments. They argued that his plans mirrored his oppressive rule. One comment read, 

“Another common trait of history’s worst tyrants to go along with his threats to lock up journalists.” One user agreed, saying, “Trump violated the oath he took to defend the Constitution. He wants to be a dictator like his friends Orban, Putin & Kim Jon Un.”


The Shutdown Debate

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With emotions running high, some believe Trump’s approach to government seems controversial. One user declared, “A US Government shutdown is Trump’s second attempt at sedition.” Another user said, “God forbid, but should Trump be elected next year, I’m sure he’ll at least attempt to change the Constitution and make himself President for Life and become America’s first dictator. We can’t allow that to happen.”


Trump’s Support Base

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Not everyone believes Trump’s intentions align with the nation’s best interests. One statement says, “Not sure you’ll ever get through to the Maga Cult. They don’t seem to have enough time or can’t read the indictments or watch the Jan 6th hearings. Or able to comprehend the outcome of the vile that comes out of Trump’s mouth!”


Public’s Worry Over Democracy

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There’s clear concern about the strength of democracy and how easy it is to manipulate. A concerned user wrote, “Trump has figured out that he can lie and deny statements he has made in print or on video, and the ignorant, simpleton MAGA’t sheep that follow him (the 74 million who stupidly voted for him, as well as the traitors in the House and Senate who support him out of fear) will ignore reality and believe him. Unless we can fix this, we are doomed as a free, democratic country.”


Divided Opinions on Trump’s Intent

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While some view Trump as a threat, others feel his words are misunderstood. Opposing most people’s feelings, one Trump supporter said, “His words are being misconstrued. What Trump said was if the DNC cannot respect and follow the Constitution, then he should not be obliged to follow it as well.”



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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

“Someone Else Is Running the Country for Him”: President Biden Accidently Reads Out Teleprompter Instructions During Speech


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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

President Biden has claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris is fighting for freedom and that the Biden administration has rebuilt the economy. Understandably, his comments have left some people confused.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

According to NBC, Donald Trump has given a lengthy response to a question regarding age concerns. The former president and Republican presidential nominee candidate, who often says Biden is too old for his job at age 80, is 77.

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“Seems Like Pure Racism”: House Approves Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Amendment to Cut the Secretary of Defense’s Pay to $1

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The House has approved Marjorie Taylor Greene’s amendment to cut Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s salary to $1.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

President Joe Biden has boldly claimed that the United States will soon become “a minority-White European country.”

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