“Pure Communism!”: Almost Half of Biden Supporters Think Free Speech as We Know It Should Be Scrapped

A poll has found that almost half of Biden’s supporters think the government should restrict discriminatory speech.

Restricting Discriminatory Speech

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According to the poll, 47% of people intending to vote for Biden in 2024 believe that “the government should regulate or restrict the expression of views considered discriminatory.” Only 35% of Trump supporters voiced the same opinion.


Protecting Marginalized Groups

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Moreover, almost a third of Biden supporters said that “it is necessary to limit certain rights, like freedom of speech, to protect the feelings and safety of marginalized groups.” Given that numerous studies have found that allowing hate speech leads to an increase in violent hate crimes, one could argue that this number is actually quite low. Only a quarter of Trump supporters shared this view.


Hateful Social Media Posts

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The poll also suggested that most Biden supporters would like to see the government implement stricter gun control and take steps to redistribute wealth. Interestingly, a different poll found that around 75% of Democrat voters think the government should crack down on “hateful” social media posts.


Online Hate Speech

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A study by Cardiff University found that hate speech on social media leads to more crimes against minorities in the real world. Given this, it’s no wonder that so many people would like to see more restrictions online.


Abhorrent Views and Biases

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When individuals with bigoted views rarely see others expressing such views, it gives them the correct impression that their opinions are abhorrent. Such individuals are less likely to voice their biases and cause harm. Not to mention, they’re drastically less likely to become even more radical and turn to violence. 


The Normalization of Hate Speech

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When individuals with bigoted views regularly see others expressing similarly vile opinions, both in the real world and on social media, they feel their views have been validated. These people are likely to express their bigotry, further normalizing it and validating the hatred of others. They’re also more likely to turn to violence.


The Rise of Transgender Advocacy

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One can see this phenomenon by looking at the rise of transgender advocacy. Trans people have always existed but it’s only in recent years that they’ve been thrust into the spotlight. As trans advocates became more known, hate speech against trans individuals became more common, especially on the internet. 


A Rise in Violent Crimes

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Others saw this hatred and spread it further, taking it into the real world because they felt their bigotry had been validated – that it was correct. Eventually, it contributed – and continues to contribute – to a rise in violent crimes against transgender people.


The Internet’s Response

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News of the poll’s results was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. Unfortunately, a lot of people didn’t seem to understand the difference between saying something “offensive” and saying something that could cause actual harm.


Harassing and Harming

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Conservative individuals were very adamant that they needed to keep their right to harass and harm minority groups. “What a shocker. Liberals think conservatives should not have the right to free speech. Imagine that,” one person wrote. 


A Lack of Education

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One commenter accused people planning to vote for a multi-millionaire capitalist of being “communists.” They said: “Pure communism! What they don’t understand is that they will be silenced as well as the ones they think should be silenced.”


A Vote Against Trump

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One commenter made a very good point about the term “Biden supporters.” They said: “Does Biden really have supporters or just the ones who voted for him because it was a vote against Trump?”


A Good American

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Others argued that all “good Americans” relish the right to spread hatred and bigotry. One individual wrote: “No good, patriotic American wants any government restriction or regulation on free speech. It is a felony.”


Restrict and Regulate

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The word “communism” was thrown around by a number of commenters, all seemingly conflating the term with “authoritarianism.” One person said: “That is what communist countries do. They restrict and regulate what their people can say.”


Communism vs. Authoritarianism

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To elaborate, any country – no matter its economic system – can become authoritarian. “Communism” refers to an economic system in which money is abandoned and resources are equally shared out. “Authoritarianism” refers to a government that limits freedoms, restricts civil liberties, and concentrates power – often into the hands of a single individual. Any country can become authoritarian, be it communist, socialist, or capitalist.


The Nature of MAGA Republicans

Trump 2024 presidential election campaign, Make America Great Again
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Despite the ignorance in comment sections, some people defended the poll’s results. “The fact that MAGAts are fighting tooth and nail to harass people they deem different tells me all I need to know,” one person wrote.


Plain and Simple

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The commenter continued: “If someone tells you how to address them and you continue to do the opposite, that is harassment – plain and simple. Don’t like them? Perhaps one should keep their mouth shut about it and there won’t be any problems.”


Failing the Vibe Check

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Another person said: “Well this comment section did not pass the vibe check. There should be a line between free speech and hate speech. Harassing minorities isn’t okay. Why are you so hung up on being allowed to do that?”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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