“Worse Than a Mob Boss” – Experts Are Horrified Over Trump’s Treatment of Judges

Once again, former President Donald Trump is firmly in the eye of a political storm. He is currently navigating a maze of legal confrontations, and he is the focal point of debate. Experts and the public alike have been sharing their views on the situation. Some have even compared him to a “mob boss” in terms of his behavior. 

Legal Challenges Galore

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The former president is currently facing multiple legal challenges amid a heated presidential campaign. The situation is so sensitive that even the typically untouchable judges and prosecutors aren’t free from scrutiny. In the legal community, many people are concerned about this situation, reflecting the gravity of his challenges.


Gag Orders and Social Media Outbursts

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Previously, the judges in the New York and Washington, D.C. cases placed gag orders on Trump. Naturally, he became quite frustrated with this situation. However, the D.C. judge recently decided to lift one of these gag orders temporarily. Without missing a beat, Trump expressed his exasperation on Truth Social, claiming, “There is NO WAY I can get a fair trial on a Biden, Election Interference Indictment, in D.C.”


Judges Under Fire

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The severity of Trump’s criticisms hasn’t gone unnoticed. Nancy Gertner, who is a retired judge and a Harvard Law School lecturer, didn’t hold back in her critique. She voiced her apprehensions, saying, “Trump’s attacks on judges poison the civil atmosphere.” The very essence of judicial impartiality, she believes, is under siege.


System At Risk

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Gertner’s concerns don’t stop there. She appeared genuinely troubled by the open critiques aimed at judges by Trump, especially before significant trials commenced. In her eyes, such actions have the potential to significantly affect our judicial infrastructure, leaving room for bias and allowing public sentiment to sway judicial proceedings.


Judges and Threats

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The ripple effects of Trump’s comments are far-reaching. In a particularly concerning incident, Judge Chutkan received a message from a Texan woman who threatened Chutkajn’s life. This came shortly after Trump had mentioned Chutkan on social media. As such, many people are critical of Trump’s attitudes towards the legal system.


A Concerning Post About Milley

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Additionally, Trump faced backlash for his post about retired General Mark Milley. Trump was direct in his criticism, asserting, “This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been death!” Many perceived this as a not-so-subtle threat and that he wished for Milley to be executed for what Trump saw as his ‘crimes.’


New York Judge Steps In

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Judge Arthur Engoron from New York intervened after Trump’s controversial post regarding his court staff. The judge said he felt compelled to address the situation, stating, “Personal attacks of any member of my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate and I will not tolerate them.” This came after Trump referred to special counsel Jack Smith as “deranged,” along with criticisms of other judicial staff.


Society’s Fabric Torn?

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The implications of Trump’s words run deep, and many legal experts are alarmed. Former New York judge Richard Holwell expressed his concerns regarding how these words will affect public perception of the judicial system. He said, “When you have a former president calling judges corrupt and crooked, it tends to rend the fabric of our society and the judicial system.”


Trump Testing Boundaries

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Trump’s actions during his legal challenges have many wondering about his motives. Ex-New York Court of Appeals judge Robert Smith gave their perspective on Trump’s attitude, stating he acts “like a petulant nine-year-old. He also said that “as often with Trump, he’s testing the boundaries of what he can get away with by acting in such bizarre ways.”


Trump’s Autocratic Tendencies

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Jamie Raskin, who is an expert in constitutional law, offered a critical view on Trump’s approach to the legal system. Raskin said, “Trump’s relationship to the law and the justice system is straight out of the autocrat’s playbook. He’s incapable of seeing judges acting in anything other than completely personal and political ways.” 


A Fused Agenda

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Raskin also discussed Trump’s behavior in further detail, discussing how personal motives and political strategy are connected. He stated, “The law and justice system are just a favor bank in the Trump world. He’s like a mob boss. For him, a judge is either a lackey in his pocket or his sworn enemy. Trump’s legal and political agendas are fused at this point.”


Trump’s Ultimate Goal

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Additionally, Raskin voiced concerns about Trump’s intentions if he returns to power. Suggesting a scenario where Trump uses victory as a shield from legal repercussions, he mentioned, “His whole strategy is to avoid a reckoning with justice before the election.” Raskin warned that Trump’s victory could be his “ultimate safe haven from the legal consequences of his prior crimes.”


A Strategy to Delay?

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Former federal prosecutor Paul Rosenzweig shared his perspective on Trump’s ongoing legal tactics. He highlighted that Trump’s arguments appear weak from a legal standpoint. Rosenzweig said, “They’re designed to be catnip for his supporters,” hinting at a possible strategy to rally his base and buy time by delaying legal processes.


Long-Overdue Realizations?

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However, it was not simply legal professionals who shared their reactions. One member of the public exclaimed in frustration, “They’re just noticing this now?! He’s been acting like a crime boss for years.” In response, another user said, “I pointed this out right from the start when they were saying the whole ‘we need a businessman in the White House. Maybe it should be run like a business nonsense. He’s going to ruin things running it Mob-style.” 


The Mob Boss Comparison

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There seems to be a consensus among some in the public that Trump’s behavior is similar to mob bosses, but one person felt this comparison might even be too generous. They said, “[It’s] worse than a mob boss. I don’t think I’ve ever seen mob bosses openly and publicly calling for attacks against prosecutors, judges, and juries the way he has.”


A Disservice to Mob Bosses?

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Another user chimed in with a bit of irony, “It’s always been a bit insulting to mob bosses when they are compared to Trump. When you’re talking La Costra Nostra, those guys didn’t get there by being dumb… It’s why most monsters didn’t get convicted of the actual crimes, rather RICO, which is more or less, guilty by association. Oh, the irony, Rudy.”


The Justice System in Question

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However, this case has led to doubts about the justice system. As one deeply concerned user stated, “What alarms me the most are the lack of consequences for Trump. It shows that our system of justice is weak and corrupt.” Other users agreed, saying, “Nothing will happen to Trump. Just like nothing will happen to Biden. This is all to get Trump to be unable to run for president.”


Skepticism of the Media

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But there’s also skepticism about the media’s role, with another person suggesting, “Or…maybe, just maybe, there are no consequences because hyperbolic media stories aren’t how courts of law work.” This debate between public perception and reality underscores the growing divide in public opinion. Some appear to support Trump, while others are passionately critical of him.

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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