“Donald Trump Must Die in Prison”: Outspoken Journalist Ignites Firestorm With Trump Comment

Dean Obeidallah, a journalist, has made headlines with a provocative statement about Donald Trump. Obeidallah claimed the former president “must die in prison.”

A Bold Statement for Democracy

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Obeidallah argued that holding Trump accountable through imprisonment is crucial to protect democracy in the United States. He said: “That’s why I think Donald Trump, or anyone else who commits a coup, must die in jail – because either we’re going to protect the democratic republic or we’re going to allow people to chip away at our democracy.”


Establishing a Precedent

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Obeidallah believes that if an example is made of Trump, it will become clear to the public that attempting a coup or undermining democracy will result in severe consequences. He said that this precedent is essential. He said: “That’s why I’m so passionate about, like with every fiber of my being, that Donald Trump has to live out his natural days, his last days of natural life, in a prison cell.”


The Importance of Preserving Democracy

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In Obeidallah’s view, the choice is clear –  either protect the democratic republic or allow individuals like Trump to chip away at its foundations. He made sure to highlight the importance of upholding the nation’s values and institutions by advocating for Trump’s incarceration.


Not a Call for Violence

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Obeidallah clarified that his call for Trump’s imprisonment was not an endorsement of violence against the former president. Rather, he hopes that a lengthy prison term would serve as a deterrent against future attempts to subvert democracy. Given that Trump has been charged with almost 100 felonies, and that he’s in his late 70s, Obeidallah’s call for him to spend the rest of his life incarcerated is hardly unreasonable.


A Life Sentence

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In the face of his four criminal indictments, Trump has consistently maintained his innocence. Obeidallah pointed to the case in Georgia and suggested that it could lead to the former president receiving a life sentence. He argued that age shouldn’t be a factor in sentencing and that attempting a coup should warrant a life sentence without the possibility of parole.


The Consequences of Attempting a Coup

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Obeidallah said: “I think Donald Trump must die in prison because I don’t care if he was 45 years old. You should get life in prison if you attempt a coup and there should be no chance of parole. I don’t care who it is.”


A Controversial Comparison

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In a separate comment, Obeidallah compared people who still support Trump to those who supported Osama Bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks. He said: “At this point, I literally view people who still support Donald Trump no different than the despicable, vile people who supported Bin Laden after 9/11,” he posted on social media.


A No-Brainer

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News of Obeidallah’s remarks was shared across social media. While opinions were divided, the majority of commenters seemed to agree with him. One person said: “[Trump] should be sentenced to 10,000 years in prison with no possibility of parole. It’s a no-brainer. Real Americans don’t want him to leave prison alive.”


We Are Doomed

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Another said: “I’m really angry that everyone on both sides is letting Trump get away with all his ridiculous spouting of lies. He wants to run for dictator, not president. Republicans in federal office are going along with him for their own agenda. I can’t help feeling that we are doomed.”


The Treasonous 45

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The majority of social media commenters continued to express agreement with Obeidallah and many said that any “real” American would agree too. “Real, patriotic Americans want the treasonous 45 to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison,” one person said.


A Right-Wing Perspective

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Responding to someone agreeing that Trump should spend the rest of his life incarcerated, one person said: “Would Biden receive a similar sentence in your kangaroo court? Or do you see him as totally innocent?”


Same Crime, Same Punishment

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Replying to the aforementioned individual, someone implied that Trump only appears to be fond of his fans because they perpetuate his lies. They wrote: “If he were guilty of the same crime, it’s the same punishment. Just because Trump loves you doesn’t mean you need to go around showing everyone why he loves you.”


A Heated Debate

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In many comment sections, debate ensued. “I don’t see the problem,” one person said in response to Obeidallah’s remarks. “You’re out of touch with the American people and God. Be careful what you wish for,” another replied. “God doesn’t see that a criminal should be punished?” a third hit back.


Out of Touch With Jesus

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Another person, replying to the aforementioned commenter claiming those in agreement with Obeidallah are out of touch, said: “The American people made their choice known at the ballot. The people who refuse to accept it are the ones out of touch. Also, if you believe in the teachings of Christ and support Donald Trump, you are completely out of touch with Jesus.”


You Can Say What You Want

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A fair few Trump supporters seemed to miss the point. “Can I also say Biden must die in prison? How about Obeidallah must die in prison? Is everyone cool with that? How about Pelosi? Oh, this is fun!” one person said. “You can say what you want. You have that right,” another replied.


Some Questionable Reporting

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Others questioned the way the story was reported. One person wrote: “The right is trying to spin this. Obeidallah didn’t say Trump should be killed. He didn’t advocate for violence. He said that Trump, who is 77 years old, should spend the rest of his life in prison if he’s convicted of 91 felonies. Why is that controversial?”


Awful, Treacherous Crimes

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A fair few echoed the aforementioned commenter. “Okay but why is this even news? Obviously Trump should spend the rest of his life in prison. He committed awful crimes, treacherous crimes, and he’s really old so won’t live long enough to get out.”


A Lack of Reading Comprehension

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Trump’s fans showcased either a lack of reading comprehension or a tendency to look at headlines without conducting any further research. One said: “So Obeidallah is inciting violence now? One rule for the left, a different rule for the right.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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