“Does He Forget His Own Daughter is Jewish?” – Uproar as Trump Seemingly Shows Support For Hitler and Hezbollah

Former President Donald Trump caused quite a stir with his recent social media post. He apparently seemed to praise the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. He also appeared to show support for Hitler. Naturally, the reactions to these comments were swift and mixed, with some people questioning Trump’s claims and others arguing his words were taken out of context.

Trump’s Bold Social Media Move

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On his platform of choice, Truth Social, Trump promoted an article titled “Hezbollah is Smart— And So is Trump.” This was despite the group being recognized as a terrorist organization by the United States in 1997. His move to align his intellect with that of a designated terror group has ruffled many feathers across the political landscape.


Trump’s Adversaries Under Fire

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The article Trump shared didn’t pull any punches when it came to his opponents. He called them “not so smart.” In making this bold statement, Trump attempted to make his supporters appear less intelligent than Hezbollah. Naturally, this comment added fuel to an already fiery political discourse.


The Provocative Substance of the Article

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However, the criticisms about the article weren’t just about the title of Trump’s shared piece. The article itself painted a more provocative picture of global affairs and America. The statements it contained appeared to escalate tensions from both sides of the political spectrum. As such, it provoked many people to criticize Trump.


Rationalizing the Praise for Hezbollah

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The controversial article was designed to be a response to the Trump faced for previously praising Hezbollah. It took aim at his GOP rivals, bluntly stating that “truly evil figures in world history … were hardly dumb.” The article suggested there was a need to acknowledge the cunning of such individuals regardless of their moral standing.


Historical Villains Cited as Intelligent

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As the article Trump supported explored history, it listed notorious dictators, including Hitler, as having intelligence. To nobody’s surprise, this point was particularly inflammatory. Critics argued that it compared the moral horror of their actions with Trump appearing to acknowledge their strategic minds.


Trump Praises Controversial Figures’ Intelligence

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Jeffrey Lord wrote the article. He claims “Not one of them,” the notorious dictators,  were “dumb.” This is a bold claim that acknowledges their strategic skills and cruel methods to gain and maintain power. This narrative makes intelligence appear as a tool used for both good and evil, with a strong emphasis on the latter in historical contexts.


Administration Challenges Trump’s Apparent Endorsements

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The reaction from the current White House was immediate and pointed. The Biden/Harris team questioned if Trump was trying to align himself with the intelligence of figures like Hitler just to make a point against his critics. This line of questioning set the stage for a broader debate on language within the political field.


A Pattern of Doubling Down

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Critics are highlighting a pattern in Trump’s behavior, with one commentator noting, “In his mind, he can’t possibly be wrong, so he has to double down. It is the same pattern all the time.” This response echoes the sentiment that Trump’s insistence on his stance, regardless of controversy, is a predictable part of his political playbook.


Speculations on Trump’s Would-Be Decisions

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Regarding Trump’s hypothetical handling of international events, one user speculated, “On the left, you have anti-semites, and on the right, more of the same or isolationists. I do wonder what Trump’s response to October 7 would have been, given his tough stance on Iran.” Another user said, “He really doesn’t know when to stop talking.” 


Evoking Historical Evil

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One of the more heated comments included, “The Orange Clown is the dumbest person ever to live. Hitler was evil!” Similarly, another user said, “REALLY, and his foolish followers still support him—how sick and sad for America.” Clearly, many people are very angry about Trump’s comments and his apparent support for dictators.


The Embarrassment Allegation

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Other users were more critical of the MAGA group and Trump’s supporters. In particular, one user said, “Trump and his supporters are such an embarrassing threat to this country.” They suggested that Trump’s supporters have tarnished America’s image tarnished by encouraging Trump’s controversial statements.


Personal Heroes and Identities

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There were also users that questioned Trump’s apparent choice of endorsement., “Yes, Hitler is a personal hero of Idiot Trump’s. Yes, and he’s still stupid and crazy.” It seems that many people felt confused by Trump’s comments and his personal connections to the Jewish community through his family.


Speaking Truth as a Danger

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From a conservative Jewish perspective, one comment read, “See, saying things that are true are now dangerous. I am Jewish, people in the US really dislike me not only for that but for being conservative.” This points to a feeling of alienation and the aggressive climate of American politics.


Intelligence and Atrocity

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Another user said, “Does anyone believe, for one second, that someone could achieve that level of horror by being dumb? Yes, the man was looney tunes. Yes, he was smart. Too smart.” They brought light to the uncomfortable truth that intelligence does not always equate to moral goodness.


Family Ties Overlooked

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There were also users who questioned Trump’s sensitivity towards his own family. In particular, one user said, “Does the Orange One forget that his daughter, Ivanka, and her husband are Jewish? Shows how little he actually cares for his own family.” Others echoed this idea, questioning how Trump can make such controversial statements given his family.


Mental State Under Scrutiny

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Commenters also questioned Trump’s mental state. Many users were quick to suggest that Trump may be suffering from numerous mental issues., “Truly unbelievable what things come out of his mouth. I think he’s going crazy.” This was an idea echoed by many individuals who questioned the former president’s stability.


Bigotry and Racism in Conservative Ranks

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One user posed the challenge: “Why don’t conservatives simply own the fact that they are perfectly fine with bigotry and racism? They’re not fooling anyone.” Another user agreed with this idea, saying, “And the GOP is worried about [Representative] Talib? She’s not praising Hitler. MTG needs to censor Trump.”


Calls for Confinement

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In a more direct tone, one person stated, “He is a sick man who needs to be put away to save America….he is a 100% danger to us….got it yet?” It appears that many people view Trump as a clear and present danger to the nation’s welfare. However, Trump supporters defended him by claiming these comments were taken out of context.


Assessing Moral Capability

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Additionally, some users chose to question Trump’s own morality. One user simply asked, “What a sick complete utter moron is he?” This reflected a widespread exasperation with the public over Trump’s comments. They argue that his approach to sensitive historical topics is wrong and should not be allowed.



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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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“In the Far Future, White People Won’t Exist”: Biden Says White People Will Soon Be a Minority in America

Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

President Joe Biden has boldly claimed that the United States will soon become “a minority-White European country.”

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