“They Are Both Corrupt in Their Own Unique Way”: Bill Maher Discusses Trump, Biden, and Media Bias

Bill Maher recently shared his candid views on the Joe and Hunter Biden international bribery scandal during an appearance on MSNBC. His comments have sparked debate about the role of the media, the concept of equivalency in politics, and the public’s perception of corruption. 

The Biden Bribery Scandal

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Maher did not hold back when characterizing his perspective on the Joe and Hunter Biden bribery scandal. He unreservedly labeled it as an issue that “stinks to the high heavens.” He highlighted the gravity of the alleged corruption, claiming that some segments of the media – such as MSNBC – had been hesitant to cover the Biden family’s alleged wrongdoing.


The Media’s Handling of the Biden Scandal

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In his appearance on MSNBC, Maher expressed his bewilderment at the media’s treatment of the Biden scandal in comparison to its coverage of former President Donald Trump. He rhetorically asked whether he, himself, loved everything about President Biden, and then firmly stated: “No. But I just don’t understand how they can look at what Trump did.”


Comparing Trump and Biden

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Maher’s commentary touched on the ongoing debate about drawing equivalencies between the actions of Trump and Biden. He argued that this case presented unique challenges to the concept of “whataboutism.” Maher asserted that some actions were incomparable and that the situations involving Trump and Biden fell into that category, making it difficult to equate them on moral or ethical grounds.


The Media’s Role

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The role of the media in covering political scandals was a central theme in Maher’s statements. He suggested that if Donald Trump Jr. had engaged in activities similar to those attributed to Hunter Biden, it would have dominated headlines daily. Maher raised concerns about perceived media bias, emphasizing the importance of unbiased and consistent reporting, regardless of political affiliations.


The Public’s Perception

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Maher’s remarks also pointed to the broader issue of how political scandals are perceived by the general population. The contrast in media coverage and public reactions to Trump’s controversies versus those involving the Bidens reflects the deeply divided political landscape in the United States. Maher’s commentary highlighted the challenge of finding common ground and objective analysis in a polarized environment.


The Internet Responded

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News of Maher’s words was shared across the internet and people were largely critical. Commenters agreed that Trump and Biden’s controversies were incompatible but often disagreed with Maher’s accusation of left-wing media bias.


The GOP’s Campaign

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One commenter said: “[I] always respected Bill Maher’s honesty and objectivity but [I] have to disagree with him on this one. The real scandal here is the GOP’s campaign of stories to make the Bidens look corrupt without a shred of evidence.”


The Real Scandal

Funny surprised fat man
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The commenter continued: “This takes slander to a criminal level. Every one of James Comer’s bombshells blew up in his face. He finally had to admit he had no evidence but he was hoping he could find some. That’s the real scandal here.”


Republicans and Real Corruption

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Others echoed the aforementioned commenter. One person said: “Real corruption occurs when government officials subvert the law to their own ends. Republicans are completely corrupt and reprehensible.”


Ignoring the Law of the Land

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The commenter continued: “Hunter Biden [did absolutely nothing in] comparison to what the Republicans are doing. Hunter is just making money. The Republicans are misruling and ignoring the law of the land and the constitution.”


They Have Nothing on Hunter

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Another said: “They have been looking into this Hunter thing since 2015 and they still have nothing. Every day they say we have this or that – and still nothing. Makes you think it’s just better to claim something with no factual evidence just to keep it in the news.”


Trumps vs. Biden

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Others called on people to stop comparing the Trumps and the Bidens. One individual said: “What’s to compare? One has nothing to do with the other. They are both corrupt in their own unique and especially evil way.”


Trump and the Supreme Court

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Another person said: “Hunter Biden is not an appointed, elected, or public official of any kind. He is a private citizen and should be treated as such. If he gets convicted, so be it. If Joe Biden is found to be connected, then proceed from there. But Trump and the Supreme Court have political corruption tied up.”


Exposing All “Criminals”

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Some people wholeheartedly agreed with Maher. One person said: “As I have said before, I am not always a Maher fan but he is 100% correct on this and I thank him for having the guts to say it. All scum needs to be exposed – no matter what side they are on!”


A Typical Interview

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Others found Maher’s words to be unsurprising. “Interesting interview but very typical. Accuse Hunter of a terrible scandal but don’t provide the evidence. Words are cheap, Bill –  and you should know that. You lost one job because of it,” one person wrote.


Provide the Evidence

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The commenter continued: “Provide the evidence, the definite evidence, not ‘he did this and that.’ Ken Buck, who is on the inside of this information, states that the Senate should be working on issues that help the American people – not false accusations. Buck states that there is no strong evidence connecting President Biden and his son in any bribery scandal.”


The Saudi Government

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Another said: “The thing that stinks to high heavens is Bill Maher. Trump’s son-in-law’s business relationship with the Saudi government – that is real corruption. Cocaine in the white house… didn’t you visit that week?”


Comer and Jordan Make Stuff Up

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Others talked about the lack of evidence of the Biden scandal, even mentioning that some Republicans admit it. One person said: “Even Republican senators say there is no real evidence of any wrongdoing. No scandal, just Comer and Jordan making stuff up.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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