“Lies, Bad-Faith, and Gaslighting” – Fury As Governor Sanders Bans “Woke” Words

Arkansas Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders made a bold move, taking a stance on the language used in government spaces. She signed an executive order and set new guidelines for government employees and official documents. This decision has become the talk of the nation, with opinions divided and emotions running high.

Sanders Speaks Out

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Governor Sanders addressed the nation. “We’ve had enough,” she stated, elaborating, “Enough trying to erase women and girls, enough denying our biological differences from men.” She argued that she believes these are core values, though some argue it undermines inclusivity efforts.


The Aim of the Order

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Sanders clarified the reasons behind this law by expressing her frustration with what she calls “nonsense words.” She believes these terms “erase women and girls” and, more than that, “erase our voices and experiences.” However, supporters of the terms argue they are simply trying to be inclusive of all gender identities.


Conservative Concerns

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This year has seen a rise in conservative voices challenging what they term the “woke” agenda. This includes not only language concerns but also broader issues. Some conservatives are questioning policies related to the LGBTQ+ community, like allowing transgender women to compete in female sports. 


Words Banned and Alternatives

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Governor Sanders has taken a clear stance on certain phrases. Her order specifically outlines that “pregnant mom” should be used, not “pregnant people.” “Chestfeeding” is to be replaced with “breastfeeding.” Instead of “Human milk,” the appropriate term is “breast milk.” Rather than “Birthing person,” use “birth mom.” And finally, instead of “Menstruating person,” the term “woman” is preferred.


Official Statement

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In an official statement, Sanders wrote, “All state offices, departments, boards, and commissions are prohibited from using exclusionary, sexist language in official state government business, effective immediately.” Some Arkansas residents support the measures for upholding traditional language and values, while others see it as a direct attack on free speech.


Gender-Neutral Controversy Explored

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Governor Sanders’ decision to ban certain terms in favor of more traditional language sheds light on the growing controversy surrounding gender-neutral terms. Some supporters favoring these measures claimed it was “Enough of the craziness that is taking over our country.” They argue that these terms negatively affect women and girls.


Poll Insights

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A recent Newsweek poll showed the generational divide in attitudes towards language. Half of Gen Z respondents resisted using the word “guys” as a collective term for males and females in a professional setting. The other 50% saw it as an overreaction or believed in preserving traditional language use.


Sacha Thompson Weighs In

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Sacha Thompson from The Equity Equation took the discussion deeper by challenging the societal norms of language. She asked, “Would there be the same gender-neutral positioning if a mixed-gendered group was referred to as ‘gals’ or ‘ladies’? I’m sure some men would take offense.” 


More than Just a Policy Change

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Reactions to the news ranged from supportive to accusatory. One user said, “Banning woke language??? She must have another scandal that needs burying.” Another user shared the same feeling, stating, “She’s just mad that she got caught red-handed embezzling money for her friends to go to Paris.”


Freedom of Speech?

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Some users also question the legality of this law. Many argued it was an attack on First Amendment rights. One user said, “All they do is claim “muh free speech.” Yet here is the government literally attempting to ban speech. Which is, you know, specifically what the first amendment prevents […] Someone make the nonsense stop.”


GOP Criticism

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One user criticized the GOP for these rules, saying, “Lies, whatabout, strawman, bad-faith, and gaslighting: the entire repertoire of the GOP stance. They are utterly incapable of justifying their behavior. They must increasingly demonize the other to overshadow their incremental horrendousness.”


“Woke” Term Debate

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Recently, the Republican Party has been directly targeting policies that it considers ‘woke,’ such as using the ‘banned’ words. “In my experience, anyone who uses the term ‘woke’ in a negative connotation is a racist, homophobic, hateful person,” said one user passionately, criticizing the proposed law.


Federal Government’s Role

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The action taken by Governor Sanders has raised questions about the federal government’s position. Many are curious if there will be an intervention or a statement. “Banning language. You’d think our federal government might have something to say about that,” one user pointed out. However, there has been only silence from the federal government so far.


Accusations Fly

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Many are not holding back their feelings as the controversy continues to heat up. “When everything you say and do is a lie, that’s a Republican,” claimed a user. Another user agreed, saying, “Sarah really shouldn’t talk about other people being crazy.” One user also suggested that the Republican Party was being hypocritical, saying, “These are the same exact people that say Twitter shouldn’t prevent speech, despite them literally not being a government entity.”


Supporting Sanders’ Intentions

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Despite the criticism, many stand firmly behind Governor Sanders. One local resident said, “She’s speaking for us silent folk. We’re tired of this craziness, and Sanders is upholding our values. She’s a real American.” Supporters agree with her commitment to preserving women’s rights in the face of a changing society.


Valuing Traditional Standards

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Others praise Sanders for her courage in maintaining traditional standards. One commenter said, “Everything seems to be moving so quickly today, and it’s nice someone’s finally standing up for our traditional values. No more of that liberal nonsense.” Some feel that Sanders’ move will help to counter what they see as ‘wokeness.’


Addressing Equality

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Some people also raised questions about gender equality. One user challenged Sanders’s stance by saying, “I wonder if woke language includes that a woman should be able to work and earn equal pay? If it does, then maybe she should resign and lead by example.” It’s clear that the executive order is touching on broader issues of equality and rights.


The Big Picture

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Governor Sanders’s move has ignited a nationwide conversation about the limits of freedom of speech, the rights of gender and minority groups, and the role of government in dictating language. As the nation watches the unfolding events and debates, many wonder how this will affect future governance and societal norms. It is clear that Arkansas is undergoing a huge change.

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