Talk Blunders: 18 Words That Make Listeners Roll Their Eyes Instantly

There are certain words or phrases that many of us consider irritating or excessively repeated, sometimes to the point where we cease to take the speaker seriously. Here we explore some of these expressions that, when uttered, could potentially lead listeners to dismiss the rest of your dialogue.


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“When people use ‘literally’ incorrectly, I stop paying attention to what they’re saying.”

“I cringe when someone says ‘literally’ when they mean ‘figuratively.'”

“It makes people sound ignorant and uneducated.”


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“Irregardless is not a word, and I lose respect for anyone who uses it.”

“If someone says ‘irregardless,’ I immediately question their intelligence.”

“Using ‘irregardless’ instead of ‘regardless’ just sounds unprofessional.”


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“When people use ‘utilize’ instead of ‘use,’ it makes them sound pretentious.”

“I find it annoying when someone says ‘utilize’ just to sound more intelligent.”

“Choosing ‘utilize’ over ‘use’ seems unnecessary and excessive.”


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“I can’t stand it when people use ‘like’ as a filler word multiple times in a sentence.”

“Overusing ‘like’ makes it difficult to take someone seriously.”

“If someone constantly says ‘like,’ I tend to lose interest in their conversation.”

To Be Honest

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“Starting a sentence with ‘to be honest’ makes me question if everything else they said was a lie.”

“Using ‘to be honest’ can make someone seem insincere.”

“I wonder why someone needs to clarify their honesty if they say ‘to be honest.'”

Very Unique

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“‘Unique’ means one-of-a-kind, so adding ‘very’ is redundant and nonsensical.”

“Saying ‘very unique’ shows a lack of understanding of the word ‘unique.'”

“I can’t take someone seriously if they say something is ‘very unique.'”


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“When people use ‘exponential’ without understanding its meaning, it’s hard to take them seriously.”

“I find it annoying when someone uses ‘exponential’ to describe a rapid increase, rather than its mathematical meaning.”

“Misusing ‘exponential’ can make someone seem uninformed.”

I Could Care Less

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“The correct phrase is ‘I couldn’t care less,’ so when people say ‘I could care less,’ it’s irritating.”

“Using ‘I could care less’ instead of ‘I couldn’t care less’ changes the meaning and makes the speaker seem careless.”

“I immediately disregard someone’s opinion if they say ‘I could care less.'”


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“The correct word is ‘supposedly,’ so when someone says ‘supposably,’ I can’t take them seriously.”

“Using ‘supposably’ instead of ‘supposedly’ just sounds uneducated.”

“I cringe when I hear someone say ‘supposably’ instead of ‘supposedly.'”


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“When someone refers to themselves as an ‘influencer,’ I instantly lose interest in what they’re saying.”


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“It’s ‘espresso,’ not ‘expresso.’ Hearing someone say ‘expresso’ makes me question their knowledge of coffee.”

“Using ‘expresso’ instead of ‘espresso’ just sounds uneducated.”

“I can’t take someone seriously if they say ‘expresso’ instead of ‘espresso.'”

No Offense

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“When people say ‘no offense,’ it usually means they’re about to say something offensive.”

“I find it annoying when someone says ‘no offense’ as a preface to an insult.”

“Using ‘no offense’ tends to make the speaker come across as passive-aggressive.”

Per Se

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“When people use ‘per se’ without fully understanding its meaning, I lose respect for their argument.”

“Using ‘per se’ incorrectly can make someone sound pretentious.”

“I tend to disregard a person’s opinion if they misuse ‘per se.'”


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“The words ‘guess’ and ‘estimate’ have different meanings, so using ‘guesstimate’ is just confusing.”

“When someone uses ‘guesstimate,’ I can’t take their calculation seriously.”

“I find ‘guesstimate’ to be an irritating and unnecessary word.”


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“Overusing ‘epic’ to describe anything and everything makes it lose its impact.”

“I find it annoying when someone says something is ‘epic’ when it’s really just average.”

“Constantly using ‘epic’ can make someone seem immature or insincere.”


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“When people use ‘adulting’ to describe everyday tasks, it sounds childish and irritating.”

“I find it annoying when someone says they’re ‘adulting’ when they mean they’re doing normal, responsible things.”

“Using ‘adulting’ makes it seem like the person is trying too hard to be relatable.”

On Fleek

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“The phrase ‘on fleek’ sounds dated and overused.”

“I can’t take someone seriously if they still use ‘on fleek’ to describe something as perfect or well-done.”

“When someone says ‘on fleek,’ it’s hard for me to believe they’re up-to-date with current trends.”


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“Overusing ‘cringe’ to describe anything even slightly awkward dilutes the meaning of the word.”

“When someone constantly calls things ‘cringe,’ it makes them seem judgmental and hard to please.”

“Using ‘cringe’ as a go-to descriptor can come across as immature or mean-spirited.”


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“I find it annoying when people use ‘problematic’ to describe any minor issue or disagreement.”

“When someone overuses ‘problematic,’ it can make them seem overly critical or pessimistic.”

“The word ‘problematic’ has become overused and lost some of its impact as a result.”


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“The term ‘bae’ can sound immature and dated.”

“When someone refers to their partner as ‘bae,’ it can make their relationship seem less serious or genuine.”

“Using ‘bae’ instead of ‘boyfriend,’ ‘girlfriend,’ or another term can come across as trying too hard to be trendy.”

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