When we think of hygiene today, we often take for granted the modern conveniences and products that keep us clean and fresh. However, there was a time when our ancestors relied on peculiar and cringe-worthy techniques to maintain personal hygiene. In this article, we invite you to take a journey back in time and explore 18 vintage hygiene techniques that will undoubtedly make you cringe.
The Deadly Beauty Trend: Lead-Based Makeup
“People used makeup that was made of lead and made your face fall off.”
Beauty trends from the past weren’t always safe. People once used makeup that contained lead, a poisonous substance that can cause severe health problems, including skin damage. Let this remind you that you should always check the ingredients of our beauty products!
The Risky Eye Enhancer: Deadly Nightshade
“Women used a poisonous plant to make their pupils bigger.”
Women in the past used a plant called deadly nightshade to make their pupils appear larger, a look that they thought was attractive. However, this plant is highly toxic and could cause serious harm. This highlights the importance of prioritizing safety over beauty trends.
The Unwanted Guests: Hair Vermin
“People’s hair sometimes attracted vermin – because they basically never washed it.”
In the past, people didn’t wash their hair as often as we do today, which sometimes led to vermin infestation. Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential to keep our bodies clean and healthy.
The Troubling Tonic: Morphine Syrup for Children
“In the early 20th century, children were given morphine in syrup form.”
Doctors once gave morphine, a strong painkiller, to children in syrup form. While this might have helped treat pain, it also posed serious risks as children could easily become addicted to it. This reminds us to always ensure that medications are safe and suitable for children.
The Unusual Alternative: Moss for Menstruation
“Women used moss during menstruation instead of pads.”
Before pads and tampons were invented, women used moss during menstruation. Thank goodness we’re not living like that anymore! Instead, most women have access to safe and effective menstrual products. Hooray for scientific advancements!
The Floral Deodorant: Flowers to Mask Odor
“People carried flowers to mask how bad they smelled.”
In the past, when daily bathing wasn’t common, people used flowers to mask their body odor. You would think it’d be easier to just take a bath…but no. At this time, many people did not recognize the importance of regular bathing.
The Terrifying Surgical Standards: Unsanitized Implements
“Surgical implements were not washed or sanitized.”
Before modern medical standards were established, surgical tools weren’t always cleaned properly. This could lead to infections and other complications, which would naturally cause more problems than it would solve.
The Hazardous Remedy: Mercury for Herpes
“Mercury was used as a cure for herpes.”
Mercury, a toxic substance, was once used as a treatment for herpes. This highlights the progress we’ve made in medical science and the need for safe and effective treatments for all conditions.
The Harsh Healing Process: Wound Cauterization
“Wounds were cauterized to close them. Yes, that means they were BURNED CLOSED.”
In the past, wounds were often cauterized or burned closed to stop bleeding. While this could be effective, it was also very painful. We’re very grateful for modern medicine and pain management techniques!
The Desperate Pest Control: Kerosene Bed Wipes
“People wiped their beds with kerosene to try to stop the spread of bed bugs.”
Bed bugs were a common problem in the past, and people would wipe their beds with kerosene to try to get rid of them. Unfortunately, this could cause numerous problems, including the fact that kerosene is flammable and would easily catch on fire.
The Bizarre Cure: Honey-Mummified Cadaver Consumption
“People would consume pieces of cadavers that had been mummified in honey as a cure.”
People once believed that consuming pieces of bodies preserved in honey could cure various ailments. While this may sound strange and disturbing to us now, it shows how medical understanding has evolved over time.
The Unusual Use of Mummies: Powder for Various Cures
“Arabs in the 12th century used mummy powder for all sorts of things.”
In the 12th century, Arabs used powder made from mummies for a variety of purposes. These included inside and outside of the body, as well as a household cleaner. Gross!
The Horrifying Diet Aid: Tapeworms
“Tapeworms were used as a diet aid.”
In the past, people sometimes used tapeworms as a method of weight loss. Of course, using a tapeworm would help people lose weight – but it would also cause people to become very sick. It could even lead to some women’s abdomens becoming distended, so they wouldn’t stay thin for a long time.
The Grossest Hair Cure: Chicken Poop for Baldness
“One way to ‘cure’ baldness was chicken poop.”
People once believed that chicken poop could cure baldness. They would rub a combination of chicken poop and potassium on the affected area to try and stimulate hair growth. As you might have guessed, it didn’t work!
The Radioactive Hair Products: Radium-Infused
“People used hair products with radium in them.”
In the early 20th century, radium was a popular ingredient in hair products, despite its harmful effects. If anything, these products had the opposite effect, as radiation can cause people’s hair to fall out.
The Bizarre Birth Control: Beaver Parts Potion
“Women drank a potion made from beavers’ male parts as birth control.”
Women once drank a potion made from beaver parts as a form of birth control. While this might sound strange to us now, it shows how far we’ve come in developing safe and effective birth control methods.
The Disgusting Pain Relief: Eagle Dung During Labor
“Medieval women were given eagle dung to ease their pain during labor.”
Medieval women were given eagle dung to ease their pain during childbirth. They took this unusual pain relief along with oil and vinegar.
The Strangest Dental Paste: Mouse Brains for Teeth Cleaning
“Ancient Romans used mouse brains to brush their teeth.”
Ancient Romans believed that using mouse brains could help clean their teeth. They mixed the brains along with baking soda to create a paste. They would then use this paste to brush their teeth. Funnily enough, we still use baking soda in toothpaste today – although, thankfully, there are no mouse brains in it!
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